# This file is part of TRS (http://math.kompiler.org) # # TRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # TRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with TRS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from src.rules.lineq import match_move_term, swap_sides, subtract_term, \ divide_term, multiply_term, split_absolute_equation, \ match_multiple_equations, substitute_variable, match_double_case, \ double_case from src.node import Scope from src.possibilities import Possibility as P from tests.rulestestcase import RulesTestCase, tree class TestRulesLineq(RulesTestCase): def test_match_move_term_swap(self): root = tree('x = b') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), []) root = tree('a = bx') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, swap_sides)]) def test_match_move_term_subtract(self): root, a = tree('x + a = b, a') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, subtract_term, (a,))]) root, cx = tree('x = b + cx, cx') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, subtract_term, (cx,))]) def test_match_move_term_divide(self): root, a = tree('ax = b, a') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, divide_term, (a,))]) def test_match_move_term_multiply(self): root, a = tree('x / a = b, a') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, multiply_term, (a,))]) root, x = tree('a / x = b, x') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, multiply_term, (x,))]) root, l1 = tree('-x = b, -1') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, multiply_term, (l1,))]) def test_match_move_term_absolute(self): root = tree('|x| = 2') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, split_absolute_equation)]) root = tree('|x - 1| = 2') self.assertEqualPos(match_move_term(root), [P(root, split_absolute_equation)]) def test_swap_sides(self): root, expect = tree('a = bx, bx = a') self.assertEqual(swap_sides(root, ()), expect) def test_subtract_term(self): root, a, expect = tree('x + a = b, a, x + a - a = b - a') self.assertEqual(subtract_term(root, (a,)), expect) def test_divide_term(self): root, a, expect = tree('x * a = b, a, (xa) / a = b / a') self.assertEqual(divide_term(root, (a,)), expect) def test_multiply_term(self): root, a, expect = tree('x / a = b, a, x / a * a = b * a') self.assertEqual(multiply_term(root, (a,)), expect) def test_split_absolute_equation(self): root, expect = tree('|x| = 2, x = 2 vv x = -2') self.assertEqual(split_absolute_equation(root, ()), expect) # FIXME: following call exeeds recursion limit # FIXME: self.assertValidate('|x - 1| = 2', 'x = -1 vv x = 3') def test_match_move_term_chain_negation(self): self.assertRewrite([ '2x + 3 = -3x - 2', '2x + 3 - 3 = -3x - 2 - 3', '2x + 0 = -3x - 2 - 3', '2x = -3x - 2 - 3', '2x = -3x - 5', '2x - -3x = -3x - 5 - -3x', '2x + 3x = -3x - 5 - -3x', '2x + 3x = -3x - 5 + 3x', '(2 + 3)x = -3x - 5 + 3x', '5x = -3x - 5 + 3x', '5x = (-1 + 1)3x - 5', '5x = 0 * 3x - 5', '5x = 0 - 5', '5x = -5', '(5x) / 5 = (-5) / 5', '5 / 5 * x = (-5) / 5', '1x = (-5) / 5', 'x = (-5) / 5', 'x = -5 / 5', 'x = -1', ]) def test_match_move_term_chain_advanced(self): self.assertRewrite([ '-x = a', '(-x) * -1 = a * -1', '-x * -1 = a * -1', '--x * 1 = a * -1', '--x = a * -1', 'x = a * -1', 'x = -a * 1', 'x = -a', ]) def test_match_multiple_equations(self): eq0, eq1 = root = tree('x = 2 ^^ ay + x = 3') x = eq0[0] self.assertEqualPos(match_multiple_equations(root), [P(root, substitute_variable, (Scope(root), x, 2, eq1))]) root = tree('x + y = 2 ^^ ay + x = 3') self.assertEqualPos(match_multiple_equations(root), []) root = tree('x + y ^^ ay + x = 3') self.assertEqualPos(match_multiple_equations(root), []) def test_substitute_variable(self): root, expect = tree('x = 2 ^^ ay + x = 3, x = 2 ^^ ay + 2 = 3') (x, l2), eq = root self.assertEqual(substitute_variable(root, ((Scope(root), x, l2, eq))), expect) def test_match_double_case(self): a, b = root = tree('x = 2 vv x = 2') self.assertEqualPos(match_double_case(root), [P(root, double_case, (Scope(root), a, b))]) root = tree('x = 2 vv x = -2') self.assertEqualPos(match_double_case(root), []) def test_double_case(self): a, b = root = tree('x = 2 vv x = 2, x = 2') self.assertEqual(double_case(root, (Scope(root), a, b)), a)