Commit 057a330f authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Worked on 'Design' chapter of report.

parent 9c605e96
...@@ -63,22 +63,52 @@ ...@@ -63,22 +63,52 @@
\end{figure} \end{figure}
} }
\newcommand{\driverdiagram}[1]{ \newcommand{\driverdiagram}{
\begin{figure}[h] \begin{figure}[H]
\center \center
\architecture{ \architecture{
\node[block, below of=driver] (eventdriver) {Event driver} \node[block, below of=driver] (eventdriver) {Event driver}
edge[linefrom] node[right, near end] {driver-specific messages} (driver); edge[linefrom] node[right, near end] {driver-specific messages} (driver);
\node[block, below of=eventdriver, dashed] (analysis) {Event analysis} \node[block, below of=eventdriver, dashed] (analysis) {Event analysis}
edge[linefrom] node[right] {events} (eventdriver); edge[linefrom] node[right] {events} (eventdriver);
\node[block, below of=analysis] {Application} \node[block, below of=analysis] {Application}
edge[linefrom] node[right, near start] {gestures} (analysis); edge[linefrom] node[right, near start] {gestures} (analysis);
\node[right of=eventdriver, xshift=2em] (dummy) {}; \node[right of=eventdriver, xshift=2em] (dummy) {};
\group{eventdriver}{eventdriver}{dummy}{analysis}{Architecture} \group{eventdriver}{eventdriver}{dummy}{analysis}{Architecture}
} }
\caption{#1} \caption{Extension of the diagram from figure \ref{fig:basicdiagram},
\label{fig:driverdiagram} showing the position of the event driver in the architecture. The
event driver translates driver-specific to a common set of events,
which are delegated to analysis components that will interpret them
as more complex gestures.}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=6em]
\node[block] (driver) {Driver};
\node[block, below of=driver] (eventdriver) {Event driver}
edge[linefrom] (driver);
\node[block, right of=driver, xshift=2em] (seconddriver) {Driver};
\node[block, below of=seconddriver] (secondeventdriver) {Event driver}
edge[linefrom] node[right, near end] {driver-specific messages} (seconddriver);
\node[block, below of=eventdriver, dashed] (analysis) {Event analysis}
edge[linefrom] (eventdriver)
edge[linefrom] node[right=5] {events} (secondeventdriver);
\node[block, below of=analysis] {Application}
edge[linefrom] node[right, near start] {gestures} (analysis);
\node[right of=seconddriver, xshift=2em] (dummy) {};
\caption{Multiple event drivers running simultaneously.}
\end{figure} \end{figure}
} }
...@@ -214,3 +244,65 @@ ...@@ -214,3 +244,65 @@
\label{fig:ex3} \label{fig:ex3}
\end{figure} \end{figure}
} }
\subfigure[An event is triggered in the white area. The event is first
delegated to the white area from te gray area (2). After gesture
detection, it is propagated back to the gray area (6) \emph{unless}
propagation has been stopped in the gesture tracker between (3) and (4).]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5.5em]
\draw node[draw=black, minimum width=190, minimum height=140] (screen) at (0,0) {};
\draw node[fill=gray!50, draw=black!70, minimum height=100, minimum width=100] (screen) at (-0.1,-0.1) {};
\draw node[fill=white, draw=black!80, diamond, minimum height=50, minimum width=50] (screen) at (0.3,0.4) {};
\fill (0.4, 0.6) circle (0.15);
\draw node[block, yshift=-10em, xshift=-3em] (driver) {Event driver};
\draw node[block, below of=driver] (gray) {Gray area}
edge[linefrom] node[left=5] {1} (driver);
\draw node[block, below of=gray] (white) {White area}
edge[linefrom, bend left=15] node[left] {2} (gray)
edge[lineto, bend right=15] node[right] {6} (gray);
\draw node[block, right of=white, xshift=4em] {\emph{rotation} tracker}
edge[linefrom, bend right=15] node[above] {3} (white)
edge[lineto, dotted, bend left=15] node[below] {4} (white);
\draw node[block, right of=gray, xshift=4em] {\emph{rotation} tracker}
edge[linefrom, bend right=15] node[above] {7} (gray)
edge[lineto, dotted, bend left=15] node[below] {8} (gray);
\draw node[block, below of=white] {Application}
edge[linefrom, dotted, bend left=65] node[left] {9} (gray)
edge[linefrom, dotted] node[left] {5} (white);
\subfigure[An event is triggered in the gray area, it does not even
reach the white area.]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5.5em]
\draw node[draw=black, minimum width=190, minimum height=140] (screen) at (0,0) {};
\draw node[fill=gray!50, draw=black!70, minimum height=100, minimum width=100] (screen) at (-0.1,-0.1) {};
\draw node[fill=white, draw=black!80, diamond, minimum height=50, minimum width=50] (screen) at (0.3,0.4) {};
\fill (-0.5, -0.7) circle (0.15);
\draw node[block, yshift=-10em, xshift=-3em] (driver) {Event driver};
\draw node[block, below of=driver] (gray) {Gray area}
edge[linefrom] node[left=5] {1} (driver);
\draw node[block, below of=gray] (white) {White area};
\draw node[block, right of=white, xshift=4em] {\emph{rotation} tracker};
\draw node[block, right of=gray, xshift=4em] {\emph{rotation} tracker}
edge[linefrom, bend right=15] node[above] {2} (gray)
edge[lineto, dotted, bend left=15] node[below] {3} (gray);
\draw node[block, below of=white] {Application}
edge[linefrom, dotted, bend left=65] node[left] {4} (gray);
\caption{Two nested squares both listen to rotation gestures. The two
figures both show a touch object triggering an event, which is
delegated through the area tree in the order indicated by the numbered
arrow labels. Normal arrows represent events, dotted arrows represent
gestures. Note that the dotted arrows only represent the path a gesture
would travel in the tree \emph{if triggered}, not an actual triggered
...@@ -136,3 +136,24 @@ ...@@ -136,3 +136,24 @@
year = "2012" year = "2012"
} }
added-at = "2011-06-16T00:00:00.000+0200",
author = "Rigoll, Gerhard and Kosmala, Andreas and Eickeler, Stefan",
biburl = "",
booktitle = "{Gesture Workshop}",
editor = "Wachsmuth, Ipke and Fr{\"o}hlich, Martin",
ee = "",
interhash = "34d903bedb489d5eee561a2b2ffecc5f",
intrahash = "6873a6cd47352cc259cac68b7aae6011",
isbn = "3-540-64424-5",
keywords = "dblp",
pages = "69--80",
publisher = "Springer",
series = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
title = "{High Performance Real-Time Gesture Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models.}",
url = "",
volume = 1371,
x-fetchedfrom = "Bibsonomy",
year = 1997
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[english]{babel}
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
\usepackage{hyperref,graphicx,tikz,subfigure} \usepackage{hyperref,graphicx,tikz,subfigure,float}
% Link colors % Link colors
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true,linkcolor=black,urlcolor=blue,citecolor=DarkGreen} \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,linkcolor=black,urlcolor=blue,citecolor=DarkGreen}
...@@ -137,21 +137,6 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings. ...@@ -137,21 +137,6 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings.
detected by different gesture trackers, thus separating gesture detection detected by different gesture trackers, thus separating gesture detection
code into maintainable parts. code into maintainable parts.
% TODO: This is not really 'related', move it to somewhere else
\section{Processing implementation of simple gestures in Android}
An implementation of a detection architecture for some simple multi-touch
gestures (tap, double tap, rotation, pinch and drag) using
Processing\footnote{Processing is a Java-based development environment with
an export possibility for Android. See also \url{}}
can be found in a forum on the Processing website \cite{processingMT}. The
implementation is fairly simple, but it yields some very appealing results.
The detection logic of all gestures is combined in a single class. This
does not allow for extendability, because the complexity of this class
would increase to an undesirable level (as predicted by the GART article
\cite{GART}). However, the detection logic itself is partially re-used in
the reference implementation of the generic gesture detection architecture.
\section{Analysis of related work} \section{Analysis of related work}
The simple Processing implementation of multi-touch events provides most of The simple Processing implementation of multi-touch events provides most of
...@@ -165,7 +150,6 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings. ...@@ -165,7 +150,6 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings.
of gesture detection code, thus keeping a code library manageable and of gesture detection code, thus keeping a code library manageable and
extendable, is to user different gesture trackers. extendable, is to user different gesture trackers.
% FIXME: change title below
\chapter{Design} \chapter{Design}
\label{chapter:design} \label{chapter:design}
...@@ -174,41 +158,40 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings. ...@@ -174,41 +158,40 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings.
\section{Introduction} \section{Introduction}
% TODO: rewrite intro?
This chapter describes the realization of a design for the generic This chapter describes the realization of a design for the generic
multi-touch gesture detection architecture. The chapter represents the multi-touch gesture detection architecture. The chapter represents the
architecture as a diagram of relations between different components. architecture as a diagram of relations between different components.
Sections \ref{sec:driver-support} to \ref{sec:event-analysis} define Sections \ref{sec:driver-support} to \ref{sec:multiple-applications} define
requirements for the architecture, and extend the diagram with components requirements for the architecture, and extend the diagram with components
that meet these requirements. Section \ref{sec:example} describes an that meet these requirements. Section \ref{sec:example} describes an
example usage of the architecture in an application. example usage of the architecture in an application.
\subsection*{Position of architecture in software} The input of the architecture comes from a multi-touch device driver.
The task of the architecture is to translate this input to multi-touch
gestures that are used by an application, as illustrated in figure
\ref{fig:basicdiagram}. In the course of this chapter, the diagram is
extended with the different components of the architecture.
The input of the architecture comes from a multi-touch device driver. \basicdiagram{A diagram showing the position of the architecture
The task of the architecture is to translate this input to multi-touch relative to the device driver and a multi-touch application. The input
gestures that are used by an application, as illustrated in figure of the architecture is given by a touch device driver. This output is
\ref{fig:basicdiagram}. In the course of this chapter, the diagram is translated to complex interaction gestures and passed to the
extended with the different components of the architecture. application that is using the architecture.}
\basicdiagram{A diagram showing the position of the architecture
relative to the device driver and a multi-touch application. The input
of the architecture is given by a touch device driver. This output is
translated to complex interaction gestures and passed to the
application that is using the architecture.}
\section{Supporting multiple drivers} \section{Supporting multiple drivers}
\label{sec:driver-support} \label{sec:driver-support}
The TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO} is an example of a touch driver that can be The TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO} is an example of a driver that can be used by
used by multi-touch devices. TUIO uses ALIVE- and SET-messages to communicate multi-touch devices. TUIO uses ALIVE- and SET-messages to communicate
low-level touch events (see appendix \ref{app:tuio} for more details). low-level touch events (see appendix \ref{app:tuio} for more details).
These messages are specific to the API of the TUIO protocol. Other touch These messages are specific to the API of the TUIO protocol. Other drivers
drivers may use very different messages types. To support more than may use very different messages types. To support more than one driver in
one driver in the architecture, there must be some translation from the architecture, there must be some translation from driver-specific
driver-specific messages to a common format for primitive touch events. messages to a common format for primitive touch events. After all, the
After all, the gesture detection logic in a ``generic'' architecture should gesture detection logic in a ``generic'' architecture should not be
not be implemented based on driver-specific messages. The event types in implemented based on driver-specific messages. The event types in this
this format should be chosen so that multiple drivers can trigger the same format should be chosen so that multiple drivers can trigger the same
events. If each supported driver would add its own set of event types to events. If each supported driver would add its own set of event types to
the common format, it the purpose of being ``common'' would be defeated. the common format, it the purpose of being ``common'' would be defeated.
...@@ -232,16 +215,18 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings. ...@@ -232,16 +215,18 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings.
components in the architecture for translation to gestures. This components in the architecture for translation to gestures. This
communication flow is illustrated in figure \ref{fig:driverdiagram}. communication flow is illustrated in figure \ref{fig:driverdiagram}.
Support for a touch device driver can be added by adding an event driver \driverdiagram
Support for a touch driver can be added by adding an event driver
implementation. The choice of event driver implementation that is used in an implementation. The choice of event driver implementation that is used in an
application is dependent on the driver support of the touch device being application is dependent on the driver support of the touch device being
used. used.
\driverdiagram{Extension of the diagram from figure \ref{fig:basicdiagram}, Because driver implementations have a common output format in the form of
showing the position of the event driver in the architecture. The event events, multiple event drivers can run at the same time (see figure
driver translates driver-specific to a common set of events, which are \ref{fig:multipledrivers}).
delegated to analysis components that will interpret them as more complex
gestures.} \multipledriversdiagram
\section{Restricting events to a screen area} \section{Restricting events to a screen area}
\label{sec:restricting-gestures} \label{sec:restricting-gestures}
...@@ -294,8 +279,8 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings. ...@@ -294,8 +279,8 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings.
leads to the concept of an \emph{area}, which represents an area on the leads to the concept of an \emph{area}, which represents an area on the
touch surface in which events should be grouped before being delegated to a touch surface in which events should be grouped before being delegated to a
form of gesture detection. Examples of simple area implementations are form of gesture detection. Examples of simple area implementations are
rectangles and circles. However, area's could be made to represent more rectangles and circles. However, area's could also be made to represent
complex shapes. more complex shapes.
An area groups events and assigns them to some piece of gesture detection An area groups events and assigns them to some piece of gesture detection
logic. This possibly triggers a gesture, which must be handled by the logic. This possibly triggers a gesture, which must be handled by the
...@@ -314,6 +299,10 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings. ...@@ -314,6 +299,10 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings.
to a gesture detection component that trigger gestures. The area then calls to a gesture detection component that trigger gestures. The area then calls
the handler that is bound to the gesture type by the application.} the handler that is bound to the gesture type by the application.}
An area can be seen as an independent subset of a touch surface. Therefore,
the parameters (coordinates) of events and gestures within an area should
be relative to the area.
Note that the boundaries of an area are only used to group events, not Note that the boundaries of an area are only used to group events, not
gestures. A gesture could occur outside the area that contains its gestures. A gesture could occur outside the area that contains its
originating events, as illustrated by the example in figure \ref{fig:ex2}. originating events, as illustrated by the example in figure \ref{fig:ex2}.
...@@ -337,122 +326,127 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings. ...@@ -337,122 +326,127 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings.
concept suffices. Section \ref{sec:eventfilter} explores the possibility of concept suffices. Section \ref{sec:eventfilter} explores the possibility of
areas to be replaced with event filters. areas to be replaced with event filters.
\subsection*{Reserving an event for a gesture} \subsection{Area tree}
The most simple implementation of areas in the architecture is a list of The most simple implementation of areas in the architecture is a list of
areas. When the event driver delegates an event, it is delegated to gesture areas. When the event driver delegates an event, it is delegated to gesture
detection by each area that contains the event coordinates. A problem detection by each area that contains the event coordinates.
occurs when areas overlap, as shown by figure \ref{fig:ex3}. When the
white rectangle is rotated, the gray square should keep its current If the architecture were to be used in combination with an application
orientation. This means that events that are used for rotation of the white framework like GTK \cite{GTK}, each GTK widget that must receive gestures
square, should not be used for rotation of the gray square. To achieve should have a mirroring area that synchronizes its position with that of
this, there must be some communication between the rotation detection the widget. Consider a panel with five buttons that all listen to a
components of the two squares. ``tap'' event. If the panel is moved as a result of movement of the
application window, the position of each button has to be updated.
This process is simplified by the arrangement of areas in a tree structure.
a A root area represents the panel, containing five subareas which are
positioned relative to the root area. The relative positions do not need to
-------- be updated when the panel area changes its position. GUI frameworks, like
GTK, use this kind of tree structure to manage widgets. A recommended first
% simpelste aanpak is een lijst van area's, als event erin past dan step when developing an application is to create some subclass of the area
% delegeren. probleem (aangeven met voorbeeld van geneste widgets die that synchronizes with the position of a widget from the GUI framework
% allebei naar tap luisteren): als area's overlappen wil je bepaalde events automatically.
% reserveren voor bepaalde stukjes detection logic
% oplossing: area'a opslaan in boomstructuur en event propagatie gebruiken
% -> area binnenin een parent area kan events propageren naar die parent,
% detection logic kan propagatie tegenhouden. om omhoog in de boom te
% propageren moet het event eerst bij de leaf aankomen, dus eerst delegatie
% tot laagste leaf node die het event bevat.
% speciaal geval: overlappende area's in dezelfde laag v/d boom. in dat
% geval: area die later is toegevoegd (rechter sibling) wordt aangenomen
% bovenop de sibling links ervan te liggen en krijgt dus eerst het event.
% Als propagatie in bovenste (rechter) area wordt gestopt, krijgt de
% achterste (linker) sibling deze ook niet meer
% bijkomend voordeel van boomstructuur: makkelijk te integreren in bijv GTK
% die voor widgets een boomstructuur gebruikt -> voor elke widget die touch
% events heeft een area aanmaken
%For example, a button tap\footnote{A ``tap'' gesture is triggered when a
%touch object releases a touch surface within a certain time and distance
%from the point where it initially touched the surface.} should only occur
%on the button itself, and not in any other area of the screen. A solution
%to this problem is the use of \emph{widgets}. The button from the example
%can be represented as a rectangular widget with a position and size. The
%position and size are compared with event coordinates to determine whether
%an event should occur within the button.
\subsection*{Area tree}
A problem occurs when widgets overlap. If a button in placed over a
container and an event occurs occurs inside the button, should the
button handle the event first? And, should the container receive the
event at all or should it be reserved for the button?.
The solution to this problem is to save widgets in a tree structure.
There is one root widget, whose size is limited by the size of the
touch screen. Being the leaf widget, and thus the widget that is
actually touched when an object touches the device, the button widget
should receive an event before its container does. However, events
occur on a screen-wide level and thus at the root level of the widget
tree. Therefore, an event is delegated in the tree before any analysis
is performed. Delegation stops at the ``lowest'' widget in the three
containing the event coordinates. That widget then performs some
analysis of the event, after which the event is released back to the
parent widget for analysis. This release of an event to a parent widget
is called \emph{propagation}. To be able to reserve an event to some
widget or analysis, the propagation of an event can be stopped during
% TODO: inspired by JavaScript DOM
Many GUI frameworks, like GTK \cite{GTK}, also use a tree structure to
manage their widgets. This makes it easy to connect the architecture to
such a framework. For example, the programmer can define a
\texttt{GtkTouchWidget} that synchronises the position of a touch
widget with that of a GTK widget, using GTK signals.
\section{Detecting gestures from events} \section{Detecting gestures from events}
\label{sec:gesture-detection} \label{sec:gesture-detection}
The events that are grouped by areas must be translated to complex gestures The events that are grouped by areas must be translated to complex gestures
in some way. This analysis is specific to the type of gesture being in some way. Gestures such as a button tap or the dragging of an object
detected. E.g. the detection of a ``tap'' gesture is very different from using one finger are easy to detect by comparing the positions of
detection of a ``rotate'' gesture. The architecture has adopted the sequential $point\_down$ and $point\_move$ events.
\emph{gesture tracker}-based design described by \cite{win7touch}, which
separates the detection of different gestures into different \emph{gesture A way to detect more complex gestures is based on a sequence of input
trackers}. This keeps the different pieces of gesture detection code features is with the use of machine learning methods, such as Hidden Markov
manageable and extendable. A single gesture tracker detects a specific set Models \footnote{A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a statistical model without
of gesture types, given a set of primitive events. An example of a possible a memory, it can be used to detect gestures based on the current input
gesture tracker implementation is a ``transformation tracker'' that detects state alone.} \cite{conf/gw/RigollKE97}. A sequence of input states can be
rotation, scaling and translation gestures. mapped to a feature vector that is recognized as a particular gesture with
some probability. This type of gesture recognition is often used in video
% TODO: een formele definitie van gestures zou wellicht beter zijn, maar processing, where large sets of data have to be processed. Using an
% wordt niet gegeven in deze thesis (wel besproken in future work) imperative programming style to recognize each possible sign in sign
language detection is near impossible, and certainly not desirable.
\subsection*{Assignment of a gesture tracker to an area}
Sequences of events that are triggered by a multi-touch based surfaces are
As explained in section \ref{sec:callbacks}, events are delegated from often of a manageable complexity. An imperative programming style is
a widget to some event analysis. The analysis component of a widget sufficient to detect many common gestures. The imperative programming style
consists of a list of gesture trackers, each tracking a specific set of is also familiar and understandable for a wide range of application
gestures. No two trackers in the list should be tracking the same developers. Therefore, the aim is to use this programming style in the
gesture type. architecture implementation that is developed during this project.
When a handler for a gesture is ``bound'' to a widget, the widget However, the architecture should not be limited to multi-touch surfaces
asserts that it has a tracker that is tracking this gesture. Thus, the alone. For example, the architecture should also be fit to be used in an
programmer does not create gesture trackers manually. Figure application that detects hand gestures from video input.
\ref{fig:trackerdiagram} shows the position of gesture trackers in the
architecture. A problem with the imperative programming style is that the detection of
different gestures requires different pieces of detection code. If this is
\trackerdiagram{Extension of the diagram from figure not managed well, the detection logic is prone to become chaotic and
\ref{fig:widgetdiagram}, showing the position of gesture trackers in over-complex.
the architecture.}
To manage complexity and support multiple methods of gesture detection, the
architecture has adopted the tracker-based design as described by
\cite{win7touch}. Different detection components are wrapped in separate
gesture tracking units, or \emph{gesture trackers} The input of a gesture
tracker is provided by an area in the form of events. When a gesture
tracker detects a gesture, this gesture is triggered in the corresponding
area. The area then calls the callbacks which are bound to the gesture
type by the application. Figure \ref{fig:trackerdiagram} shows the position
of gesture trackers in the architecture.
\trackerdiagram{Extension of the diagram from figure
\ref{fig:areadiagram}, showing the position of gesture trackers in the
The use of gesture trackers as small detection units provides extendability
of the architecture. A developer can write a custom gesture tracker and
register it in the architecture. The tracker can use any type of detection
logic internally, as long as it translates events to gestures.
An example of a possible gesture tracker implementation is a
``transformation tracker'' that detects rotation, scaling and translation
\section{Reserving an event for a gesture}
A problem occurs when areas overlap, as shown by figure
\ref{fig:eventpropagation}. When the white square is rotated, the gray
square should keep its current orientation. This means that events that are
used for rotation of the white square, should not be used for rotation of
the gray square. To achieve this, there must be some communication between
the gesture trackers of the two squares. When an event in the white square
is used for rotation, that event should not be used for rotation in the
gray square. In other words, the event must be \emph{reserved} for the
rotation gesture in the white square. In order to reserve an event, the
event needs to be handled by the rotation tracker of the white before the
rotation tracker of the grey square receives it. Otherwise, the gray square
has already triggered a rotation gesture and it will be too late to reserve
the event for rotation of the white square.
When an object touches the touch surface, the event that is triggered
should be delegated according to the order in which its corresponding areas
are positioned over each other. The tree structure in which areas are
arranged (see section \ref{sec:tree}), is an ideal tool to determine the
order in which an event is delegated to different areas. Areas in the tree
are positioned on top of their parent. An object touching the screen is
essentially touching the deepest area in the tree that contains the
triggered event. That area should be the first to delegate the event to its
gesture trackers, and then move the event up in the tree to its ancestors.
The movement of an event up in the area tree will be called \emph{event
propagation}. To reserve an event for a particular gesture, a gesture
tracker can stop its propagation. When propagation of an event is stopped,
it will not be passed on the ancestor areas, thus reserving the event.
Figure \ref{fig:eventpropagation} illustrates the use of event propagation,
applied to the example of the white and gray squares.
\section{Serving multiple applications} \section{Serving multiple applications}
\section{Example usage} \section{Example usage}
\label{sec:example} \label{sec:example}
...@@ -467,16 +461,11 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings. ...@@ -467,16 +461,11 @@ goal is to test the effectiveness of the design and detect its shortcomings.
\begin{verbatim} \begin{verbatim}
initialize GUI, creating a window initialize GUI, creating a window
# Add widgets representing the application window and button create a root area with the position and size of the application window
rootwidget = new rectangular Widget object create an area with the position and size of the button
set rootwidget position and size to that of the application window
buttonwidget = new rectangular Widget object
set buttonwidget position and size to that of the GUI button
# Create an event server that will be started later create a new event server
server = new EventServer object set 'rootwidget' as root widget for 'server'
set rootwidget as root widget for server
# Define handlers and bind them to corresponding widgets # Define handlers and bind them to corresponding widgets
begin function resize_handler(gesture) begin function resize_handler(gesture)
...@@ -593,6 +582,21 @@ client application, as stated by the online specification ...@@ -593,6 +582,21 @@ client application, as stated by the online specification
\chapter{Experimental program} \chapter{Experimental program}
\label{app:experiment} \label{app:experiment}
% TODO: This is not really 'related', move it to somewhere else
\section{Processing implementation of simple gestures in Android}
An implementation of a detection architecture for some simple multi-touch
gestures (tap, double tap, rotation, pinch and drag) using
Processing\footnote{Processing is a Java-based development environment with
an export possibility for Android. See also \url{}}
can be found in a forum on the Processing website \cite{processingMT}. The
implementation is fairly simple, but it yields some very appealing results.
The detection logic of all gestures is combined in a single class. This
does not allow for extendability, because the complexity of this class
would increase to an undesirable level (as predicted by the GART article
\cite{GART}). However, the detection logic itself is partially re-used in
the reference implementation of the generic gesture detection architecture.
% TODO: rewrite intro % TODO: rewrite intro
When designing a software library, its API should be understandable and easy to When designing a software library, its API should be understandable and easy to
use for programmers. To find out the basic requirements of the API to be use for programmers. To find out the basic requirements of the API to be
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