Commit eff87d8d authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Moved 'Definition of the problem' to 'Introduction'.

parent c5b29a5a
......@@ -56,28 +56,15 @@ The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has provided access to a multi-touch table
from PQlabs. The table uses the TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO} to communicate touch
% Afbakening
% TODO: moet dit omlaag naar 'Definition of the problem'?
The scope of this thesis includes the design of an multi-touch triggering
mechanism, a reference implementation of this design, and its integration into
a VTK interactor. To be successful, the design should allow for extensions to
be added to any implementation. The reference implementation is a Proof of
Concept that translates TUIO events to some simple touch gestures that are used
by a VTK interactor.
\section{Definition of the problem}
\section{Structure of this document}
\chapter{Definition of the problem}
% Hoofdvraag
The goal of this thesis is to create a multi-touch event triggering mechanism
for use in a VTK interactor. The design of the mechanism must be universal.
% Hoofdvraag
The goal of this thesis is to create a multi-touch event triggering mechanism
for use in a VTK interactor. The design of the mechanism must be universal.
% Deelvragen
To design such a mechanism properly, the following questions are relevant:
% Deelvragen
To design such a mechanism properly, the following questions are relevant:
\item What is the input of the mechanism? Different touch drivers have
different API's. To be able to support different drivers (which is
highly desirable), there should probably be a translation from the
......@@ -91,7 +78,19 @@ To design such a mechanism properly, the following questions are relevant:
needs them.
\item Is performance an issue? For example, an event loop with rotation
detection could swallow up more processing resources than desired.
% Afbakening
The scope of this thesis includes the design of an multi-touch triggering
mechanism, a reference implementation of this design, and its integration
into a VTK interactor. To be successful, the design should allow for
extensions to be added to any implementation. The reference implementation
is a Proof of Concept that translates TUIO events to some simple touch
gestures that are used by a VTK interactor.
\section{Structure of this document}
\chapter{Preliminary inquiries}
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