Commit 56fc1ca9 authored by unknown's avatar unknown verwijderd, filter noise omgezet naar GuassianFilter klasse

parent 781de467
from scipy.ndimage import convolve1d
from pylab import ceil, zeros, pi, e, exp, sqrt, array
def f(x, s):
"""Return the value of a 1D Gaussian function for a given x and scale."""
return exp(-(x ** 2 / (2 * s ** 2))) / (sqrt(2 * pi) * s)
def gauss1(s, order=0):
"""Sample a one-dimensional Gaussian function of scale s."""
s = float(s)
r = int(ceil(3 * s))
size = 2 * r + 1
W = zeros(size)
# Sample the Gaussian function
W = array([f(x - r, s) for x in xrange(size)])
if not order:
# Make sure that the sum of all kernel values is equal to one
W /= W.sum()
return W
def filterNoise(image, s):
'''Apply a gaussian blur to an image, to suppress noise.'''
filt = gauss1(s)
image = convolve1d(, filt, axis=0, mode='nearest')
return convolve1d(image, filt, axis=1, mode='nearest')
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from scipy.ndimage import convolve1d
from pylab import ceil, zeros, pi, e, exp, sqrt, array
class GaussianFilter:
def __init__(self, scale):
self.scale = scale
def gaussian(self, x):
'''Return the value of a 1D Gaussian function for a given x and scale'''
return exp(-(x ** 2 / (2 * self.scale ** 2))) / (sqrt(2 * pi) * self.scale)
def get_1d_gaussian_kernel(self):
'''Sample a one-dimensional Gaussian function of scale s'''
radius = int(ceil(3 * self.scale))
size = 2 * radius + 1
result = zeros(size)
# Sample the Gaussian function
result = array([self.gaussian(x - radius) for x in xrange(size)])
# The sum of all kernel values is equal to one
result /= result.sum()
return result
def get_filtered_copy(self, image):
'''Apply a gaussian blur to an image, to suppress noise.'''
kernel = self.get_1d_gaussian_kernel()
image = convolve1d(, kernel, axis=0, mode='nearest')
return GrayscaleImage(None, convolve1d(image, kernel, axis=1, mode='nearest'))
def get_scale(self):
return self.scale
def set_scale(self, scale):
self.scale = float(scale)
scale = property(get_scale, set_scale)
\ No newline at end of file
from FilterNoise import filterNoise
from FilterNoise import GaussianFilter
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
# Get the image
image = GrayscaleImage('../images/plate.png')
output_image = filterNoise(image, 1.4)
filter = GaussianFilter(1.4)
output_image = filter.get_filtered_copy(image)
# Show the licenseplate
output_image = GrayscaleImage(None, output_image)
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