Made generate_line use the iterative, depth-first tree walker.

parent 2b6168ce
from node import Leaf
from traverse import traverse_depth_first
('+', '-'),
('*', '/', 'mod'),
('^', )
def generate_line(root):
def is_operator(node):
Check if a given node is an operator (otherwise, it's a function).
label = node.title()
return any(map(lambda x: label in x, OPERATORS))
def pred(node):
Get the precedence of an operator node.
# Check binary and n-ary operators
if not node.is_leaf and len(node) > 1:
op = node.title()
for i, group in enumerate(OPERATORS):
if op in group:
return i
# Unary operator and leaves have highest precedence
return MAX_PRED
def generate_line_old(root):
Print an expression tree in a single text line. Where needed, add
......@@ -9,60 +43,28 @@ def generate_line(root):
>>> from node import Node, Leaf
>>> l0, l1 = Leaf(1), Leaf(2)
>>> plus = Node('+', l0, l1)
>>> print generate_line(plus)
>>> print generate_line_old(plus)
1 + 2
>>> plus2 = Node('+', l0, l1)
>>> times = Node('*', plus, plus2)
>>> print generate_line(times)
>>> print generate_line_old(times)
(1 + 2)(1 + 2)
>>> l2 = Leaf(3)
>>> uminus = Node('-', l2)
>>> times = Node('*', plus, uminus)
>>> print generate_line(times)
>>> print generate_line_old(times)
(1 + 2) * -3
>>> exp = Leaf('x')
>>> inf = Leaf('oo')
>>> minus_inf = Node('-', inf)
>>> integral = Node('int', exp, minus_inf, inf)
>>> print generate_line(integral)
>>> print generate_line_old(integral)
int(x, -oo, oo)
operators = [
('+', '-'),
('*', '/', 'mod'),
('^', )
max_pred = len(operators)
def is_operator(node):
Check if a given node is an operator (otherwise, it's a function).
label = node.title()
either = lambda a, b: a or b
return reduce(either, map(lambda x: label in x, operators))
def pred(node):
Get the precedence of an operator node.
# Check binary and n-ary operators
if not isinstance(node, Leaf) and len(node) > 1:
op = node.title()
for i, group in enumerate(operators):
if op in group:
return i
# Unary operator and leaves have highest precedence
return max_pred
def traverse(node):
The expression tree is traversed using preorder traversal:
......@@ -94,9 +96,9 @@ def generate_line(root):
# -(4 * 5)
# 1 - 4 * 5
# 1 + -(4 * 5) -> 1 - 4 * 5
if ' ' in sub_exp and not (not isinstance(sub, Leaf) \
and hasattr(node, 'marked_negation')
and pred(sub) > 0):
if ' ' in sub_exp and sub.is_Leaf \
and hasattr(node, 'marked_negation') \
and pred(sub) > 0:
sub_exp = '(' + sub_exp + ')'
result = op + sub_exp
......@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ def generate_line(root):
def is_negation(node):
if isinstance(node, Leaf):
if node.is_leaf:
return False
return node.title() == '-' and len(node) == 1
......@@ -176,11 +178,152 @@ def is_id(node):
if is_negation(node):
return is_id(node[0])
return isinstance(node, Leaf) and not node.title().isdigit()
return node.is_leaf and not node.title().isdigit()
def is_int(node):
if is_negation(node):
return is_int(node[0])
return isinstance(node, Leaf) and node.title().isdigit()
return node.is_leaf and node.title().isdigit()
def generate_line(root):
Print an expression tree in a single text line. Where needed, add
>>> from node import Node, Leaf
>>> l0, l1 = Leaf(1), Leaf(2)
>>> plus = Node('+', l0, l1)
>>> print generate_line(plus)
1 + 2
>>> plus2 = Node('+', l0, l1)
>>> times = Node('*', plus, plus2)
>>> print generate_line(times)
(1 + 2)(1 + 2)
>>> l2 = Leaf(3)
>>> uminus = Node('-', l2)
>>> times = Node('*', plus, uminus)
>>> print generate_line(times)
(1 + 2) * -3
>>> exp = Leaf('x')
>>> inf = Leaf('oo')
>>> minus_inf = Node('-', inf)
>>> integral = Node('int', exp, minus_inf, inf)
>>> print generate_line(integral)
int(x, -oo, oo)
>>> minus = Node('-', Leaf(2), Node('-', Node('*', Leaf(15), Leaf('x'))))
>>> print generate_line(minus)
2 - -15x
>>> left = Node('/', Leaf(22), Leaf(77))
>>> right = Node('/', Leaf(28), Leaf(77))
>>> minus = Node('-', left, right)
>>> print generate_line(minus)
22 / 77 - 28 / 77
>>> plus = Node('+', left, Node('-', right))
>>> print generate_line(plus)
22 / 77 - 28 / 77
if not root:
return '<empty expression>'
if root.is_leaf:
return root.title()
content = {}
def construct_unary(node):
result = node.title()
value = node[0]
# -a
# -3*4
# --a
if value.is_leaf \
or not ' ' in content[value] or pred(value) > 0:
return result + content[value]
return '%s(%s)' % (result, content[value])
def construct_nary(node):
op = node.title()
# N-ary operator
node_pred = pred(node)
sep = ' ' + op + ' '
e = []
for i, child in enumerate(node):
exp = content[child]
# Check if there is a precedence conflict
# If so, add parentheses
child_pred = pred(child)
if child_pred < node_pred or \
(i and child_pred == node_pred \
and op != child.title()):
exp = '(' + exp + ')'
if op == '*':
# Check if an explicit multiplication sign is nessecary
left, right = node
# Get the previous multiplication element if the arity is
# greater than 2
if left.title() == '*':
left = left[1]
# a * b -> ab
# a * 2 -> a * 2
# a * (b) -> a(b)
# (a) * b -> (a)b
# (a) * (b) -> (a)(b)
# 2 * a -> 2a
left_paren = e[0][-1] == ')'
right_paren = e[1][0] == '('
if (is_id(left) or left_paren or is_int(left)) \
and (is_id(right) or right_paren):
sep = ''
return sep.join(e)
def construct_function(node):
buf = []
for child in node:
return '%s(%s)' % (node.title(), ', '.join(buf))
# Traverse the expression tree and construct the mathematical expression in
# the leafs and nodes in depth first order.
for node in traverse_depth_first(root):
if node.is_leaf:
content[node] = node.title()
arity = len(node)
if is_operator(node):
if arity == 1:
content[node] = construct_unary(node)
content[node] = construct_nary(node)
content[node] = construct_function(node)
# Merge binary plus and unary minus signs into binary minus.
return content[root].replace('+ -', '- ')
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class TestLine(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(generate_line(neg), '-4a')
neg = N('-', N('*', L(4), L(5)))
self.assertEquals(generate_line(neg), '-(4 * 5)')
self.assertEquals(generate_line(neg), '-4 * 5')
plus = N('+', L(1), N('-', N('*', L(4), L(5))))
self.assertEquals(generate_line(plus), '1 - 4 * 5')
......@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ def traverse_depth_first(root):
the tree.
>>> from node import Node as N, Leaf as L
>>> root = N('*', L(4), L('a'))
>>> print map(lambda n: n.title(), traverse_depth_first(root))
['4', 'a', '*']
>>> root = N('+', N('/', L(1), L(2)), N('*', L(3), L(4)))
>>> print map(lambda n: n.title(), traverse_depth_first(root))
['1', '2', '/', '3', '4', '*', '+']
......@@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ def traverse_depth_first(root):
node = root
while True:
while not isinstance(node, Leaf):
while not node.is_leaf:
# Traverse left and save the path
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