Commit 2406d894 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Improved shorthand folding when component expressions are !important

parent d36f52bf
open Types
let rec shorten = function
| Ident "normal" -> Number (400.0, None)
| Ident "bold" -> Number (700.0, None)
| v -> v
let transform = function
| Declaration ("font-weight", value, imp) ->
Declaration ("font-weight", shorten value, imp)
| v -> v
let compress = Util.transform_stylesheet transform
...@@ -28,13 +28,17 @@ let rec decls_mem name = function ...@@ -28,13 +28,17 @@ let rec decls_mem name = function
(* find the value of the last declaration of some property (since the earlier (* find the value of the last declaration of some property (since the earlier
* values are overridden), unless an earlier !important value was found *) * values are overridden), unless an earlier !important value was found *)
let decls_find name decls = let decls_find name decls =
let rec wrap known = function let rec wrap known must_be_imp = function
| [] -> known | [] ->
| (nm, value, true) :: _ when nm = name -> Some value known
| (nm, value, false) :: tl when nm = name -> wrap (Some value) tl | (nm, value, false) :: tl when nm = name && not must_be_imp ->
| _ :: tl -> wrap known tl wrap (Some value) false tl
| (nm, value, true) :: tl when nm = name ->
wrap (Some value) true tl
| _ :: tl ->
wrap known must_be_imp tl
in in
match wrap None decls with match wrap None false decls with
| None -> raise Not_found | None -> raise Not_found
| Some value -> value | Some value -> value
...@@ -261,7 +265,8 @@ let make_shorthands decls = ...@@ -261,7 +265,8 @@ let make_shorthands decls =
let keep_prop = function let keep_prop = function
| ("line-height", _, _) -> | ("line-height", _, _) ->
not (decls_mem "font" shorthands) not (decls_mem "font" shorthands)
| (name, _, _) -> | (name, _, imp) ->
imp ||
not (Str.string_match pattern name 0) || not (Str.string_match pattern name 0) ||
let base = Str.matched_group 1 name in let base = Str.matched_group 1 name in
let sub = Str.matched_group 2 name in let sub = Str.matched_group 2 name in
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