Commit afddedef authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Added first version of generator script.

parent 2296a89a
File added
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import MySQLdb as mysql
from singplur import singularize, pluralize
from itertools import combinations
TAB = '\t'
def php_value(data, indent=0):
Convert Python data types to PHP code. Tuples or lists are used for
single-line arrays, sets for multiline arrays, dictionaries for associative
arrays, and strings are encapsulated in single quotes.
if isinstance(data, str):
return "'%s'" % data.replace("'", "\\'")
tabs = (indent + 1) * TAB
if type(data) in (list, tuple):
return 'array(%s)' % ', '.join(map(php_value, data))
elif isinstance(data, dict):
if not data:
return 'array()'
lines = ["'%s' => %s" % (k, php_value(v, indent + 1))
for k, v in data.iteritems()]
elif isinstance(data, set):
if not data:
return 'array()'
lines = [php_value(item, indent + 1) for item in data]
return str(data)
return 'array(\n%s\n%s)' % (',\n'.join([tabs + line for line in lines]),
indent * TAB)
def php_assoc((arg, kwargs)):
assocs = ["'%s' => %s" % (k, php_value(v)) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems()]
return 'array(%s)' % ', '.join([php_value(arg)] + assocs)
def php_static_var(name, value):
return 'static $%s = %s;' % (name, value)
def php_static_array(name, values):
array = 'array(%s)' if len(values) < 2 \
else 'array(\n{0}{0}%s\n{0})'.format(TAB)
lines = map(php_assoc, values)
array_values = (',\n' + 2 * TAB).join(lines)
return php_static_var(name, array % array_values)
def php_block(php_code):
return '<?php\n\n%s\n\n?>' % php_code
class Model(object):
def __init__(self, table, options):
self.table = table
self.options = options
self.attributes = []
self.primary_key = []
self.foreign_keys = []
self.has_many = []
self.has_one = []
self.belongs_to = []
def __str__(self):
return '<Model "%s" table=%s>' % (, self.table)
def singular_name(self):
return singularize(self.table)
def classname(self):
return singularize(re.sub('(?:^|_)([a-z])',
lambda m:, self.table))
def read_attributes(self, conn):
fields = read_fields(conn, self.table)
is_protected = lambda field: field['Key'] in ('PRI', 'MUL')
self.protected_fields, accessible = partition(is_protected, fields)
self.accessible_attr = [field['Field'] for field in accessible]
def process_keys(self, models):
for field in self.protected_fields:
name = field['Field']
if field['Key'] == 'PRI':
elif field['Key'] == 'MUL':
self.add_foreign_key(name, models)
# Has-many through
if len(self.belongs_to) > 1:
relations = [find_model(name, models)
for name, options in self.belongs_to]
for a, b in combinations(relations, 2):
a.add_has_relation(b, through=self.table)
b.add_has_relation(a, through=self.table)
def add_has_relation(self, model, **kwargs):
options = self.relopts(model)
name = model.singular_name()
if [self.singular_name(), name] in self.options.get('has_one', []):
self.has_one.append((name, options))
self.has_many.append((model.table, options))
def relopts(self, model, **kwargs):
relopts = kwargs
if self.options.get('create_select', True):
relopts['select'] = model.accessible_attr
return relopts
def add_foreign_key(self, name, models):
singular = re.sub('_' + PRIMARY_KEY + '$', '', name)
other_model = find_model(singular, models)
self.belongs_to.append((singular, self.relopts(other_model)))
def php_has_many(self):
if self.has_many:
return php_static_array('has_many', self.has_many)
def php_has_one(self):
if self.has_one:
return php_static_array('has_one', self.has_one)
def php_belongs_to(self):
if self.belongs_to:
return php_static_array('belongs_to', self.belongs_to)
def php_has_many_and_belongs_to(self):
if not self.has_many or not self.belongs_to:
def php_attr_accessible(self):
# All attributes except primary/foreign keys are accessible
if self.accessible_attr:
return php_static_var('attr_accessible',
def generate_php(self, add_php_block=False):
# PHP delimiters
php = '<?php\n\n%s\n\n?>'
# Class definition
classname = self.classname()
if self.options.get('namespace'):
classname = options['namespace'] + '\\' + classname
classdef = 'class %s extends ActiveRecord\\Model {\n%%s\n}' % classname
# Indented lines within class definition
lines = []
if self.options.get('create_relations', True):
lines += [
if self.options.get('create_accessible', True):
php = classdef % '\n'.join([TAB + line for line in lines if line != None])
return php_block(php) if add_php_block else php
def filename(self):
return self.singular_name() + '.php'
def create_path_from_dir(self, dirname):
return os.path.dirname(dirname + '//') + '/' + self.filename()
def save_in_file(self, path):
code = self.generate_php(True)
f = open(path, 'w')
def find_model(singular_name, models):
for model in models:
if model.singular_name() == singular_name:
return model
raise ValueError('No model found for "%s".' % singular_name)
def flatten(iterable):
return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, map(list, iterable), [])
def create_models(conn, options):
models = [Model(table, options) for table in read_tables(conn)]
for model in models:
for model in models:
return models
def refine_model(conn, model, models):
for field in read_fields(conn, model.table):
model.add_attribute(field, models)
def read_tables(conn):
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute('show tables')
tables = flatten(cur.fetchall())
return tables
def read_fields(conn, table):
cur = conn.cursor(mysql.cursors.DictCursor)
cur.execute('show columns from %s' % table)
fields = cur.fetchall()
return fields
def partition(callback, iterable):
Partition an iterable into two parts using a callback that returns a
>>> partition(lambda x: x & 1, range(6))
([1, 3, 5], [0, 2, 4])
a, b = [], []
for item in iterable:
(a if callback(item) else b).append(item)
return a, b
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Generate PHPActiveRecord models.')
parser.add_argument('dbname', help='database name')
parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', metavar='ADDRESS', default='localhost',
help='MySQL server address')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', metavar='USERNAME', default='root',
help='MySQL username')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default='mysql12#$',
help='MySQL password')
parser.add_argument('--has-one', nargs=2, dest='opt_has_one', action='append',
help='one-to-one relationships of the form '
'\'payment-receipt\', where one payment has one '
parser.add_argument('--namespace', default='', dest='opt_namespace',
help='PHP namespace to create models classes in')
parser.add_argument('--create-select', action='store_true',
help='whether to skip creation of the \'select\' '
'option in relations', dest='opt_create_select')
parser.add_argument('--create-accessible', dest='opt_create_accessible',
help='whether to skip creation of the '
'\'$attr_accessible\' variable, containing all '
'attributes except primary or foreing keys',
parser.add_argument('-a', '--create-all', action='store_true',
help='create all available options and variables')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', help='directory to save model files in')
args = parser.parse_args()
options = {}
for arg, value in args._get_kwargs():
if arg[:4] == 'opt_':
options[arg[4:]] = value
if args.create_all:
options['create_select'] = options['create_accessible'] = True
conn = mysql.connect(, args.user, args.password, args.dbname)
models = create_models(conn, options)
if args.dir:
if not os.path.exists(args.dir):
for model in models:
path = model.create_path_from_dir(args.dir)
print 'Saved model %s in %s' % (model.classname(), path)
for model in models:
print model.generate_php()
from unittest import TestCase
import MySQLdb as mysql
from generate import Model, php_value, php_assoc, flatten, read_tables, read_fields
class GenerateTest(TestCase):
conn = mysql.connect('localhost', 'root', 'mysql12#$', 'test')
def setUp(self):
self.model = Model('payments')
def test_php_value_dict(self):
self.assertEqual(php_value({}), 'array()')
self.assertEqual(php_value({'foo': 1}), "array(\n\t'foo' => 1\n)")
self.assertEqual(php_value({'foo': 1, 'bar': 'baz'}), """array(
\t'foo' => 1,
\t'bar' => 'baz'
self.assertEqual(php_value({'foo': tuple(range(3))}), """array(
\t'foo' => array(0, 1, 2)
self.assertMultiLineEqual(php_value({'foo': set(range(2))}), """array(
\t'foo' => array(
def test_php_value_tuple(self):
self.assertEqual(php_value(()), 'array()')
self.assertEqual(php_value((1,)), 'array(1)')
self.assertEqual(php_value((1, 'foo')), "array(1, 'foo')")
def test_php_value_set(self):
self.assertEqual(php_value(set()), 'array()')
self.assertEqual(php_value(set([1])), 'array(\n\t1\n)')
self.assertEqual(php_value(set([1, 2])), 'array(\n\t1,\n\t2\n)')
def test_php_value_non_iterable(self):
self.assertEqual(php_value('foo'), "'foo'")
self.assertEqual(php_value("foo's"), "'foo\\'s'")
self.assertEqual(php_value(1), '1')
def test_php_assoc(self):
self.assertEqual(php_assoc(('users', {'through': 'payments'})),
"array('users', 'through' => 'payments')")
def test_flatten(self):
self.assertEqual(flatten([['a'], ['b']]), ['a', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(flatten([['a'], ['b'], ('c', 'd')]), list('abcd'))
def test_read_tables(self):
self.assertEqual(read_tables(self.conn), ['payments', 'users'])
def test_read_fields(self):
fields = read_fields(self.conn, 'payments')
self.assertEqual([field['Field'] for field in fields],
['id', 'amount', 'user_id'])
def test_model_read_attributes(self):
self.assertEqual(self.model.accessible_attr, ['amount'])
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