Implemented CONCAT grammar, code cleanup and fixed unit tests.

parent e1cd6997
......@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ sys.path.insert(1, PYBISON_PYREX)
from bison import BisonParser, ParserSyntaxError
# Check for n-ary operator in child nodes
def combine(op, n):
return n.nodes if n.title() == op else [n]
class Parser(BisonParser):
Implements the calculator parser. Grammar rules are defined in the method
......@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
# of tokens of the lex script.
tokens = ['NUMBER', 'IDENTIFIER',
# ------------------------------
......@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
# as a shell. In that case, it is useful that the shell prints the
# output of the evaluation.
if self.interactive and values[1]:
print 'result:', values[1]
print values[1]
return values[1]
......@@ -107,85 +112,101 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
exp : NUMBER
| exp PLUS exp
| exp MINUS exp
| exp TIMES exp
| exp DIVIDE exp
| MINUS exp %prec NEG
| exp POW exp
| symbolic
| unary
| binary
| concat
# rule: NUMBER
if option == 0:
if option == 0: # rule: NUMBER
# TODO: A bit hacky, this achieves long integers and floats.
value = float(values[0]) if '.' in values[0] else int(values[0])
return Leaf(value)
if option == 1:
if option == 1: # rule: IDENTIFIER
return Leaf(values[0])
# rule: LPAREN exp RPAREN
if option == 8:
if option == 2: # rule: LPAREN exp RPAREN
return values[1]
# rule: symbolic
if option == 9:
if option in [3, 4, 5]: # rule: unary | binary | concat
return values[0]
# Check for n-ary operator in child nodes
combine = lambda op, n: n.nodes if n.title() == op else [n]
raise ParserSyntaxError('Unsupported option %d in target "%s".'
% (option, target))
# rule: exp PLUS exp
if option == 2:
return Node('+', *(combine('+', values[0]) + combine('+', values[2])))
def on_unary(self, target, option, names, values):
unary : MINUS exp %prec NEG
# rule: exp MINUS expo
if option == 3:
return Node('-', *(combine('-', values[0]) + combine('-', values[2])))
if option == 0: # rule: NEG exp
return Node('-', values[1])
# rule: exp TIMES expo
if option == 4:
return Node('*', *(combine('*', values[0]) + combine('*', values[2])))
raise ParserSyntaxError('Unsupported option %d in target "%s".'
% (option, target))
# rule: exp DIVIDE expo
if option == 5:
return Node('/', values[0], values[2])
def on_binary(self, target, option, names, values):
binary : exp PLUS exp
| exp MINUS exp
| exp TIMES exp
| exp DIVIDE exp
| exp POW exp
# rule: NEG expo
if option == 6:
return Node('-', values[1])
if option == 0: # rule: exp PLUS exp
return Node('+', *(combine('+', values[0])
+ combine('+', values[2])))
if option == 1: # rule: exp MINUS exp
return Node('-', *(combine('-', values[0])
+ combine('-', values[2])))
if option == 2: # rule: exp TIMES exp
return Node('*', *(combine('*', values[0])
+ combine('*', values[2])))
# rule: exp POW expo
if option == 7:
if option == 3: # rule: exp DIVIDE exp
return Node('/', values[0], values[2])
if option == 4: # rule: exp POW exp
return Node('^', values[0], values[2])
raise ParserSyntaxError('Unsupported option %d in target "%s".'
% (option, target))
def on_symbolic(self, target, option, names, values):
def on_concat(self, option, target, names, values):
| symbolic IDENTIFIER
concat : exp IDENTIFIER
| exp NUMBER
# rule: symbolic IDENTIFIER
if option in [0, 1, 2]:
# 4x -> 4*x
# a b -> a * b
# a b c -> (a * b) * c
node = Node('*', Leaf(values[0]), Leaf(values[1]))
return node
if option in [0, 1]: # rule: exp IDENTIFIER | exp NUMBER
# NOTE: xy -> x*y
# NOTE: (x)4 -> x*4
val = int(values[1]) if option == 1 else values[1]
return Node('*', *(combine('*', values[0]) + [Leaf(val)]))
if option == 2: # rule: exp LPAREN exp RPAREN
# NOTE: x(y) -> x*(y)
return Node('*', *(combine('*', values[0])
+ combine('*', values[2])))
if option == 3:
# x4 -> x^4
return Node('^', Leaf(values[0]), Leaf(values[1]))
# NOTE: x4 -> x^4
identifier, exponent = list(values[1])
node = Node('^', Leaf(identifier), Leaf(int(exponent)))
return Node('*', values[0], node)
if option == 4:
# NOTE: x4 -> x^4
identifier, exponent = list(values[0])
return Node('^', Leaf(identifier), Leaf(int(exponent)))
raise ParserSyntaxError('Unsupported option %d in target "%s".'
% (option, target))
......@@ -196,19 +217,22 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
lexscript = r"""
//int yylineno = 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Python.h"
#define YYSTYPE void *
#include "tokens.h"
extern void *py_parser;
extern void (*py_input)(PyObject *parser, char *buf, int *result, int max_size);
#define returntoken(tok) yylval = PyString_FromString(strdup(yytext)); return (tok);
#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) { (*py_input)(py_parser, buf, &result, max_size); }
extern void (*py_input)(PyObject *parser, char *buf, int *result,
int max_size);
#define returntoken(tok) \
yylval = PyString_FromString(strdup(yytext)); return (tok);
#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) { \
(*py_input)(py_parser, buf, &result, max_size); \
[a-zA-Z][0-9]+ { returntoken(CONCAT_POW); }
[0-9]+ { returntoken(NUMBER); }
[a-zA-Z] { returntoken(IDENTIFIER); }
"(" { returntoken(LPAREN); }
......@@ -224,7 +248,8 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
[ \t\v\f] {}
[\n] {yylineno++; returntoken(NEWLINE); }
. { printf("unknown char %c ignored, yytext=0x%lx\n", yytext[0], yytext); /* ignore bad chars */}
. { printf("unknown char %c ignored, yytext=%p\n",
yytext[0], yytext); /* ignore bad chars */}
import sys
from external.graph_drawing.graph import generate_graph
from external.graph_drawing.line import generate_line
class ParserWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, base_class, **kwargs):
self.input_buffer = []
self.last_buffer = ''
self.input_position = 0
self.closed = False
self.verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
# Overwrite parser read() method
def read(nbytes):
buf = ''
self.parser = base_class(file=self,, **kwargs)
def readline(self, nbytes=False):
def read(self, nbytes=False):
if len(self.last_buffer) >= nbytes:
buf = self.last_buffer[:nbytes]
self.last_buffer = self.last_buffer[nbytes:]
return buf
buf = self.last_buffer
buf = self.input_buffer[self.input_position]
buf += self.input_buffer[self.input_position]
if self.verbose:
print 'read:', buf
except IndexError:
return ''
self.input_position += 1
except IndexError:
self.closed = True
return ''
self.last_buffer = buf[nbytes:]
return buf
self.parser = base_class(**kwargs) = read
def close(self):
self.closed = True
self.input_position = len(self.input_buffer)
def run(self, input_buffer, *args, **kwargs):
map(self.append, input_buffer)
return*args, **kwargs)
def append(self, input):
self.closed = False
self.input_buffer.append(input + '\n')
......@@ -70,5 +88,19 @@ def run_expressions(base_class, expressions, keepfiles=1, fail=True,
print >>sys.stderr, 'error: %s = %s, but expected: %s' \
% (exp, str(res), str(out))
if not silent and hasattr(res, 'nodes'):
print >>sys.stderr, 'result graph:'
print >>sys.stderr, generate_graph(res)
print >>sys.stderr, 'expected graph:'
print >>sys.stderr, generate_graph(out)
if fail:
def graph(parser, *exp, **kwargs):
return generate_graph(ParserWrapper(parser, **kwargs).run(exp))
def line(parser, *exp, **kwargs):
return generate_line(ParserWrapper(parser, **kwargs).run(exp))
import unittest
from src.calc import Parser
from src.parser import Parser
from src.node import ExpressionNode as N, ExpressionLeaf as L
from tests.parser import ParserWrapper, run_expressions
class TestCalc(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_constructor(self):
assert ParserWrapper(Parser, keepfiles=1).run(['1+4']) == 5.0
assert ParserWrapper(Parser).run(['1+4']) \
== N('+', L(1), L(4))
def test_basic_on_exp(self):
expressions = [('4', 4.0),
('3+4', 7.0),
('3-4', -1.0),
('3/4', .75),
('-4', -4.0),
('3^4', 81.0),
('(4)', 4.0)]
expressions = [('4', L(4)),
('3+4', N('+', L(3), L(4))),
('3-4', N('-', L(3), L(4))),
('3/4', N('/', L(3), L(4))),
('-4', N('-', L(4))),
('3^4', N('^', L(3), L(4))),
('(2)', L(2))]
run_expressions(Parser, expressions)
def test_infinity(self):
expressions = [('2^3000', 2**3000),
('2^-3000', 0.0)]
expressions = [('2^3000', N('^', L(2), L(3000))),
('2^-3000', N('^', L(2), N('-', L(3000))))]
# ('2^99999999999', None),
# ('2^-99999999999', 0.0)]
run_expressions(Parser, expressions)
def test_concat_easy(self):
expressions = [
('xy', N('*', L('x'), L('y'))),
('2x', N('*', L(2), L('x'))),
('x4', N('^', L('x'), L(4))),
('xy4', N('*', L('x'), N('^', L('y'), L(4)))),
('(x)4', N('*', L('x'), L(4))),
('(3+4)2', N('*', N('+', L(3), L(4)), L(2))),
run_expressions(Parser, expressions)
def test_concat_intermediate(self):
expressions = [
('(3+4)(5+7)', N('*', N('+', L(3), L(4)),
N('+', L(5), L(7)))),
('(a+b)(c+d)', N('*', N('+', L('a'), L('b')),
N('+', L('c'), L('d')))),
('a+b(c+d)', N('+', L('a'), N('*', L('b'),
N('+', L('c'), L('d'))))),
('ab(c)d', N('*', L('a'), L('b'), L('c'), L('d'))),
#('ab(c)d', N('*', L('a'), N('*', L('b'),
# N('*', L('c'), L('d'))))),
run_expressions(Parser, expressions)
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
import unittest
from external.graph_drawing.graph import generate_graph
from external.graph_drawing.line import generate_line
from src.parser import Parser
from src.node import ExpressionNode as Node, ExpressionLeaf as Leaf
from tests.parser import ParserWrapper, run_expressions
def graph(*exp, **kwargs):
return generate_graph(ParserWrapper(Parser, **kwargs).run(exp))
def line(*exp, **kwargs):
return generate_line(ParserWrapper(Parser, **kwargs).run(exp))
from tests.parser import ParserWrapper, run_expressions, line, graph
class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -26,11 +15,11 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
run_expressions(Parser, [('a', Leaf('a'))])
def test_graph(self):
assert graph('4a') == ("""
assert graph(Parser, '4a') == ("""
4 a
""").replace('\n ', '\n')[1:-1]
def test_line(self):
self.assertEqual(line('4a'), '4 * a')
self.assertEqual(line(Parser, '4a'), '4 * a')
......@@ -7,12 +7,6 @@ from sympy import Symbol, symbols
class TestVariables(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_addition(self):
expressions = [('5 + 5', 5 + 5)]
run_expressions(Parser, expressions)
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