Commit e637614a authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Applied UVA style to thesis.

parent a4c98e70
author = {Kaltenbrunner, Martin and Bovermann, Till and Bencina, Ross and
Costanza, Enrico},
title = {TUIO - A Protocol for Table Based Tangible User Interfaces},
......@@ -14,3 +14,12 @@
title = {TUIO specification},
howpublished = {\url{}}
author = {Will Schroeder and Ken Martin},
title = {The Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3-D Graphics (2nd Edition)},
publisher = {Prentice Hall},
year = {1997},
isbn = {0139546944},
url = {}
% Link colors
\title{Bachelor thesis\\Universal multi-touch event mechanism}
Name: & Taddeüs Kroes\\
Student number: & 6054129\\
E-mail address: & \texttt{}\\
Address: & Wethouder van Wijckstraat 40, 1107 BR Amsterdam\\
Phone number: & 06-23437025\\
Supervisor: & Dr. R.G. Belleman (UvA)\\
% Title Page
\title{Universal multi-touch event mechanism}
\author{Taddeüs Kroes}
\supervisors{Dr. Robert G. Belleman (UvA)}
\signedby{Dr. Robert G. Belleman (UvA)}
% Title page
% Set paragraph indentation
\parindent 0pt
\parskip 1.5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex
% Table of contant on separate page
% Ruwe probleemstelling
Multi-touch interaction is becoming increasingly common, mostly due to the wide
......@@ -48,10 +41,9 @@ these frameworks have no access to their multi-touch events.
% Aanleiding
This problem was observed during an attempt to create a multi-touch
``interactor'' class for the Visualization Toolkit
(VTK\footnote{\url{}}). Because VTK provides the application
framework here, it is undesirable to use an entire framework like Qt
simultaneously only for its multi-touch support.
``interactor'' class for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK \cite{VTK}). Because
VTK provides the application framework here, it is undesirable to use an entire
framework like Qt simultaneously only for its multi-touch support.
% Ruw doel
The goal of this project is to define a universal multi-touch event triggering
......@@ -61,8 +53,8 @@ Python.
% Setting
To test multi-touch interaction properly, a multi-touch device is required.
The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has provided access to a multi-touch table
from PQlabs. The table uses the TUIO
protocol\footnote{\url{}} to communicate touch events.
from PQlabs. The table uses the TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO} to communicate touch
% Afbakening
% TODO: moet dit omlaag naar 'Definition of the problem'?
......@@ -73,11 +65,11 @@ be added to any implementation. The reference implementation is a Proof of
Concept that translates TUIO events to some simple touch gestures that are used
by a VTK interactor.
\subsection{Structure of this document}
\section{Structure of this document}
\section{Definition of the problem}
\chapter{Definition of the problem}
% Hoofdvraag
The goal of this thesis is to create a multi-touch event triggering mechanism
......@@ -101,11 +93,11 @@ To design such a mechanism properly, the following questions are relevant:
detection could swallow up more processing resources than desired.
\section{Related work}
\chapter{Related work}
......@@ -113,11 +105,10 @@ To design such a mechanism properly, the following questions are relevant:
\subsubsection{The TUIO protocol}
The TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO_KBBC05} defines a way to geometrically
describe tangible objects, such as fingers or fiducials on a
multi-touch table. The table used for this thesis uses the protocol in
its driver. Object information is sent to the TUIO UDP port (3333 by
The TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO} defines a way to geometrically describe
tangible objects, such as fingers or fiducials on a multi-touch table.
The table used for this thesis uses the protocol in its driver. Object
information is sent to the TUIO UDP port (3333 by default).
For efficiency reasons, the TUIO protocol is encoded using the Open
Sound Control
......@@ -186,49 +177,49 @@ To design such a mechanism properly, the following questions are relevant:
% Results
% -------
\section{Server structure}
\chapter{Server structure}
% TODO: link naar appendix met schema
\subsection{Input server}
\section{Input server}
% vertaling driver naar point down, move, up
% TUIO in reference implementation
\subsection{Gesture server}
\section{Gesture server}
% toewijzen even aan deel v/h scherm:
% TUIO coördinaten zijn over het hele scherm en van 0.0 tot 1.0, dus moeten
% worden vertaald naar pixelcoördinaten binnen een ``window''
% event binding/triggering
% extendability
\section{Reference implementation}
\chapter{Reference implementation}
% VTK interactor
% Windows zijn een manier om globale events toe te wijzen aan vensters
% Trackers zijn een effectieve manier om gebaren te detecteren
% Trackers zijn uitbreidbaar door object-orientatie
\section{Suggestions for future work}
\chapter{Suggestions for future work}
% TODO: Network protocol (ZeroMQ)
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\ProvidesClass{uva-bachelor-thesis}[2005/06/10 Version 0.1 Rein van den Boomgaard]
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\noindent\large\scshape Bachelor Informatica\\[2ex]
%\Large Universiteit van Amsterdam
\sffamily\Huge \@title
\sffamily\Large \@author\\[3pc]
\item[\sffamily Supervisor(s):] \@supervisors
\item[\sffamily Signed:] \@signedby
Informatica --- Universiteit van Amsterdam}
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