Commit bb0fe911 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Wrote analysis of related work and removed references to VTK interactor as PoC.

parent d5319a8c
......@@ -84,3 +84,11 @@
year = {2008},
howpublished = {\url{}}
author = "Wikipedia",
title = "Document Object Model --- Wikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2012",
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = "[Online; accessed 7-June-2012]"
......@@ -69,14 +69,10 @@ Python.
\item How can the architecture be used by different programming
languages? A generic architecture should not be limited to be used
in only one language.
\item Can events be shared with multiple processes at the same time?
For example, a network implementation could run as a service
instead of within a single application, triggering events in any
application that needs them.
% FIXME: gaan we nog wat doen met onderstaand?
%\item Is performance an issue? For example, an event loop with rotation
% detection could swallow up more processing resources than desired.
%\item How can the architecture be integrated in a VTK interactor?
\item Can events be used by multiple processes at the same time? For
example, a network implementation could run as a service instead of
within a single application, triggering events in any application
that needs them.
% Afbakening
......@@ -86,9 +82,10 @@ Python.
should allow for extensions to be added to any implementation.
The reference implementation is a Proof of Concept that translates TUIO
events to some simple touch gestures that are used by a VTK interactor.
Being a Proof of Concept, the reference implementation itself does not
necessarily need to meet all the requirements of the design.
events to some simple touch gestures that are used by some test
%Being a Proof of Concept, the reference implementation itself does not
%necessarily need to meet all the requirements of the design.
\section{Structure of this document}
......@@ -150,8 +147,18 @@ Python.
itself is partially re-used in the reference implementation of the
generic gesture detection architecture.
\section{Analysis of related work}
The simple Processing implementation of multi-touch events provides most of
the functionality that can be found in existing multi-touch applications.
In fact, many applications for mobile phones and tablets only use tap and
scroll events. For this category of applications, using machine learning
seems excessive. Though the representation of a gesture using a feature
vector in a machine learning algorithm is a generic and formal way to
define a gesture, a programmer-friendly architecture should also support
simple, ``hard-coded'' detection code. A way to separate different pieces
of gesture detection code, thus keeping a code library manageable and
extendable, is to user different gesture trackers.
......@@ -166,11 +173,6 @@ Python.
% wellicht in een ander programma nodig om maar 1 hand te gebruiken, en
% dus punten dicht bij elkaar te kiezen (oplossing: windows).
% Tekenprogramma dat huidige points + centroid tekent en waarmee
% transformatie kan worden getest Link naar appendix "supported events"
% Proof of Concept: VTK interactor
......@@ -462,16 +464,6 @@ Python.
% geen netwerk protocol
% een paar simpele windows en trackers
\chapter{Integration in VTK}
\section{The Visualization Toolkit}
% VTK heeft eigen pipeline, architectuur moet daarnaast draaien
% VTK interactor
......@@ -483,11 +475,11 @@ Python.
% geruik formele definitie van gestures in gesture trackers, bijv. state machine
% Network protocol (ZeroMQ) voor meerdere talen en simultane processen
% Hierij ook: extra laag die gesture windows aanmaakt die corresponderen met window manager
% State machine
% Window in boomstructuur voor efficientie
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