ModSim: Finished assignment 2.5

parent 155a9451
......@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ double f2(double x) {
#define PRINT_INTEGRAL(func, method, a, b) (printf(#func " from " #a " to " \
#b " using %-19s %.11f\n", #method " method:", integral(&func, &method, a, b)))
#b " using %-19s %.11f\n", #method " method:", \
integral(&func, &method, a, b)))
#define PRINT_GAUSS(func, a, b) (printf(#func " from " #a " to " \
#b " using %-19s %.11f\n", "gauss method:", gauss(&func, a, b)))
# Gauss two-point integration formula from:
# <>
from math import sqrt, exp, sin, pi
def rectangle(fn, a, b):
return (b - a) * fn((a + b) / 2.0)
def trapezoidal(fn, a, b):
return 0.5 * (b - a) * (fn(a) + fn(b))
def simpson(fn, a, b):
return (2 * rectangle(fn, a, b) + trapezoidal(fn, a, b)) / 3.0
def gauss(fn, a, b):
s = (b - a) / sqrt(3)
# calculate abscissae
left = (b + a - s) / 2.0
right = (b + a + s) / 2.0
return (b - a) * (fn(left) + fn(right)) / 2
def integrate(method, DX, fn, a, b):
surface = 0.0;
x = a
for i in xrange(int((b - a) / DX)):
x += DX
surface += method(fn, x, x + DX);
return surface;
integrals = [(lambda x: exp(-x), 0, 1),
(lambda x: x * exp(-x), 0, 2),
(lambda x: x * exp(-x), 0, 20),
(lambda x: x * exp(-x), 0, 200),
(lambda x: sin(x), 0, 8 * pi)]
methods = [rectangle, trapezoidal, simpson]
DX = 1e-3
for i in integrals:
for method in methods:
print 'integrate from %d to %d using %-11s: %.16f' \
% (i[1], i[2], method.func_name, integrate(method, DX, *i))
print 'integrate from %d to %d using %-11s: %.16f' \
% (i[1], i[2], 'gauss', gauss(*i))
print '-------------'
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