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\title{Algorithms \& Complexity: Assignments 1}
\author{Sander van Veen \& Tadde\"us Kroes \\ 6167969 \& 6054129 \\ \url{} \& \url{}}
\section{Assignments part I}
\textbf{Note:} Even though the assignments are written in Dutch, we have written the answers in English to improve our language skills.
\subsection*{Assignment 1}
\item Given an alphabet $\Sigma = \{0,1\}$ and array $A$ of symbols (each
$a \in \Sigma$). An algorithm to sort the array $A$ with a time
complexity of $\mathcal{O}(n)$ is described in the following steps:
\item Create an empty array $B$.
\item If symbol $a = 0$, put $a$ at the beginning of array $B$.
\item If symbol $a = 1$, put $a$ at the end of array $B$.
\item If there are no symbols left, return array $B$.
\item Ideal behavior for a sort algorithm is $\mathcal{O}(n)$, but this is
not possible in the average case. A sort algorithm requires searching
in array $B$ (to determine the position to insert) for each symbol in
$A$. If searching through the array is in order of
$\mathcal{O}(log \; n)$, the sort algorithm has a time complexity of
$\mathcal{O}(n \; log \; n)$. \\
The ``search algorithm'' above is in order of $\mathcal{O}(1)$ (value
of symbol $s$ determines its position to insert). Therefore is the
sorting able to complete in a time complexity of $\mathcal{O}(n)$.
\subsection*{Assignment 2}
\item If elements with a higher frequency are put at the beginning of the
list, the search operation stops earlier, when it's looking for an
element with a high frequency. Therefore, less comparisons are
required with a descending frequency sorted list.
\item The total number of ``good searches'' is independent of the used
storing technique, since a ``good search'' occurs for every element in
list $s$. It is impossible to have a different number of ``good
searches'', because that would indicate that one or more elements of
$s$ are not stored in list $l$.
\item Given $l = \{A,B\}$ and $s$ is an list of search operations,
containing $m$ times $A$ and $n$ times $B$. \\
The theorem states that the total number of false comparisons is not
larger than $min(m, n)$, when the optimum storage technique is
used. \\
For example, use $s = \{A,B,A,A,B,A,B,A\}$. This will result in three
false comparisons (one for each $B$). If $s = \{A,A,A,A,A,B,B,B\}$
(same $m$ and $n$, but different order), only one false comparison
(for the first $B$) occurs. Given $l = \{A,B\}$, the optimum storage
technique will fail for the element with the lowest frequency.
\item Given $l = \{A,B\}$ and $s$ is an list of search operations,
containing $m$ times $A$ and $n$ times $B$. \\
For example, use $s = \{B,A,B,A,B,A,B,A\}$. When MFT is used as
storage technique, $l$ changes as follows:
$l_{before}$ & search & $l_{after}$ & false comparisons \\
\{A,B\} & $s_i = B$ & \{B,A\} & 1 \\
\{B,A\} & $s_i = A$ & \{A,B\} & 2 \\
\{A,B\} & $s_i = B$ & \{B,A\} & 3 \\
\{B,A\} & $s_i = A$ & \{A,B\} & 4 \\
\{A,B\} & $s_i = B$ & \{B,A\} & 5 \\
\{B,A\} & $s_i = A$ & \{A,B\} & 6 \\
\{A,B\} & $s_i = B$ & \{B,A\} & 7 \\
\{B,A\} & $s_i = A$ & \{A,B\} & 8 \\
\end{tabular} \\
The optimum storage technique requires at most 4 ($= min(4,4)$) false
comparisons. The example given above is the worst case for MFT, since
every search operation results in one false comparison (and the
element is found after the first comparison). A total of eight false
comparison occured, which is two times the maximum of the optimum
storage technique.
\item MFT uses the properties of pairwise independence to 'predict' how many
times an element will be searched. In the answer to questions \emph{c}
and \emph{d} we see that the time complexity of MFT is at most twice
as expensive as when we already know which element is searched the most.
\subsection*{Assignment 3}
\item Bubble sort. The bubble sort algorithm has a worst-case time
complexity of $n(n - 1) = n^2 - n$. Since $n^2 - n \leq n^2$ for
$n \geq 0$, bubble sort is in the order of $o(n^2)$.
\item Bubble sort. In the best case scenario, the array is already sorted.
In that case, the algorithm stops when it concludes that no swaps were
done after $n - 1$ comparisons, which is in the order of $\Omega(n)$.
\item Selection sort. Finding the minimum value in the part of an array
from $k$ to $n$ costs $n - k$ comparisons, which is $\mathcal{O}(n)$.
Since $k$ runs from $0$ to $n$, the total complexity is in order of
both $\Omega(n*n)$ = $\Omega(n^2)$ and $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$.
\item We are looking for an algorithm with a higher growth rate than $c * 2^n$.
For example, when determining the shortest path between two points we
could try all permuations and see which is the cheapest, which costs
$n!$ iterations ($n! > 2^n$ for $n \to \infty$).
\item Binary search tree. Searching a leaf in a balanced binary tree always
requires $\log{n}$ comparisons, never less and never more. So in this
case $c_1 = c_2$.
\item Sorting an array with $n$ elements. This always requires $n$
iterations, so it is in the order of ${\sim}n$.
\subsection*{Assignment 4}
When $k > 0$, both $log^k(n)$ grows slower than $c * n^{1/k}$, so $log^k(n) \in
\mathcal{O}(n^{1/k})$. \\
When $k = 0$, $n^(1/k)$ is undefined. \\
When $k < 0$, $c * n^{1/k}$ is descending so at a certain point it will stay
under $log^k(n)$. \\
Conclusion: $log^k(n) \in \mathcal{O}(n^{1/k})$ for $k > 0$.
\subsection*{Assignment 5}
Given $f \in \mathcal{O}(g)$, $f$ and $g$ have the same growth rate
($f' = c * g'$). This means that $\frac{f}{g} = c$, which is the same as
$\frac{f}{g} \in \mathcal{O}(1)$.
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