Portfolio: Added most of the sections to report.

parent 86bee751
......@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ compile:
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode latex-answers.tex
rm -vf *.log
graph: graph.dot
graph: graph.tex
highlight: foo.py
highlight: foo.tex
%.py: %.tex
pygmentize -O style=colorful -o $^ $@
foo.tex: foo.py
pygmentize -O style=colorful -o $@ $^
%.dot: %.tex
dot2tex --autosize --usepdflatex $@ | \
sed 's/\\\(use\|enl\|doc\|page\|\(end\|begin\){doc\).*//' > $^
graph.tex: graph.dot
dot2tex -t math $^ | \
sed 's/\\\(use\|enl\|doc\|page\|\(end\|begin\){doc\).*//' > $@
digraph A {
node [label="$q_0$"] q_0 ;
q_0 -> q_1;
q_1 -> q_1;
q_1 -> q_2;
q_2 -> q_0;
q_3 -> q_4;
q_4 -> q_4;
q_4 -> q_7;
q_3 -> q_6;
q_6 -> q_7;
q_7 -> q_3;
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
% Graphviz graph (using tikz)
\usepackage[x11names, rgb]{xcolor}
......@@ -25,6 +28,16 @@
This assignment is about practising with the \LaTeX{} typesetting system. This
assignment should at least contain an abstract (this), table of content (below
on this page), different sections, some source code, a graph, a table, a
mathematical equation (including a theorem and proof), footnotes, hyperlinks, a
quotation, a reference to an existing scientific article and, last by not least,
should use BibTeX.
......@@ -32,11 +45,66 @@
\section{Basic typography} % {{{
\label{sec:Basic typography}
% abstract
% table of contents
% list
% footnote
% hyperlink
\subsection{Ordered and unordered list} % {{{
\label{sub:Ordered and unordered list}
Let's start with an example of an unordered list containing the names of some
``randomly chosen'' countries.
\item The Netherlands.
\item Belgium.
\item Germany.
\item England.
\item France.
\noindent And an ordered list, which is used when the order matters.
\item First item.
\item Second item.
\item Third item, which is \\
splitted into two lines.
\item Fourth and last item.
% }}}
\subsection{Footnotes and hyperlinks} % {{{
\label{sub:Footnotes and hyperlinks}
When writing an article, it is sometimes unclear if the audience of the article
understands every detail. Therefore, it is wise to add additional information
(or the address of a web page containing additional information) about details
inside footnotes\footnote{This is an example of a footnote in \LaTeX{}.}.
Manuals contain often hyperlinks to introduce a subject, which is out of the
scope of the manual. This is a hyperlink to Google's homepage:
\url{http://www.google.com}, which will help while writing an advanced \LaTeX{}
% }}}
\subsection{Quotation and references} % {{{
\label{sub:Quotation and references}
It is possible that another author wrote a brilliant text about your subject. It
is even so brilliant that describes everything and your description would be
fuzzy compared to his description. That could be a reason to quote the relevant
part of his text. \footnote{Note: Plagiarism looks like quoting but is in fact
very different. Plagiarism is when someone is quoting, for example, an entire
article, without mentioning the source of the article. I would call it stealing,
but that is just my humble opinion.}
This a quote of the famous Linus Torvalds, which is one the reason why I choose
to study Computer Science:
\begin{quote} \emph{``Most good programmers do programming not because they
expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to
program.'' $-$ Linus Torvalds} \end{quote}
% }}}
% quotation
% reference to existing article.
% BibTex
......@@ -50,7 +118,7 @@ One of the requirements of this assignment is demonstrating some (highlighted)
pseudo code, therefore I took the initiative to write some example python code
used for this demonstration.
\begin{program} % {{{
\begin{program}[H] % {{{
......@@ -78,29 +146,52 @@ overall compilation process.
\subsection{Look all those tables!} % {{{
\label{sub:Look, it's a table!}
\begin{table}[H] \centering
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline
$r_1c_1$ & $r_1c_2$ & $r_1c_3$ \\ \hline
$r_2c_1$ & $r_2c_2$ & $r_2c_3$ \\ \hline
$r_3c_1$ & $r_3c_2$ & $r_3c_3$ \\ \hline
\caption{Basic table with three columns and rows}
\caption{Basic table with three columns and rows.}
\begin{table}[H] \centering
\begin{tabular}{|l|ll|} \hline
$r_1c_1$ & $r_1c_2$ & $r_1c_3$ \\ \hline
$r_2c_1$ & $r_2c_2$ & $r_2c_3$ \\ \cline{2-3}
$r_3c_1$ & $r_3c_2$ & $r_3c_3$ \\ \hline
\caption{Basic table with three columns and rows}
\caption{Basic table with three columns and rows.}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{$w = 8$} & \phantom{abc}& \multicolumn{3}{c}{$w = 16$} \\
\cmidrule{2-4} \cmidrule{6-8} \cmidrule{10-12}
& $t=0$ & $t=1$ & $t=2$ && $t=0$ & $t=1$ & $t=2$ \\\midrule
$c$ & 0.0790 & 0.1692 & 0.2945 && 0.3670 & 0.7187 & 3.1815 \\
$c$ & -0.8651& 50.0476& 5.9384&& -9.0714& 297.0923& 46.2143 \\
$c$ & 124.2756& -50.9612& -14.2721&& 128.2265& -630.5455& -381.0930 \\
$c$ & 0.0357& 1.2473& 0.2119&& 0.3593& -0.2755& 2.1764 \\
$c$ & -17.9048& -37.1111& 8.8591&& -30.7381& -9.5952& -3.0000 \\
$c$ & 105.5518& 232.1160& -94.7351&& 100.2497& 141.2778& -259.7326 \\
\caption{Example table using the \texttt{booktabs} package.}
% }}}
\subsection{Graph (GraphViz to PSTikz)} % {{{
% \input{graph}
\caption{Two graphs, written in GraphViz' \texttt{dot} and generated using \texttt{dot2tex}.}
% }}}
% }}}
......@@ -108,7 +199,67 @@ $r_3c_1$ & $r_3c_2$ & $r_3c_3$ \\ \hline
\section{Mathematics} % {{{
\subsection{Example matrix} % {{{
\label{sub:Example matrix}
Matrix A is an $M \times N$ matrix, which is written as
\alpha_{0,0} & \alpha_{0,1} & \cdots & \alpha_{0,n-1} \\
\alpha_{1,0} & \alpha_{1,1} & \cdots & \alpha_{1,n-1} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
\alpha_{m-1,0} & \alpha_{m-1,1} & \cdots & \alpha_{m-1,n-1}
% }}}
\subsection{Equations} % {{{
\LaTeX{} makes it possible to write equations (with for example sub and
superscript, braces and summations) easily.
\left|\sum_{i=1}^n a_ib_i\right|
\left(\sum_{i=1}^n a_i^2\right)^{1/2}
\left(\sum_{i=1}^n b_i^2\right)^{1/2}
And it is possible to break the equation into smaller, numbered parts.
(a+b)^3 &= (a+b)^2(a+b)\\
&=(a^3+2a^2b+ab^2) + (a^2b+2ab^2+b^3)\\
% }}}
\subsection{Mathematical Theorem} % {{{
\label{sub:Mathematical Theorem}
% }}}
% }}}
\section{Example appendix} % {{{
Additional information (or information which will fill many pages) is in most
cases added at the end of a document in the Appendix. This is just an example,
but without any additional information :-).
% }}}
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