Commit e19fada3 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

ImProc ass3: Found Waldo.

parent aa0dbb3f
#!/usr/bin/env python
from numpy import zeros
from matplotlib.pyplot import imread, imshow, show
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplot, imread, imshow, show, plot
from intersect import col2bin, domainIterator, colHist, histogramIntersect
from scipy.ndimage import correlate
def convolution(image, radius):
"""Calculate the convolution of an image with a specified circle radius."""
c = zeros(image.shape)
r_sq = radius ** 2
w, h = image.shape[:2]
# Loop to the square that surrounds the circle, and check if the pixel
# is inside the disk
for x, y in domainIterator(image):
circle_sum = 0.
pixels = 0
for dx in xrange(-radius, radius + 1):
for dy in xrange(-radius, radius + 1):
cx = x + dx
cy = y + dy
if cx >= 0 and cy >= 0 and cx < w and cy < h \
and dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 < r_sq:
circle_sum += image[cx, cy]
pixels += 1
# is inside the circle
r_sq = radius ** 2
mask = zeros((2 * radius + 1, 2 * radius + 1), dtype=int)
if pixels:
c[x, y] = circle_sum / pixels
for x, y in domainIterator(mask):
if (x - radius) ** 2 + (y - radius) ** 2 < r_sq:
mask[x, y] = 1
return c
return correlate(image, mask, mode='nearest')
def hbp(image, environment, bins, model, radius):
"""Create the histogram back projection of two images."""
......@@ -41,59 +28,59 @@ def hbp(image, environment, bins, model, radius):
R = zeros(bins)
for c in domainIterator(R, 3):
if (I[c] != 0).all():
R[c] = M[c] / I[c]
if I[c] != 0:
R[c] = float(M[c]) / float(I[c])
# Create back projection
print 'Creating back projection...'
b = zeros(environment.shape[:2])
use = environment.astype(float) * bins
use = environment.astype(float) * map(lambda x: x - 1, bins)
if model == 'rgb':
use /= 255
elif model == 'hsv':
# TODO: implement HSV color model
for p in domainIterator(image):
use[p] = rgb_to_hsv(*use[p].tolist())
for p in domainIterator(b):
b[p] = min(R[col2bin(use[p])], 1)
b[p] = min(R[col2bin(use[p])], 1.)
# Create convolution to create a peak value
print 'Creating convolution...'
return b
#return convolution(b, radius)
return convolution(b, radius)
def loc(image, color):
for p in domainIterator(image):
if (image[p] == color).all():
return p
return (0, 0)
def find_image(image, environment, bins, model, radius):
"""Find the location of the peak value of a back projection histogram."""
b = hbp(image, environment, bins, model, radius)
return loc(environment, b.max())
return loc(b, b.max())
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Reading images...'
waldo = imread('waldo.tiff')
env = imread('waldo_env.tiff')
b = hbp(waldo, env, [8] * 3, 'rgb', 8)
imshow(b, cmap='gray', origin='lower')
import sys
print 'Mapping projection over original image...'
result = env.copy()
for p in domainIterator(result):
result[p] *= b[p]
print 'done'
imshow(result, origin='lower')
#imshow(b * env)
b = hbp(waldo, env, [64] * 3, 'rgb', 10)
imshow(env, origin='lower')
imshow(b, origin='lower')
# Draw a rectangle around the found center pixel
#x, y = find_image(waldo, env, [8] * 3, 'rgb')
#x, y = find_image(waldo, env, [64] * 3, 'rgb', 10)
#w, h = waldo.shape[:2]
#plot([x - w / 2, x + w / 2], [y - h / 2, y + h / 2], 'r-')
#l = x - w / 2
#r = x + w / 2
#b = y - h / 2
#t = y + h / 2
#plot([t, t, b, b], [l, r, r, l], 'r-')
#imshow(env, origin='lower')
......@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ from matplotlib.pyplot import imread
def col2bin(color):
"""Get the histogram bin coordinates of a color."""
#return tuple(map(lambda x: round(x - 1), color))
return tuple(color.astype(int) - 1)
return tuple(color.astype(int))
def domainIterator(image, dim=2):
"""Pixel iterator for arrays of with 2 or 3 dimensions."""
......@@ -21,8 +20,8 @@ def domainIterator(image, dim=2):
def colHist(image, bins, model):
"""Create the color histogram of an image."""
h = zeros(bins)
use = image.astype(float) * bins
h = zeros(bins, dtype=int)
use = image.astype(float) * map(lambda x: x - 1, bins)
if model == 'rgb':
use /= 255
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