Commit 38a1b959 authored by icyrizard's avatar icyrizard

worked on scriptie

parent 398ca70b
scriptie.tex: title.tex fsb.tex area_api.tex references.bbl
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\section{Area API}
\label{sec: area_api}
# Terms
Map: digital terrain map (DTM)
Projected map: inundation map projected/transformed to WGS84/EPSG:3857
(e.g. Google Maps) projection system
# Area List
GET /area/list.json
{"stat": "ok",
"areas": [
{"area_id": 1,
"name": "Science Park",
"center": [52.347185, 4.9370885],
"corners": [[52.334349, 4.904065], [52.334349, 4.970112],
[52.360021, 4.970112], [52.360021, 4.904065]],
"visbounds": [52.360021000000003, 4.9701120000000003,
52.334349000000003, 4.9040650000000001]}
- "center" is the center point coordinate of the map, in latitude
and longitude
- "corners" contains 4 pairs of numbers showing the WGS84 coordinate of the
four corners of the area, in latitude and longitude
- coordinates in the "corners" correspond to the coordinate of
the lower left, lower right, upper right, and upper left corners
of the area, consecutively
- "visbounds" contains 4 numbers representing the WGS84 coordinate of
north, east, south, west in latitude or longitude for laying out the
projected flooding image
# Area List (query)
GET /area/list.json?bounds=north,east,south,west
# Area Info
GET /area/<area_id>/info.json
{"stat": "ok",
"area_id": 1,
"name": "Science Park",
"center": [52.347185, 4.9370885],
"corners": [[52.334349, 4.904065], [52.334349, 4.970112],
[52.360021, 4.970112], [52.360021, 4.904065]],
"size": [880, 565],
"extents": [[0, 0], [0, 0]],
"projection": "...",
"visbounds": [52.360021000000003, 4.9701120000000003,
52.334349000000003, 4.9040650000000001],
"vissize": [880, 565],
"dikes": [[[lat1, lng1], [lat2, lng2], [lat3, lng3], [lat4, lng4]],
[[lat5, lng5], [lat6, lng6], [lat7, lng7], [lat8, lng8]]]
- "corners" contains 4 pairs of numbers showing the WGS84 coordinate of
the four corners of the area in latitude and longitude
- "size" shows width and height of the DTM and Inudation Zones Map
- "center" is the center point WGS84 coordinate of the map, in latitude
and longitude
- "extents" contains 2 pairs of numbers showing the coordinate of
the lower left and upper right corner of the map in its original
projection unit
- "projection" contains projection parameter of the map in WKT format
- "visbounds" contains 4 numbers representing the WGS84 coordinate of
north, east, south, west in latitude or longitude for laying out the
projected flooding image in this area
- "vissize" is the size of projected flooding image in this area.
Because of the projection, the flooding image may have different size
compared to the original DTM/Inundation Zones size
- "dikes" contains a list of closed polygons described by a list of
WGS84 coordinates which shows the region of the dikes in the area
# Digital Terrain Map
GET /area/<area_id>/topography.txt
GET /area/<area_id>/topography.txt.gz
# Inundation Zones Map
GET /area/<area_id>/zones.txt
GET /area/<area_id>/zones.txt.gz
# Coordinate to Inundation Zone id mapping
GET /area/<area_id>/izid.json?latlng=<LAT>,<LNG>
{"stat": "ok",
"area_id": 1,
"latlng": [52.347185, 4.9370885],
"izid": 12345}
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
title = "Appcelerator, \url{}",
url = "\url{}",
title = "Why you should stay away from appcelerator titanium \\
\url{} \\
\url{why-you-should-stay-away-from-appcelerators-titanium/} ",
url = "\url{}",
author = "A. Dallera" ,
title = "CSS3 Support, \url{}",
url = "\url{}",
title = "designing-touch",
author = "Clark, J.",
year = "2012",
url = "\url{}",
note = "Retrieved March 31, 2012"
title = "jQuery Mobile, \url{}",
url = "\url{}",
title = "PhoneGap, \url{}",
url = "\url{}",
title = "Sencha Touch, \url{}",
url = "\url{}",
title = "Siege, \url{}",
url = "\url{}",
% John Clark 2012 on February 01, 2012
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage[margin=2.5cm, nohead]{geometry}
\usepackage{palatino, url, multicol}
\usepackage{amssymb, graphicx, fancyhdr, latexsym, url, verbatim}
\usepackage{algorithm, algorithmic}
%\usepackage{subfigure} % has to be loaded after caption to prevent clash Commented, because subfig is the newer (and presumably
% better) version of subfigure...
\newcommand{\projectName}{Flood Simulation Browser\xspace}
% xspace only puts a space where we want one!
\rhead{\small F.S.B.}
%\cfoot{\footnotesize \textit{ \projectAbbreviation}\\[0.1cm] \small \thepage}
The end product of this project is an multi-platform application, designed specifically for tablets, that will aid the urban flood project in viewing simulated floods. The current implementation this application is done on a multi-touch table which is not easily portable. To reach to goal of mobility and to be able to reach more public, tablets have the same interaction features as the multi-touch table and are therefore chosen to reach this goal. This project involves an investigation for the best possible tools to implement such an application. A side objective is to test how many peers the back-end server can handle at ones. This will also be reported in this document.
\ No newline at end of file
\HRule \\[0.2cm]
{ \huge \LARGE \textbf{\projectName}\\[0.1cm]
\HRule \\[0.4cm]
\Large \today
\textbf{Supervisor:} & \textbf{Executive:} \\
Robert Belleman - U.v.A & Richard Torenvliet \\
& stdnmr: 6138861 \\
& email:
\ No newline at end of file
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