Commit 0fc618e5 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Fixed rotation (finally).

parent 35a46583
......@@ -36,13 +36,19 @@ GESTURE_UPDATE_RATE = 60
DIST_THRESHOLD = 1. / max(screen_size)
def angle_mod(angle):
if angle > pi:
angle -= 2 * pi
elif angle < -pi:
angle += 2 * pi
def rotation(p0, p1):
Calculate the relative rotation from p0 to p1 around (0, 0) in radians.
rot = atan2(*p1) - atan2(*p0)
return angle
# Assert that the smallest possible rotation value is returned
if rot >= pi:
rot = 2 * pi - rot
elif rot <= -pi:
rot = -2 * pi - rot
return rot
def distance(a, b):
......@@ -114,21 +120,11 @@ class TouchPoint(object):
def is_stationary(self):
return self.distance_to_prev() < DIST_THRESHOLD
def angle_diff(self, cx, cy):
angle = atan2(cy - self.y, self.x - cx)
if self.prev_angle == None:
delta = 0
elif self.prev_angle > 0 and angle < 0:
delta = -2 * pi - angle + self.prev_angle
elif self.prev_angle < 0 and angle > 0:
delta = 2 * pi - angle + self.prev_angle
delta = angle - self.prev_angle
self.prev_angle = angle
def rotation_around(self, cx, cy):
prev = self.px - cx, - cy
current = self.x - cx, self.y - cy
return delta
return rotation(prev, current)
class MultiTouchListener(Logger):
......@@ -146,11 +142,12 @@ class MultiTouchListener(Logger):
# Put centroid outside screen to prevent misinterpretation
self.centroid = -1., -1.
self.rot_centroid = -1., -1.
self.server = TuioServer2D(self, verbose=tuio_verbose)
self.angle = self.pinch = None
self.prev_pinch = None
self.prev_dist = None
def point_down(self, sid, x, y):
......@@ -222,51 +219,43 @@ class MultiTouchListener(Logger):
def detect_rotation_and_pinch(self):
Rotation is the average angle change between each point and the
centroid. Pinch is the average distance change from the points to the
centroid. Pinch is the percentual change in average distance change
from the points to the centroid.
l = len(self.points)
if l < 2 or ('pinch' not in self.handlers \
and 'rotate' not in self.handlers):
self.prev_pinch = None
self.prev_dist = None
# Get the sum of all angle differences
l = len(self.points)
cx, cy = self.centroid
#rcx, rcy = self.rot_centroid
rotation = sum([p.angle_diff(cx, cy) for p in self.points]) / l
pinch = sum([p.distance(cx, cy) for p in self.points]) / l
rotation = sum([p.rotation_around(cx, cy) for p in self.points]) / l
dist = sum([p.distance(cx, cy) for p in self.points]) / l
if rotation:
self.trigger(Rotate(cx, cy, rotation, l))
if self.prev_pinch == None:
self.prev_pinch = pinch
pinch -= self.prev_pinch
if self.prev_dist != None:
pinch = dist / self.prev_dist
if pinch:
self.trigger(Pinch(cx, cy, pinch, l))
self.prev_dist = dist
def update_centroid(self):
Calculate the centroid of all current touch points.
self.old_centroid = self.centroid
l = len(self.points)
# If there are no touch points, move the centroid to outside the screen
if not l:
self.centroid = -1., -1.
if self.points:
self.centroid = average([p.xy for p in self.points])
# Only use stationary points for rotational centroid, if any
stat = [p.xy for p in filter(TouchPoint.is_stationary, self.points)]
self.rot_centroid = average(stat) if stat else self.centroid
# There are no touch points, move the centroid out of the screen
self.centroid = -1., -1.
def centroid_movement(self):
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