Eigen::FullPivLU<RowMajorMatrixXf> luOfAtOmegaAReg(AtOmegaAReg_Eigen); // Calculate the full-pivoting LU decomposition of the regularized AtA. Note: We could also try FullPivHouseholderQR if our system is non-minimal (i.e. there are more constraints than unknowns).
Eigen::FullPivLU<RowMajorMatrixXf> luOfAtOmegaAReg(AtOmegaAReg_Eigen); // Calculate the full-pivoting LU decomposition of the regularized AtA. Note: We could also try FullPivHouseholderQR if our system is non-minimal (i.e. there are more constraints than unknowns).
float threshold = std::abs(luOfAtOmegaAReg.maxPivot()) * luOfAtOmegaAReg.threshold(); // originaly "2 * ..." but I commented it out
RowMajorMatrixXf AtARegInv_EigenFullLU = luOfAtOmegaAReg.inverse(); // Note: We should use ::solve() instead
RowMajorMatrixXf AtARegInv_EigenFullLU = luOfAtOmegaAReg.inverse(); // Note: We should use ::solve() instead
Mat AtOmegaARegInvFullLU(AtARegInv_EigenFullLU.rows(), AtARegInv_EigenFullLU.cols(), CV_32FC1, AtARegInv_EigenFullLU.data()); // create an OpenCV Mat header for the Eigen data
Mat AtOmegaARegInvFullLU(AtARegInv_EigenFullLU.rows(), AtARegInv_EigenFullLU.cols(), CV_32FC1, AtARegInv_EigenFullLU.data()); // create an OpenCV Mat header for the Eigen data
Matc_s=-AtOmegaARegInv*AtOmegatb;// Note/Todo: We get coefficients ~ N(0, sigma) I think. They are not multiplied with the eigenvalues.
Matc_s=-AtOmegaARegInv*AtOmegatb;// Note/Todo: We get coefficients ~ N(0, sigma) I think. They are not multiplied with the eigenvalues.