Added iterative depth-first traversal routine.

parent e567923a
Tree traversal routines.
Created by Sander Mathijs Van Veen <>, 2012.
from node import Leaf
def traverse_depth_first(root):
Traverse the given root of a tree in depth-first order. This is an
iterative instead of the ordinary recursive implementation. It uses
iterators to reduce memory usage and, since it is iterative, the depth of
the given tree does not hit Python's recursion limit.
This implementation uses two stacks. One contains the path from the root
node to the current visited node / leaf using child node indices. The other
one contains pointers to the nodes which are not yet visited (aka still on
the "to do" list). Thus, traversal using this implementation has a worst
case space complexity of O(2 * log N), where N is the number of nodes in
the tree.
>>> from node import Node as N, Leaf as L
>>> root = N('+', N('/', L(1), L(2)), N('*', L(3), L(4)))
>>> print map(lambda n: n.title(), traverse_depth_first(root))
['1', '2', '/', '3', '4', '*', '+']
>>> root = N('+', N('/', L(1), N('-', L(2), N('^', L(3), L(4)))), \
N('*', L(5), L(6)))
>>> print map(lambda n: n.title(), traverse_depth_first(root))
['1', '2', '3', '4', '^', '-', '/', '5', '6', '*', '+']
if not root:
raise StopIteration()
# List of nodes which are not yet visited (the "to do" list).
stack = []
# List of child node indices which indicates the path to the current
# visited node or leaf.
path = []
node = root
while True:
while not isinstance(node, Leaf):
# Traverse left and save the path
node = node[0]
yield node
if not stack:
while stack:
# Set pointer to parent node and increase child node position.
node = stack[-1]
path[-1] += 1
pos = path[-1]
if pos >= len(node):
# Visit the parent node, since all children are visited.
yield node
# Remove the node and move up in the tree.
if not stack:
raise StopIteration()
# This child node is not visited.
node = node[pos]
raise StopIteration()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
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