Commit f69c40b6 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes


parent 2e91dba8
......@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ Bootstrapping on a Debian system can be done as follows:
TODO / bugs
- `border` shorthand generation produces out0of-order results when
direction-specific ddeclarations follow a generic border declaration. This
produces inequivalent CSS and must be fixed by unfolding each generic border
declaration into four direction-specific ones, and sybsequently generating
the shortest possible representation of the resulting box model.
- `border` shorthand generation produces out-of-order results when
direction-specific declarations follow a generic border declaration. This
produces inequivalent CSS, and could be fixed by unfolding each generic
border declaration into four direction-specific ones, and sybsequently
generating the shortest possible representation of the resulting box model.
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