Commit 04e6dbc8 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Removed old experiments/design chapters.

parent 64ce770d
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Python.
extendable, is to user different gesture trackers.
% FIXME: change title below
\chapter{Design - new}
% Diagrams are defined in a separate file
......@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ Python.
driver. For example, the table used in the experiments uses the TUIO
protocol. The task of the architecture is to translate this input to
multi-touch gestures that are used by an application, as illustrated in
figure \ref{fig:basicdiagram}. At the end of this chapter, the diagram
is extended with the different components of the architecture.
figure \ref{fig:basicdiagram}. In the course of this chapter, the
diagram is extended with the different components of the architecture.
\basicdiagram{A diagram showing the position of the architecture
relative to a multi-touch application.}
relative to the device driver and a multi-touch application.}
\section{Supporting multiple drivers}
......@@ -201,12 +201,13 @@ Python.
driver-specific messages to a common format in the arcitecture. Messages in
this common format will be called \emph{events}. Events can be translated
to multi-touch \emph{gestures}. The most basic set of events is
${point\_down, point\_move, point\_up}$.
$\{point\_down, point\_move, point\_up\}$. Here, a ``point'' is a touch
object with only an (x, y) position on the screen.
A more extended set could also contain more complex events. However, a
object can also have a rotational property, like the ``fiducials'' type in
the TUIO protocol. This results in $\{point\_down, point\_move, point\_up,
object\_down, object\_move, object\_up,\\object\_rotate\}$.
A more extended set could also contain more complex events. An object can
also have a rotational property, like the ``fiducials'' type in the TUIO
protocol. This results in $\{point\_down, point\_move,\\point\_up,
object\_down, object\_move, object\_up, object\_rotate\}$.
The component that translates driver-specific messages to events, is called
the \emph{event driver}. The event driver runs in a loop, receiving and
......@@ -312,253 +313,37 @@ Python.
\ref{fig:widgetdiagram}, showing the position of gesture trackers in
the architecture.}
\section{Example usage}
\section{Nog iets hier met example diagrams...}
% FIXME: Delete the 2 following chapters
% testimplementatie met taps, rotatie en pinch. Hieruit bleek:
% - dat er verschillende manieren zijn om bijv. "rotatie" te
% detecteren, (en dat daartussen onderscheid moet kunnen worden
% gemaakt)
% - dat detectie van verschillende soorten gestures moet kunnen
% worden gescheiden, anders wordt het een chaos.
% - Er zijn een aantal keuzes gemaakt bij het ontwerpen van de gestures,
% bijv dat rotatie ALLE vingers gebruikt voor het centroid. Het is
% wellicht in een ander programma nodig om maar 1 hand te gebruiken, en
% dus punten dicht bij elkaar te kiezen (oplossing: windows).
To test multi-touch interaction properly, a multi-touch device is required.
The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has provided access to a multi-touch
table from PQlabs. The table uses the TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO} to
communicate touch events. See appendix \ref{app:tuio} for details regarding
the TUIO protocol.
\section{Summary of observations}
\item The TUIO protocol uses a distinctive coordinate system and set of
\item Touch events occur outside of the application window.
\item Gestures that use multiple touch points are using all touch
points (not a subset of them).
\item Code complexity increases when detection algorithms are added.
\item A multi-touch application can have very specific requirements for
From the observations in section \ref{sec:observations}, a number of
requirements can be specified for the design of the event mechanism:
% vertalen driver-specifieke events naar algemeen formaat
\item To be able to support multiple input drivers, there must be a
translation from driver-specific messages to some common format
that can be used in gesture detection algorithms.
% events toewijzen aan GUI window (windows)
\item An application GUI window should be able to receive only events
occurring within that window, and not outside of it.
% scheiden groepen touchpoints voor verschillende gestures (windows)
\item To support multiple objects that are performing different
gestures at the same time, the architecture must be able to perform
gesture detection on a subset of the active touch points.
% scheiden van detectiecode voor verschillende gesture types
\item To avoid an increase in code complexity when adding new detection
algorithms, detection code of different gesture types must be
% extendability
\item The architecture should allow for extension with new detection
algorithms to be added to an implementation. This enables a
programmer to define custom gestures for an application.
Based on the requirements from chapter \ref{chapter:requirements}, a design
for the architecture has been created. The design consists of a number
of components, each having a specific set of tasks.
% TODO: Rewrite components, use more diagrams
\subsection{Event server}
% vertaling driver naar point down, move, up
% vertaling naar schermpixelcoordinaten
% TUIO in reference implementation
The \emph{event server} is an abstraction for driver-specific server
implementations, such as a TUIO server. It receives driver-specific
messages and tanslates these to a common set of events and a common
coordinate system.
A minimal example of a common set of events is $\{point\_down,
point\_move, point\_up\}$. This is the set used by the reference
implementation. Respectively, these events represent an object being
placed on the screen, moving along the surface of the screen, and being
released from the screen.
A more extended set could also contain the same three events for an
object touching the screen. However, a object can also have a
rotational property, like the ``fiducials'' type in the TUIO protocol.
This results in $\{point\_down, point\_move, point\_up, object\_down,
object\_move, object\_up,\\object\_rotate\}$.
% TODO: is dit handig? point_down/object_down op 1 of andere manier samenvoegen?
An important note here, is that similar events triggered by different
event servers must have the same event type and parameters. In other
words, the output of the event servers should be determined by the
gesture servers (not the contrary).
The output of an event server implementation should also use a common
coordinate system, that is the coordinate system used by the gesture
server. For example, the reference implementation uses screen
coordinates in pixels, where (0, 0) is the upper left corner and
(\emph{screen width}, \emph{screen height}) the lower right corner of
the screen.
The abstract class definition of the event server should provide some
functionality to detect which driver-specific event server
implementation should be used.
\subsection{Gesture trackers}
Like \cite[the .NET implementation]{win7touch}, the architecture uses a
\emph{gesture tracker} to detect if a sequence of events forms a
particular gesture. A gesture tracker detects and triggers events for a
limited set of gesture types, given a set of touch points. If one group
of touch points is assigned to one tracker and another group to another
tracker, multiple gestures can be detected at the same time. For the
assignment of different groups of touch points to different gesture
trackers, the architecture uses so-called \emph{windows}. These are
described in the next section.
% event binding/triggering
A gesture tracker triggers a gesture event by executing a callback.
Callbacks are ``bound'' to a tracker by the application. Because
multiple gesture types can have very similar detection algorithm, a
tracker can detect multiple different types of gestures. For instance,
the rotation and pinch gestures from the experimental program in
section \ref{sec:experimental-draw} both use the centroid of all touch
If no callback is bound for a particular gesture type, no detection of
that type is needed. A tracker implementation can use this knowledge
for code optimization.
% scheiding algoritmiek
A tracker implementation defines the gesture types it can trigger, and
the detection algorithms to trigger them. Consequently, detection
algorithms can be separated in different trackers. Different
trackers can be saved in different files, reducing the complexity of
the code in a single file. \\
% extendability
Because a tracker defines its own set of gesture types, the application
developer can define application-specific trackers (by extending a base
\texttt{GestureTracker} class, for example). In fact, any built-in
gesture trackers of an implementation are also created this way. This
allows for a plugin-like way of programming, which is very desirable if
someone would want to build a library of gesture trackers. Such a
library can easy be extended by others.
A \emph{window} represents a subset of the entire screen surface. The
goal of a window is to restrict the detection of certain gestures to
certain areas. A window contains a list of touch points, and a list of
trackers. A gesture server (defined in the next section) assigns touch
points to a window, but the window itself defines functionality to
check whether a touch point is inside the window. This way, new windows
can be defined to fit over any 2D object used by the application.
The first and most obvious use of a window is to restrict touch events
to a single application window. However, the use of windows can be used
in a lot more powerful way.
For example, an application contains an image with a transparent
background that can be dragged around. The user can only drag the image
by touching its foreground. To accomplish this, the application
programmer can define a window type that uses a bitmap to determine
whether a touch point is on the visible image surface. The tracker
which detects drag gestures is then bound to this window, limiting the
occurence of drag events to the image surface.
% toewijzen even aan deel v/h scherm:
% TUIO coördinaten zijn over het hele scherm en van 0.0 tot 1.0, dus
% moeten worden vertaald naar pixelcoördinaten binnen een ``window''
\subsection{Gesture server}
% luistert naar point down, move, up
The \emph{gesture server} delegates events from the event server to the
set of windows that contain the touch points related to the events.
% toewijzing point (down) aan window(s)
The gesture server contains a list of windows. When the event server
triggers an event, the gesture server ``asks'' each window whether it
contains the related touch point. If so, the window updates its gesture
trackers, which can then trigger gestures.
\section{Example usage}
This section describes an example that illustrates the communication
between different components. The example application listens to tap events
in a GUI window.
This section describes an example that illustrates the API of the
architecture. The example application listens to tap events in a GUI
# Create a gesture server that will be started later
server = new GestureServer object
# Add a new window to the server, representing the GUI
window = new Window object
set window position and size to that of GUIO window
add window to server
widget = new rectangular Widget object
set widget position and size to that of the GUI window
# If the GUI toolkit allows it, bind window movement and resize handlers
# that alter the position size and sieze of the window object
# Create an event server that will be started later
server = new EventServer object
set widget as root widget for server
# Define a handler that must be triggered when a tap gesture is detected
begin function handler(gesture)
# Do something
end function
# Create a tracker that detects tap gestures
tracker = new TapTracker object # Where TapTracker is an implementation of
# abstract Tracker
add tracker tot window
bind handler to tracker.tap
# If the GUI toolkit allows it, bind window movement and resize handlers
# that alter the position size and sieze of the window object
# Bind the handler to the 'tap' event (the widget creates a tap tracker)
bind ('tap', handler) to widget
# Start the gesture server (which in turn starts a driver-specific event
# server)
# Start event server (which in turn starts a driver-specific event server)
start server
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