Built in support for writing n-ary operator nodes.

parent 00abd696
......@@ -31,11 +31,9 @@ def generate_line(root):
int(x, -oo, oo)
# FIXME: Binding order
operators = [
('+', '-'),
('mod', ),
('*', '/'),
('*', '/', 'mod'),
('^', )
max_assoc = len(operators)
......@@ -77,26 +75,24 @@ def generate_line(root):
if is_operator(node):
if arity == 1:
# Unary expression
# Unary operator
s += traverse(node[0])
elif arity == 2:
# Binary expression
left, right = map(traverse, node)
# Check if there is an assiociativity conflict on either side.
# If so, add parentheses
# N-ary operator
node_assoc = assoc(node)
e = []
if assoc(node[0]) < node_assoc:
left = '(' + left + ')'
for child in node:
exp = traverse(child)
# Check if there is an assiociativity conflict.
# If so, add parentheses
if assoc(child) < node_assoc:
exp = '(' + exp + ')'
if assoc(node[1]) < node_assoc:
right = '(' + right + ')'
s = left + ' ' + s + ' ' + right
else: # pragma: nocover
raise ValueError('arity = %d is currently not supported.' \
% arity)
s = (' ' + s + ' ').join(e)
# Function
s += '(' + ', '.join(map(traverse, node)) + ')'
......@@ -15,22 +15,27 @@ class TestLine(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple(self):
l0, l1 = Leaf(1), Leaf(2)
plus = Node('+', l0, l1)
assert generate_line(plus) == '1 + 2'
self.assertEquals(generate_line(plus), '1 + 2')
def test_parentheses(self):
l0, l1 = Leaf(1), Leaf(2)
plus = Node('+', l0, l1)
times = Node('*', plus, plus)
assert generate_line(times) == '(1 + 2) * (1 + 2)'
self.assertEquals(generate_line(times), '(1 + 2) * (1 + 2)')
def test_function(self):
exp = Leaf('x')
inf = Leaf('oo')
minus_inf = Node('-', inf)
integral = Node('int', exp, minus_inf, inf)
assert generate_line(integral) == 'int(x, -oo, oo)'
self.assertEquals(generate_line(integral), 'int(x, -oo, oo)')
def test_mod(self):
l0, l1 = Leaf(1), Leaf(2)
mod = Node('mod', l1, l0)
assert generate_line(mod) == '2 mod 1'
self.assertEquals(generate_line(mod), '2 mod 1')
def test_n_ary(self):
l0, l1, l2 = Leaf(1), Leaf(2), Leaf(3)
plus = Node('+', l0, l1, l2)
self.assertEquals(generate_line(plus), '1 + 2 + 3')
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