Commit ebade5d3 authored by Richard Torenvliet's avatar Richard Torenvliet

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 3ae07a64 8473cbe5
Summary of project:
This code is an implementation of a classifier for License Plate
Recognition, using Local Binary Patterns as features for a Support Vector
A number of scripts are provided to execute tests with this code, and to
see how well the code performs, both when considering accuracy and speed.
There is also a script that automises the search for proper parameters for
the SVM.
In the docs folder, a report can be found with a more extensive description
of the theory, the implementation and the results.
The images folder contains a sorted dataset of characters, cut out from
real life images of license plates, provided by Parkingware Schiphol.
Taddeüs Kroes
Jayke Meijer
Fabiën Tesselaar
Richard Torenvliet
Gijs van der Voort.
December 2011
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Gijs van der Voort\\
Richard Torenvliet\\
Jayke Meijer\\
Tadde\"us Kroes\\
Fabi\'en Tesselaar
Fabi\"en Tesselaar
......@@ -71,25 +71,6 @@ defining what problems we have and how we want to solve these.
\subsection{Extracting a letter and resizing it}
Rewrite this section once we have implemented this properly.
%Because we are already given the locations of the characters, we only need to
%transform those locations using the same perspective transformation used to
%create a front facing license plate. The next step is to transform the
%characters to a normalized manner. The size of the letter W is used as a
%standard to normalize the width of all the characters, because W is the widest
%character of the alphabet. We plan to also normalize the height of characters,
%the best manner for this is still to be determined.
% \item Crop the image in such a way that the character precisely fits the
% image.
% \item Scale the image to a standard height.
% \item Extend the image on either the left or right side to a certain width.
%The resulting image will always have the same size, the character contained
%will always be of the same height, and the character will always be positioned
%at either the left of right side of the image.
......@@ -128,7 +109,7 @@ registered. For explanation purposes let the square be 3 x 3. \\
value of the pixel around the middle pixel is evaluated. If it's value is
greater than the threshold it will be become a one else a zero.
\caption{LBP 3 x 3 (Pietik\"ainen, Hadid, Zhao \& Ahonen (2011))}
......@@ -163,7 +144,7 @@ order. Starting with dividing the pattern in to cells of size 16.
\item Compute a histogram for each cell.
\caption{Divide in cells(Pietik\"ainen et all (2011))}
......@@ -226,9 +207,10 @@ reader will only get results from this version.
Now we are only interested in the individual characters so we can skip the
location of the entire license plate. Each character has
a single character value, indicating what someone thought what the letter or
digit was and four coordinates to create a bounding box. If less then four points have been set the character will not be saved. Else, to make things not to
complicated, a Character class is used. It acts as an associative list, but it gives some extra freedom when using the
digit was and four coordinates to create a bounding box. If less then four
points have been set the character will not be saved. Else, to make things not
to complicated, a Character class is used. It acts as an associative list, but
it gives some extra freedom when using the data.
When four points have been gathered the data from the actual image is being
requested. For each corner a small margin is added (around 3 pixels) so that no
......@@ -285,6 +267,10 @@ tried the following neighbourhoods:
\caption{Tested neighbourhoods}
We name these neighbourhoods respectively (8,3)-, (8,5)- and
(12,5)-neighbourhoods, after the number of points we use and the diameter
of the `circle´ on which these points lay.\\
We chose these neighbourhoods to prevent having to use interpolation, which
would add a computational step, thus making the code execute slower. In the
next section we will describe what the best neighbourhood was.
......@@ -317,12 +303,47 @@ increasing our performance, so we only have one histogram to feed to the SVM.
For the classification, we use a standard Python Support Vector Machine,
\texttt{libsvm}. This is a often used SVM, and should allow us to simply feed
the data from the LBP and Feature Vector steps into the SVM and receive results.\\
the data from the LBP and Feature Vector steps into the SVM and receive
Using a SVM has two steps. First you have to train the SVM, and then you can
use it to classify data. The training step takes a lot of time, so luckily
\texttt{libsvm} offers us an opportunity to save a trained SVM. This means,
you do not have to train the SVM every time.
you do not have to train the SVM every time.\\
We have decided to only include a character in the system if the SVM can be
trained with at least 70 examples. This is done automatically, by splitting
the data set in a trainingset and a testset, where the first 70 examples of
a character are added to the trainingset, and all the following examples are
added to the testset. Therefore, if there are not enough examples, all
available examples end up in the trainingset, and non of these characters
end up in the testset, thus they do not decrease our score. However, if this
character later does get offered to the system, the training is as good as
possible, since it is trained with all available characters.
\subsection{Supporting Scripts}
In order to work with the code, we wrote a number of scripts. Each of these
scripts is named here and a description is given on what the script does.
\section{Finding parameters}
......@@ -350,7 +371,14 @@ value, and what value we decided on.
The first parameter to decide on, is the $\sigma$ used in the Gaussian blur. To
find this parameter, we tested a few values, by trying them and checking the
results. It turned out that the best value was $\sigma = 1.4$.
results. It turned out that the best value was $\sigma = 1.4$.\\
Theoretically, this can be explained as follows. The filter has width of
$6 * \sigma = 6 * 1.4 = 8.4$ pixels. The width of a `stroke' in a character is,
after our resize operations, around 8 pixels. This means, our filter `matches'
the smallest detail size we want to be able to see, so everything that is
smaller is properly suppressed, yet it retains the details we do want to keep,
being everything that is part of the character.
\subsection{Parameter \emph{cell size}}
......@@ -379,7 +407,7 @@ are not significant enough to allow for reliable classification.
The neighbourhood to use can only be determined through testing. We did a test
with each of these neighbourhoods, and we found that the best results were
reached with the following neighbourhood, which we will call the
(12, 5)-neighbourhood, since it has 12 points in a area with a diameter of 5.
(12,5)-neighbourhood, since it has 12 points in a area with a diameter of 5.
......@@ -447,27 +475,6 @@ $\gamma = 0.125$.
The goal was to find out two things with this research: The speed of the
classification and the accuracy. In this section we will show our findings.
Recognizing license plates is something that has to be done fast, since there
can be a lot of cars passing a camera in a short time, especially on a highway.
Therefore, we measured how well our program performed in terms of speed. We
measure the time used to classify a license plate, not the training of the
dataset, since that can be done offline, and speed is not a primary necessity
The speed of a classification turned out to be reasonably good. We time between
the moment a character has been 'cut out' of the image, so we have a exact
image of a character, to the moment where the SVM tells us what character it is.
This time is on average $65$ ms. That means that this
technique (tested on an AMD Phenom II X4 955 Quad core CPU running at 3.2 GHz)
can identify 15 characters per second.\\
This is not spectacular considering the amount of calculating power this cpu
can offer, but it is still fairly reasonable. Of course, this program is
written in Python, and is therefore not nearly as optimized as would be
possible when written in a low-level language.
Of course, it is vital that the recognition of a license plate is correct,
......@@ -490,6 +497,35 @@ grid-searches, finding more exact values for $c$ and $\gamma$, more tests
for finding $\sigma$ and more experiments on the size and shape of the
Recognizing license plates is something that has to be done fast, since there
can be a lot of cars passing a camera in a short time, especially on a highway.
Therefore, we measured how well our program performed in terms of speed. We
measure the time used to classify a license plate, not the training of the
dataset, since that can be done offline, and speed is not a primary necessity
The speed of a classification turned out to be reasonably good. We time between
the moment a character has been 'cut out' of the image, so we have a exact
image of a character, to the moment where the SVM tells us what character it
is. This time is on average $65$ ms. That means that this
technique (tested on an AMD Phenom II X4 955 CPU running at 3.2 GHz)
can identify 15 characters per second.\\
This is not spectacular considering the amount of calculating power this CPU
can offer, but it is still fairly reasonable. Of course, this program is
written in Python, and is therefore not nearly as optimized as would be
possible when written in a low-level language.\\
Another performance gain is by using one of the other two neighbourhoods.
Since these have 8 points instead of 12 points, this increases performance
drastically, but at the cost of accuracy. With the (8,5)-neighbourhood
we only need 1.6 ms seconds to identify a character. However, the accuracy
drops to $89\%$. When using the (8,3)-neighbourhood, the speedwise performance
remains the same, but accuracy drops even further, so that neighbourhood
is not advisable to use.
In the end it turns out that using Local Binary Patterns is a promising
......@@ -545,14 +581,17 @@ every team member was up-to-date and could start figuring out which part of the
implementation was most suited to be done by one individually or in a pair.
\subsubsection*{Who did what}
Gijs created the basic classes we could use and helped the rest everyone by
keeping track of what required to be finished and whom was working on what.
Gijs created the basic classes we could use and helped everyone by keeping
track of what was required to be finished and whom was working on what.
Tadde\"us and Jayke were mostly working on the SVM and all kinds of tests
whether the histograms were matching and alike. Fabi\"en created the functions
to read and parse the given xml files with information about the license
plates. Upon completion all kinds of learning and data sets could be created.
Richard helped out wherever anyone needed a helping hand, and was always
available when someone had to talk or ask something.
whether the histograms were matching, and what parameters had to be used.
Fabi\"en created the functions to read and parse the given xml files with
information about the license plates. Upon completion all kinds of learning
and data sets could be created. Richard helped out wherever anyone needed a
helping hand, and was always available when someone had doubts about what they
where doing or needed to ask something. He also wrote an image cropper that
automatically exactly cuts out a character, which eventually turned out to be
\subsubsection*{How it went}
......@@ -561,4 +600,12 @@ not a big problem as no one was afraid of staying at Science Park a bit longer
to help out. Further communication usually went through e-mails and replies
were instantaneous! A crew to remember.
\section{Faulty Classifications}
\caption{Faulty classifications of characters}
from Rectangle import Rectangle
class LetterCropper:
def __init__(self, threshold = 0.9):
self.threshold = threshold
def crop_to_letter(self, image):
self.image = image
def determine_letter_bounds(self):
min_x = self.image.width
max_x = 0
min_y = self.image.height
max_y = 0
for y, x, value in self.image:
if value < self.threshold:
if x < min_x: min_x = x
if y < min_y: min_y = y
if x > max_x: max_x = x
if y > max_y: max_y = y
self.letter_bounds = Rectangle(
max_x - min_x ,
max_y - min_y
from copy import deepcopy
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from LetterCropper import LetterCropper
from GaussianFilter import GaussianFilter
class NormalizedCharacterImage(GrayscaleImage):
......@@ -16,9 +15,6 @@ class NormalizedCharacterImage(GrayscaleImage):
#self.crop_threshold = crop_threshold
self.height = height
......@@ -29,10 +25,6 @@ class NormalizedCharacterImage(GrayscaleImage):
def gaussian_filter(self):
def crop_to_letter(self):
cropper = LetterCropper(0.9)
def resize(self):
"""Resize the image to a fixed height."""
if self.height == None:
from os import listdir
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from NormalizedCharacterImage import NormalizedCharacterImage
from Character import Character
from data import IMAGES_FOLDER, exists, fload, fdump
def load_characters(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=0):
chars_file = 'characters_%s_%s.dat' % (blur_scale, neighbours)
if exists(chars_file):
print 'Loading characters...'
chars = fload(chars_file)
print 'Going to generate character objects...'
chars = []
for char in sorted(listdir(IMAGES_FOLDER)):
count = 0
for image in sorted(listdir(IMAGES_FOLDER + char)):
image = GrayscaleImage(IMAGES_FOLDER + char + '/' + image)
norm = NormalizedCharacterImage(image, blur=blur_scale, \
character = Character(char, [], norm)
count += 1
if verbose:
print 'Loaded character %s %d times' % (char, count)
if verbose:
print 'Saving characters...'
fdump(chars, chars_file)
return chars
def load_learning_set(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=0):
learning_set_file = 'learning_set_%s_%s.dat' % (blur_scale, neighbours)
if exists(learning_set_file):
if verbose:
print 'Loading learning set...'
learning_set = fload(learning_set_file)
if verbose:
print 'Learning set:', [c.value for c in learning_set]
learning_set = generate_sets(neighbours, blur_scale, \
return learning_set
def load_test_set(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=0):
test_set_file = 'test_set_%s_%s.dat' % (blur_scale, neighbours)
if exists(test_set_file):
if verbose:
print 'Loading test set...'
test_set = fload(test_set_file)
if verbose:
print 'Test set:', [c.value for c in test_set]
test_set = generate_sets(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=verbose)[1]
return test_set
def generate_sets(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=0):
suffix = '_%s_%s' % (blur_scale, neighbours)
learning_set_file = 'learning_set%s.dat' % suffix
test_set_file = 'test_set%s.dat' % suffix
chars = load_characters(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=verbose)
if verbose:
print 'Going to generate learning set and test set...'
learning_set = []
test_set = []
learned = []
for char in chars:
if learned.count(char.value) == 70:
if verbose:
print 'Learning set:', [c.value for c in learning_set]
print '\nTest set:', [c.value for c in test_set]
print '\nSaving learning set...'
fdump(learning_set, learning_set_file)
if verbose:
print 'Saving test set...'
fdump(test_set, test_set_file)
return learning_set, test_set
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sys import argv, exit
if len(argv) < 3:
print 'Usage: python %s NEIGHBOURS BLUR_SCALE' % argv[0]
neighbours = int(argv[1])
blur_scale = float(argv[2])
# Generate the character file and the learning set/test set files
load_learning_set(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=1)
load_test_set(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=1)
from Classifier import Classifier
from create_characters import load_learning_set
from data import exists, DATA_FOLDER
def load_classifier(neighbours, blur_scale, c=None, gamma=None, verbose=0):
classifier_file = DATA_FOLDER + 'classifier_%s_%s.dat' \
% (blur_scale, neighbours)
if exists(classifier_file):
if verbose:
print 'Loading classifier...'
classifier = Classifier(filename=classifier_file, verbose=verbose)
classifier.neighbours = neighbours
elif c != None and gamma != None:
if verbose:
print 'Training new classifier...'
classifier = Classifier(c=c, gamma=gamma, neighbours=neighbours, \
learning_set = load_learning_set(neighbours, blur_scale, \
raise Exception('No soft margin and gamma specified.')
return classifier
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sys import argv, exit
if len(argv) < 3:
print 'Usage: python %s NEIGHBOURS BLUR_SCALE [ C GAMMA ]' % argv[0]
neighbours = int(argv[1])
blur_scale = float(argv[2])
# Generate the classifier file
if len(argv) > 4:
c = float(argv[3])
gamma = float(argv[4])
load_classifier(neighbours, blur_scale, c=c, gamma=gamma, verbose=1)
load_classifier(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=1)
import os
from cPickle import load, dump
DATA_FOLDER = 'data/'
IMAGES_FOLDER = '../images/LearningSet/'
RESULTS_FOLDER = 'results/'
def assert_data_folder_exists():
if not os.path.exists(DATA_FOLDER):
def exists(filename):
return os.path.exists(DATA_FOLDER + filename)
def fload(filename):
f = open(DATA_FOLDER + filename, 'r')
l = load(f)
return l
def fdump(obj, filename):
f = open(DATA_FOLDER + filename, 'w+')
dump(obj, f)
from os import listdir
from os.path import exists
from cPickle import load, dump
import os
from sys import argv, exit
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from NormalizedCharacterImage import NormalizedCharacterImage
from Character import Character
from Classifier import Classifier
from create_characters import load_learning_set, load_test_set
if len(argv) < 3:
print 'Usage: python %s NEIGHBOURS BLUR_SCALE' % argv[0]
......@@ -17,64 +14,15 @@ neighbours = int(argv[1])
blur_scale = float(argv[2])
suffix = '_%s_%s' % (blur_scale, neighbours)
chars_file = 'characters%s.dat' % suffix
learning_set_file = 'learning_set%s.dat' % suffix
test_set_file = 'test_set%s.dat' % suffix
classifier_file = 'classifier%s.dat' % suffix
results_file = 'results%s.txt' % suffix
# Load characters
if exists(chars_file):
print 'Loading characters...'
chars = load(open(chars_file, 'r'))
print 'Going to generate character objects...'
chars = []
for char in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet')):
for image in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet/' + char)):
f = '../images/LearningSet/' + char + '/' + image
image = GrayscaleImage(f)
norm = NormalizedCharacterImage(image, blur=blur_scale, height=42)
#imshow(, cmap='gray'); show()
character = Character(char, [], norm)
print char
print 'Saving characters...'
dump(chars, open(chars_file, 'w+'))
if not os.path.exists(RESULTS_FOLDER):
classifier_file = DATA_FOLDER + 'classifier%s.dat' % suffix
results_file = '%sresult%s.txt' % (RESULTS_FOLDER, suffix)
# Load learning set and test set
if exists(learning_set_file):
print 'Loading learning set...'
learning_set = load(open(learning_set_file, 'r'))
print 'Learning set:', [c.value for c in learning_set]
print 'Loading test set...'
test_set = load(open(test_set_file, 'r'))
print 'Test set:', [c.value for c in test_set]
print 'Going to generate learning set and test set...'
learning_set = []
test_set = []
learned = []
for char in chars:
if learned.count(char.value) == 70:
print 'Learning set:', [c.value for c in learning_set]
print '\nTest set:', [c.value for c in test_set]
print '\nSaving learning set...'
dump(learning_set, file(learning_set_file, 'w+'))
print 'Saving test set...'
dump(test_set, file(test_set_file, 'w+'))
learning_set = load_learning_set(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=1)
test_set = load_test_set(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=1)
# Perform a grid-search to find the optimal values for C and gamma
C = [float(2 ** p) for p in xrange(-5, 16, 2)]
from os import listdir
from cPickle import dump
from sys import argv, exit
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from NormalizedCharacterImage import NormalizedCharacterImage
from Character import Character
if len(argv) < 4:
print 'Usage: python %s FILE_SUFFIX BLUR_SCALE NEIGHBOURS' % argv[0]
c = []
for char in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet')):
for image in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet/' + char)):
f = '../images/LearningSet/' + char + '/' + image
image = GrayscaleImage(f)
norm = NormalizedCharacterImage(image, blur=float(argv[2]), height=42)
#from pylab import imshow, show
#imshow(, cmap='gray'); show()
character = Character(char, [], norm)
print char
print 'Saving characters...'
dump(c, open('characters%s.dat' % argv[1], 'w+'))
from cPickle import dump, load
from sys import argv, exit
if len(argv) < 2:
print 'Usage: python %s FILE_SUFFIX' % argv[0]
print 'Loading characters...'
chars = load(file('characters%s.dat' % argv[1], 'r'))
learning_set = []
test_set = []
#s = {}
#for char in chars:
# if char.value not in s:
# s[char.value] = [char]
# else:
# s[char.value].append(char)
#for value, chars in s.iteritems():
# learning_set += chars[::2]
# test_set += chars[1::2]
learned = []
for char in chars:
if learned.count(char.value) == 70:
print 'Learning set:', [c.value for c in learning_set]
print '\nTest set:', [c.value for c in test_set]
print '\nSaving learning set...'
dump(learning_set, file('learning_set%s.dat' % argv[1], 'w+'))
print 'Saving test set...'
dump(test_set, file('test_set%s.dat' % argv[1], 'w+'))
from cPickle import load
from sys import argv, exit
from pylab import imsave, plot, subplot, imshow, show, axis, title
from pylab import subplot, imshow, show, axis, title
from math import sqrt, ceil
import os
from Classifier import Classifier
from create_characters import load_test_set
from create_classifier import load_classifier
if len(argv) < 3:
print 'Usage: python %s NEIGHBOURS BLUR_SCALE' % argv[0]
print 'Usage: python %s NEIGHBOURS BLUR_SCALE [ C GAMMA ]' % argv[0]
neighbours = int(argv[1])
blur_scale = float(argv[2])
suffix = '_%s_%s' % (blur_scale, neighbours)
test_set_file = 'test_set%s.dat' % suffix
classifier_file = 'classifier%s.dat' % suffix
# Load classifier
if len(argv) > 4:
c = float(argv[3])
gamma = float(argv[4])
classifier = load_classifier(neighbours, blur_scale, c=c, gamma=gamma, \
classifier = load_classifier(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=1)
print 'Loading classifier...'
classifier = Classifier(filename=classifier_file)
classifier.neighbours = neighbours
# Load test set
test_set = load_test_set(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=1)
print 'Loading test set...'
test_set = load(file(test_set_file, 'r'))
# Classify each character in the test set, remembering all faulty
# classified characters
l = len(test_set)
matches = 0
#classified = {}
classified = []
for i, char in enumerate(test_set):
......@@ -35,13 +37,6 @@ for i, char in enumerate(test_set):
if char.value != prediction:
classified.append((char, prediction))
#key = '%s_as_%s' % (char.value, prediction)
#if key not in classified:
# classified[key] = [char]
# classified[key].append(char)
print '"%s" was classified as "%s"' \
% (char.value, prediction)
......@@ -50,8 +45,7 @@ for i, char in enumerate(test_set):
print '%d of %d (%d%% done)' % (i + 1, l, round(100 * (i + 1) / l))
print '\n%d matches (%d%%), %d fails' % (matches, \
round(100 * matches / l), \
len(test_set) - matches)
round(100 * matches / l), len(test_set) - matches)
# Show a grid plot of all faulty classified characters
print 'Plotting faulty classified characters...'
......@@ -66,16 +60,3 @@ for i, pair in enumerate(classified):
#print 'Saving faulty classified characters...'
#folder = '../images/faulty/'
#if not os.path.exists(folder):
# os.mkdir(folder)
#for filename, chars in classified.iteritems():
# if len(chars) == 1:
# imsave('%s%s' % (folder, filename),, cmap='gray')
# else:
# for i, char in enumerate(chars):
# imsave('%s%s_%d' % (folder, filename, i),, cmap='gray')
from pylab import subplot, show, imshow, axis
from cPickle import load
x, y = 25, 25
chars = load(file('characters.dat', 'r'))[:(x * y)]
for i in range(x):
for j in range(y):
index = j * x + i
subplot(x, y, index + 1)
imshow(chars[index], cmap='gray')
from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow, subplot, show
from LocalBinaryPatternizer import LocalBinaryPatternizer
from cPickle import load
from numpy import zeros
chars = load(file('characters.dat', 'r'))[::2]
left = None
right = None
s = {}
for char in chars:
if char.value not in s:
s[char.value] = [char]
left = s['F'][2].image
right = s['A'][0].image
size = 12
d = (left.size[0] * 4, left.size[1] * 4)
#GrayscaleImage.resize(left, d)
#GrayscaleImage.resize(right, d)
p1 = LocalBinaryPatternizer(left, size)
h1 = p1.get_single_histogram()
p1 = p1.features
p2 = LocalBinaryPatternizer(right, size)
h2 = p2.get_single_histogram()
p2 = p2.features
total_intersect = h1.intersect(h2)
s = (len(p1), len(p1[0]))
match = zeros(left.shape)
m = 0
for y in range(s[0]):
for x in range(s[1]):
h1 = p1[y][x]
h2 = p2[y][x]
intersect = h1.intersect(h2)
print intersect
for i in xrange(size):
for j in xrange(size):
match[y*size + i, x*size + j] = 1 - intersect
except IndexError:
m += intersect
print 'Match: %d%%' % int(m / (s[0] * s[1]) * 100)
print 'Single histogram instersection: %d%%' % int(total_intersect * 100)
imshow(, cmap='gray')
imshow(match, cmap='gray')
imshow(, cmap='gray')
from GaussianFilter import GaussianFilter
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
image = GrayscaleImage('../images/plate.png')
filter = GaussianFilter(1.4)
output_image = filter.get_filtered_copy(image)
from LetterCropper import LetterCropper
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
image = GrayscaleImage("../images/test.png")
cropper = LetterCropper(image)
cropped_letter = cropper.get_cropped_letter()
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ from time import time
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from NormalizedCharacterImage import NormalizedCharacterImage
from Character import Character
from Classifier import Classifier
from data import IMAGES_FOLDER
from create_classifier import load_classifier
if len(argv) < 4:
print 'Usage: python %s NEIGHBOURS BLUR_SCALE COUNT' % argv[0]
......@@ -15,28 +16,15 @@ if len(argv) < 4:
neighbours = int(argv[1])
blur_scale = float(argv[2])
count = int(argv[3])
suffix = '_%s_%s' % (blur_scale, neighbours)
#chars_file = 'characters%s.dat' % suffix
classifier_file = 'classifier%s.dat' % suffix
#print 'Loading characters...'
#chars = load(open(chars_file, 'r'))[:count]
#count = len(chars)
#for char in chars:
# del char.feature
#print 'Read %d characters' % count
print 'Loading %d characters...' % count
chars = []
i = 0
br = False
for value in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet')):
for image in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet/' + value)):
f = '../images/LearningSet/' + value + '/' + image
for value in sorted(listdir()):
for image in sorted(listdir(IMAGES_FOLDER + value)):
f = IMAGES_FOLDER + value + '/' + image
image = GrayscaleImage(f)
char = Character(value, [], image)
......@@ -49,10 +37,10 @@ for value in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet')):
if br:
print 'Loading classifier...'
classifier = Classifier(filename=classifier_file)
classifier.neighbours = neighbours
# Load classifier
classifier = load_classifier(neighbours, blur_scale, verbose=1)
# Measure the time it takes to recognize <count> characters
start = time()
for char in chars:
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