Commit d3cbeb17 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

- Emptied Makefile.

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

parents 53506716 1715f304
[submodule "compilerbouw"]
path = compilerbouw
url = ssh://
\title{Algoritme en complexiteit: opgaves deel 3}
\author{Sander van Veen \& Richard Torenvliet \\ Tadde\"us Kroes \& Jayke Meijer}
% dot graphs
\section{Chemische stof}
Na elke veredeling stijgt de waarde van de stof (er geldt dus
$\phi_{r+1}(x) > \phi_{r}(x)$, als $x$ niet verandert). De hoeveelheid $x$ van
de stof neemt af bij elke veredeling ($x_{i+1} = x_i * a$ met $a < 1$). De
maximale winst van de chemische stof wordt behaald als $\phi_r(x)$ maximaal is.
Stel: $x_0$ = 6 en $\phi_0(x) = \frac{1}{2} x$. In dit voorbeeld nemen we aan dat
$\phi_{r+1}(x) = \phi_r(x) * c$ met $c = 1.4$. Tot slot geldt in dit voorbeeld
dat $a = 0.8$. Dat levert de volgende tabel op:
& $x_0$ & $x_1$ & $x_2$ & $x_3$ & $x_4$ & $x_5$ & $x_6$ & $x_7$ & $x_8$ & $x_9$ \\
$\phi_0(x)$ & 3.00 & 2.40 & 1.92 & 1.54 & 1.23 & 0.98 & 0.79 & 0.63 & 0.50 & 0.40 \\
$\phi_1(x)$ & 4.20 & 3.36 & 2.69 & 2.15 & 1.72 & 1.38 & 1.10 & 0.88 & 0.70 & 0.56 \\
$\phi_2(x)$ & 5.88 & 4.70 & 3.76 & 3.01 & 2.41 & 1.93 & 1.54 & 1.23 & 0.99 & 0.79 \\
$\phi_3(x)$ & 8.23 & 6.59 & 5.27 & 4.21 & 3.37 & 2.70 & 2.16 & 1.73 & 1.38 & 1.10 \\
$\phi_4(x)$ & 11.52 & 9.22 & 7.38 & 5.90 & 4.72 & 3.78 & 3.02 & 2.42 & 1.93 & 1.55 \\
$\phi_5(x)$ & 16.13 & 12.91 & 10.33 & 8.26 & 6.61 & 5.29 & 4.23 & 3.38 & 2.71 & 2.17 \\
$\phi_6(x)$ & 22.59 & 18.07 & 14.46 & 11.57 & 9.25 & 7.40 & 5.92 & 4.74 & 3.79 & 3.03 \\
$\phi_7(x)$ & 31.62 & 25.30 & 20.24 & 16.19 & 12.95 & 10.36 & 8.29 & 6.63 & 5.31 & 4.24 \\
$\phi_8(x)$ & 44.27 & 35.42 & 28.34 & 22.67 & 18.13 & 14.51 & 11.61 & 9.28 & 7.43 & 5.94 \\
$\phi_9(x)$ & 61.98 & 49.59 & 39.67 & 31.74 & 25.39 & 20.31 & 16.25 & 13.00 & 10.40 & 8.32 \\
\noindent Uit de tabel valt op te maken dat de cel $\phi_9(x_9)$ het meest voordelig is.
Daardoor is het volgende algoritme bedacht:
def phi(i, x):
if i == 0:
return 0.5 * x
return phi(i-1, x * 1.4)
def x_i(i, x):
if i == 0:
return x
return x_i(i-1, x * 0.8)
max = phi(n, x_i(x, x0))
\noindent De worse-case tijdcomplexiteit van dit algoritme is van de orde
$\mathcal{O}(n)$, omdat het zichzelf recursief aanroept (n keer).
def phi(i, x):
if i == 0:
return 0.5 * x
return phi(i-1, x*1.4)
def x_i(i, x):
if i == 0:
return x
return x_i(i-1, x * 0.8)
x0 = 6
max_j = max_i = 10
lookup = []
print r'\hline'
print ' &', ' & '.join(map(lambda x: "$x_%d$" % x, range(0, max_i))), r'\\'
print r'\hline'
for i in range(0,max_i):
r = []
for j in range(0,max_j):
r.append("%.2f" % phi(i, x_i(j, x0)))
print '$\phi_%d(x)$ & ' % i, ' & '.join(r), r'\\'
print r'\hline'
r = []
print " === calculations ==="
n = 10
x_step = float(x0) / n
s = []
left = float(x0)
for i in range(0, n):
left -= x_step
s.append(phi(i, x_i(i, x_step)))
print left, s, len(s), sum(s)
print "x_n = x0 / n = %.3f =>" % x_step, sum([phi(i, x_i(i, x_step)) for i in range(0, n)])
for f in range(2, 10, 1):
x = float(x0)
left = x
for d in range(0, n):
x /= f
s = []
for i in range(0, n-1):
print x
x *= f
left -= x
s.append(phi(i, x_i(i, x)))
s.append(phi(n, x_i(n, left)))
print left, s, len(s)
print "x_n = x * %d =>" % f, sum(s)
print "all x in phi():", phi(n, x_i(n, float(x0)))
compilerbouw @ 4911d79e
Subproject commit 4911d79e41b41212a4b120bb69ee4a6a492d29e8
function [onb] = norma( v )
onb = v ./ sqrt(dot(v,v));
function [Q,R] = obn(V)
[m,n] = size(V)
A = V
Q = zeros(n,n)
for j = 1:n
% take column j of V
%v = V(:,j)
for i = 1:j-1
%a = V(:,i)
%b = v'
%c = a * b
%v = v - dot(v, V(:,i))*v
% v = v - dot(V(:,i), v)*V(:,i)
% v = v - V(:,i)*v' % proj (V(:,i), V(:,j))
% \mathbf{v}_j \leftarrow \mathbf{v}_j - \mathrm{proj}_{\mathbf{v}_{i}}
% \, (\mathbf{v}_j) (remove component in direction vi)
m = (V(:, j)'*V(:, i)) / (V(:, i)'*V(:, i));
V(:, j) = V(:, j) - m * V(:, i);
Q(:, j) = V(:, j) / norm(V(:, j));
%v = norma(v)
%V(:,j) = v
R = Q' * A
% 0,1,1;
% 0,0,1])
%function [span, printv2, printw1] = onb2(w1, v2)
% w1 = norma(w1);
% v2 = norma(v2);
% printv2 = v2;
% printw1 = w1;
% v2 = cross(w1, v2);
% span(:, 1) = w1;
% span(:, 2) = v2;
function span = onb2(w1, v2)
span = [w1, norma(v2 - dot(w1,v2)*w1)];
function [onb] = norma( v )
onb = v ./ sqrt(dot(v,v));
function [Q,R] = obn(V)
[m,n] = size(V)
A = V
Q = zeros(n,n)
for j = 1:n
% take column j of V
%v = V(:,j)
for i = 1:j-1
%a = V(:,i)
%b = v'
%c = a * b
%v = v - dot(v, V(:,i))*v
% v = v - dot(V(:,i), v)*V(:,i)
% v = v - V(:,i)*v' % proj (V(:,i), V(:,j))
% \mathbf{v}_j \leftarrow \mathbf{v}_j - \mathrm{proj}_{\mathbf{v}_{i}}
% \, (\mathbf{v}_j) (remove component in direction vi)
m = (V(:, j)'*V(:, i)) / (V(:, i)'*V(:, i));
V(:, j) = V(:, j) - m * V(:, i);
Q(:, j) = V(:, j) / norm(V(:, j));
%v = norma(v)
%V(:,j) = v
R = Q' * A
% 0,1,1;
% 0,0,1])
%function [span, printv2, printw1] = onb2(w1, v2)
% w1 = norma(w1);
% v2 = norma(v2);
% printv2 = v2;
% printw1 = w1;
% v2 = cross(w1, v2);
% span(:, 1) = w1;
% span(:, 2) = v2;
function span = onb2(w1, v2)
span = [w1, norma(v2 - dot(w1,v2)*w1)];
PROG = philosophers
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -ansi -Wall -Wextra -O3 -pthread
OFILES = host.o
RM = rm -f
$(CC) -o $(PROG) $(OFILES) $(CFLAGS)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $< $(CFLAGS)
$(RM) *.o $(PROG)
This diff is collapsed.
* Assignment 4 of Operating Systems: PThread simulation.
* Sander van Veen (6167969) and Taddeus Kroes (6054129).
* <> and <>.
* Submission date: 21 november 2010.
typedef struct diner_stats {
unsigned int meals;
unsigned int forks;
unsigned int id;
unsigned int locked;
} diner_stats;
* Duration of the diner party (in seconds). When this time limit is reached,
* all philosophers are requested to pay their bill and leave the party.
#define TIME_LIMIT 10.f
int philo_left(diner_stats *stats, int id);
int philo_right(diner_stats *stats, int id);
int philo_optimistic(diner_stats *stats, int id);
int philo_shy(diner_stats *stats, int id);
int philo_random(diner_stats *stats, int id);
typedef int(*philo_t)(diner_stats *, int);
\title{Web-based digital examination for specific learning areas}
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" OmniCppComplete
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