Commit 28178a42 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Removed some useless color transformations

parent 24707b18
......@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ open Types
let compress = function
| Ident "aliceblue" -> Hexcolor "f0f8ff"
| Ident "antiquewhite" -> Hexcolor "faebd7"
| Ident "aqua" -> Hexcolor "0ff"
(*| Ident "aqua" -> Hexcolor "0ff"*)
| Ident "aquamarine" -> Hexcolor "7fffd4"
| Hexcolor "f0ffff" -> Ident "azure"
| Hexcolor "f5f5dc" -> Ident "beige"
| Hexcolor "ffe4c4" -> Ident "bisque"
| Ident "black" -> Hexcolor "000"
| Ident "blanchedalmond" -> Hexcolor "ffebcd"
| Ident "blue" -> Hexcolor "00f"
(*| Ident "blue" -> Hexcolor "00f"*)
| Ident "blueviolet" -> Hexcolor "8a2be2"
| Hexcolor "a52a2a" -> Ident "brown"
| Ident "burlywood" -> Hexcolor "deb887"
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let compress = function
| Hexcolor "ff7f50" -> Ident "coral"
| Ident "cornflowerblue" -> Hexcolor "6495ed"
| Ident "cornsilk" -> Hexcolor "fff8dc"
| Ident "cyan" -> Hexcolor "0ff"
(*| Ident "cyan" -> Hexcolor "0ff"*)
| Ident "darkblue" -> Hexcolor "00008b"
| Ident "darkcyan" -> Hexcolor "008b8b"
| Ident "darkgoldenrod" -> Hexcolor "b8860b"
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