Initial commit of text-based tree drawing.

# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
from node import Node, Leaf
def generate_graph(root, node_type, separator=' '):
Return a text-based, utf-8 graph of a tree-like structure. Each tree node
is represented by a length-2 list. If a node has an attribute called
``title``, that attribute will be called. That way, the node can return a
specific title, otherwise ``+`` is used.
>>> l0, l1 = Leaf(0), Leaf(1)
>>> n0 = Node('+', l0, l1)
>>> print generate_graph(n0, Node)
0 1
>>> l2 = Leaf(2)
>>> n1 = Node('-', l2)
>>> print generate_graph(n1, Node)
>>> n2 = Node('*', n0, n1)
>>> print generate_graph(n2, Node)
+ -
╭┴╮ │
0 1 2
node_width = {}
separator_len = len(separator)
def calculate_width(node):
title = node.title()
title_len = len(title)
# Leaves do not have children and therefore the length of its title is
# the width of the leaf.
if not isinstance(node, node_type):
node_width[node] = title_len
return title_len
width = 0
for child in node:
width += calculate_width(child)
# Add a separator between each node (thus n - 1 separators).
width += separator_len * len(node) - 1
# Odd numbers of children should be minus 1, since the middle child
# can be placed directly below the parent. With even numbers, there
# is no middle child, so the space below the parent cannot be used.
if len(node) % 2 == 1:
width -= 1
# If the title of the node is wider than the sum of its children, the
# title's width should be used.
width = max(title_len, width)
node_width[node] = width
return width
def node_middle(node):
node_len = len(node)
node_mid = node_len / 2
if node_len % 2 == 1:
node_mid += 1
middle = 0
for i, child in enumerate(node):
if i == node_mid:
middle += separator_len + node_width[child]
return middle - separator_len
def format_lines(node):
if not isinstance(node, node_type):
# Leaf titles do not need to be centered, since the parent will
# center those lines. And if there are no parents, the entire graph
# consists of a single leaf, so in that case there still is no
# reason to center it.
return [node.title()]
# At least one child, otherwise it would be a leaf.
assert node[0]
line_width = node_width[node]
lines = format_lines(node[0])
for child in node[1:]:
pos = len(lines[0])
child_lines = format_lines(child)
child_lines_len = len(child_lines)
# A node cannot have zero child lines.
assert child_lines
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
#print 'lines -> %d, "%s"' % (i, line)
if i < child_lines_len:
padding_right = ' ' * (line_width - pos \
- len(child_lines[i]) \
- separator_len)
lines[i] += separator + child_lines[i] + padding_right
# There are no more neighbor node on the right.
lines[i] += ' ' * (line_width - pos)
# Add the child nodes that do not have neighbor nodes on the left.
for i, line in enumerate(child_lines[i+1:]):
#print 'child_lines[i:] -> %d, "%s"' % (i, line)
line = ' ' * (pos + separator_len) + line \
+ ' ' * (line_width - separator_len - pos - len(line))
# Validate that each line has an equal width
for line in lines:
assert len(line) == line_width
except AssertionError:
for l in lines:
l = l.encode('utf-8')
print l.replace(' ', '#'), len(l)
l = line.encode('utf-8')
print 'failed at:', l, len(l)
print 'current node:', node.title(), 'width:', line_width
# Place the title above the middle two child nodes, or when there is a
# odd number of nodes, above the child node in the middle.
middle = node_middle(node)
#print 'node:', node.title(), 'middle:', middle, 'node_mid:', node_mid
title_line = center_text(node.title(), line_width, middle)
node_len = len(node)
node_mid = node_len / 2
edge_line = ''
for i, child in enumerate(node):
if isinstance(child, node_type):
middle = node_middle(child)
middle = 0
if i < node_mid:
marker = ('╭' if i == 0 else '┬')
edge_line += center_text(marker.decode('utf-8'),
middle, right='─'.decode('utf-8'))
if i == node_mid:
edge_line += '┴'.decode('utf-8')
marker = ('╮' if i == node_len - 1 else '┬')
edge_line += center_text(marker.decode('utf-8'),
middle, left='─'.decode('utf-8'))
# assert len(title_line) == len(edge_line)
#except AssertionError:
# print 'title_line:', title_line, len(title_line)
# print 'edge_line:', edge_line, len(edge_line)
# raise
# Add the line of this node before all child lines.
return [title_line, edge_line] + lines
lines = format_lines(root)
return '\n'.join(lines).encode('utf-8')
def center_text(text, width, middle=0, left=' ', right=' '):
>>> center_text('+', 15, 11)
' + '
text_len = len(text)
text_mid = text_len / 2
# TODO: this code requires cleanup.
if middle:
# If this is true, the text is at the left.
if text_mid > middle:
text += left * (width - text_len)
# If this is true, the text is at the right.
elif text_mid > (width - middle):
text = right * (width - text_len) + text
# Else, the text has spacing on its left and right.
text = left * (middle - text_mid) + text
text += right * (width - len(text))
return text
spacing = width - text_len
# Even number of spaces can be split equally.
if spacing % 2 == 0:
return left * (spacing / 2) + text + right * (spacing / 2)
# For an odd number of space, put the extra space at the end.
return left * (spacing / 2) + text + right * (spacing / 2 + 1)
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, label, *nodes):
self.label, self.nodes = label, nodes
def __getitem__(self, n):
return self.nodes[n]
def __setitem__(self, n, node):
self.nodes[n] = node
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.nodes)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.nodes)
def title(self):
return str(self.label)
class Leaf(object):
def __init__(self, label):
self.label = label
def title(self):
return str(self.label)
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