Commit d6cd13c9 authored by Jayke Meijer's avatar Jayke Meijer

Filled in some sections of report.

parent e6496778
......@@ -135,15 +135,53 @@ choices we made.
\subsection*{Licenseplate retrieval}
In order to retrieve the license plate from the entire image, we need to perform
a perspective transformation. However, to do this, we need to know the
coordinates of the four corners of the licenseplate. For our dataset, this is
stored in XML files. So, the first step is to read these XML files.
\paragraph*{XML reader}
\paragraph*{Perspective transformation}
Once we retrieved the cornerpoints of the licenseplate, we feed those to a
module that extracts the (warped) licenseplate from the original image, and
creates a new image where the licenseplate is cut out, and is transformed to a
\subsection*{Noise reduction}
The image contains a lot of noise, both from camera errors due to dark noise etc.,
as from dirt on the license plate. In this case, noise therefor means any unwanted
difference in color from the surrounding pixels.
\paragraph*{Camera noise and small amounts of dirt}
\subsection*{Character retrieval}
The dirt on the licenseplate can be of different sizes. We can reduce the smaller
amounts of dirt in the same way as we reduce normal noise, by applying a gaussian
blur to the image. This is the next step in our program.\\
The gaussian filter we use comes from the \texttt{scipy.ndimage} module. We use
this function instead of our own function, because the standard functions are
most likely more optimized then our own implementation, and speed is an important
factor in this application.
\paragraph*{Larger amounts of dirt}
Larger amounts of dirt are not going to be resolved by using a Gaussian filter.
We rely on one of the characteristics of the Local Binary Pattern, only looking at
the difference between two pixels, to take care of these problems.\\
Because there will probably always be a difference between the characters and the
dirt, and the fact that the characters are very black, the shape of the characters
will still be conserved in the LBP, even if there is dirt surrounding the character.
\subsection*{Character retrieval}
The retrieval of the character is done the same as the retrieval of the license
plate, by using a perspective transformation. The location of the characters on the
licenseplate is also available in de XML file, so this is parsed from that as well.
\subsection*{Creating Local Binary Patterns and feature vector}
......@@ -155,7 +193,18 @@ choices we made.
\section{Finding parameters}
Now that we have a functioning system, we need to tune it to work properly for
license plates. This means we need to find the parameters. Throughout the program
we have a number of parameters for which no standard choice is available. These
parameters are:\\
Parameter & Description\\
$\sigma$ & The size of the gaussian blur.\\
\emph{cell size} & The size of a cell for which a histogram of LBPs will be generated.
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