Commit 213ebb76 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Optimize strategy implementation:

- Instead of computing a complete score for each state, compute+compare
  the first component for each one, then the second, etc.
- Set colskip (and nrows) once and update occasionally once instead of
  constantly recomputing it.
- Add some more actions to do on the destination column.
- Fix move loop detection.
- Do not wait on bomb explosion (since they no longer cause loops).
parent a4129c62
......@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ import time
from collections import deque
from itertools import count
from Xlib import error
from strategy import State
from detection import NOBLOCK
from interaction import get_exapunks_window, focus_window, screenshot_board, \
press_keys, listen_keys, KEY_DELAY
from strategy import State
......@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
listen_keys({'s': lambda: save_screenshot(win)})
solutions = deque([], maxlen=3)
buf = deque([], maxlen=3)
def vprint(*args, **kwargs):
if verbose:
......@@ -56,10 +57,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
start = time.time()
solution = state.solve()
newstate = state.solve()
end = time.time()
vprint('thought for', round((end - start) * 1000, 1), 'ms')
except (TypeError, AssertionError):
except (TypeError, AssertionError) as e:
vprint('\rerror during parsing, wait for a bit...', end='')
......@@ -68,33 +69,33 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(solutions) == 3 and solution.loops(solutions.popleft()):
if state.held == NOBLOCK and any(map(newstate.loops, buf)):
vprint('\rloop detected, wait for a bit...', end='')
elif solution.moves:
vprint('moves:', solution.keys())
vprint(' score:', solution.score)
if solutions:
vprint('prev score:', solutions[-1].score)
elif newstate.moves:
vprint('moves:', newstate.keys())
vprint(' score:', newstate.score)
if buf:
vprint('prev score:', buf[-1].score)
vprint('target after moves:')
press_keys(win, solution.keys())
press_keys(win, newstate.keys())
#keys_delay = len(solution.moves) * 2 * KEY_DELAY
#moves_delay = max(0, solution.delay() - keys_delay)
#keys_delay = len(newstate.moves) * 2 * KEY_DELAY
#moves_delay = max(0, newstate.delay() - keys_delay)
#vprint('wait for', moves_delay, 'ms')
#time.sleep(moves_delay / 1000)
elif state.nrows() - 2 <= MAX_SPEED_ROWS:
elif state.nrows - 2 <= MAX_SPEED_ROWS:
vprint('no moves, speed up')
press_keys(win, 'l')
vprint('no moves')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('interrupted, quitting')
import io
import time
from collections import deque
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from itertools import combinations, islice
from detection import COLUMNS, NOBLOCK, detect_blocks, detect_exa, \
......@@ -22,31 +23,43 @@ PUT = ((DROP,), (DROP, SWAP), (DROP, SWAP, GRAB, SWAP, DROP))
class State:
def __init__(self, blocks, exa, held):
def __init__(self, blocks, exa, held, colskip=None):
self.blocks = blocks
self.exa = exa
self.held = held
self.moves = ()
self.score = ()
self.nrows = len(self.blocks) // COLUMNS
if colskip is None:
colskip = []
for col in range(COLUMNS):
for row in range(self.nrows):
if self.blocks[row * COLUMNS + col] != NOBLOCK:
self.colskip = colskip
def grabbing_or_dropping(self):
skip = self.colskip(self.exa)
skip = self.colskip[self.exa]
i = (skip + 1) * COLUMNS + self.exa
return i < len(self.blocks) and self.blocks[i] == NOBLOCK
def iter_columns(self):
nrows = self.nrows()
def gen_col(col):
for row in range(nrows):
for row in range(self.nrows):
i = row * COLUMNS + col
if self.blocks[i] != NOBLOCK:
yield i
......@@ -62,13 +75,13 @@ class State:
return cls(blocks, exa, held)
def copy(self):
return State(list(self.blocks), self.exa, self.held)
return State(list(self.blocks), self.exa, self.held, list(self.colskip))
def causes_panic(self):
return self.max_colsize() >= COLSIZE_PANIC
def max_colsize(self):
return self.nrows() - self.empty_rows()
return self.nrows - self.empty_rows()
def empty_rows(self):
for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
......@@ -78,17 +91,16 @@ class State:
def holes(self):
start_row = self.empty_rows()
total_rows = self.nrows()
score = 0
for col in range(COLUMNS):
for row in range(start_row, total_rows):
for row in range(start_row, self.nrows):
if self.blocks[row * COLUMNS + col] != NOBLOCK:
score += row - start_row + 1
return score
def score(self, points, moves, prev):
prev_colsize = prev.nrows() - 2
prev_colsize = prev.nrows - 2
#delay = moves_delay(moves)
delay = len(moves)
......@@ -100,7 +112,7 @@ class State:
return -points, delay
holes = self.holes()
frag = self.fragmentation()
frag = 0 if points else self.fragmentation()
# When rows start stacking up, start defragmenting colors to make
# opportunities for scoring points.
......@@ -116,20 +128,6 @@ class State:
# Column heights are getting out of hand, just move shit DOWN.
return holes, delay, -points, frag
def solutions(self):
for moves in self.gen_moves():
yield Solution(self, moves)
except AssertionError:
def colskip(self, col):
nrows = self.nrows()
for row in range(nrows):
if self.blocks[row * COLUMNS + col] != NOBLOCK:
return row
return nrows
def find_unmovable_blocks(self):
unmoveable = set()
bombed = set()
......@@ -149,13 +147,16 @@ class State:
return unmoveable
def simulate(self, moves):
s = self.copy()
#points = 0
def move(self, moves):
s = self.copy() if moves else self
s.moves = moves
# avoid swapping/grabbing currently exploding items
#unmoveable = s.find_unmovable_blocks()
s.placed = set()
s.grabbed = {}
for move in moves:
if move == LEFT:
assert s.exa > 0
......@@ -165,35 +166,44 @@ class State:
s.exa += 1
elif move == GRAB:
assert s.held == NOBLOCK
row = s.colskip(s.exa)
assert row < s.nrows()
row = s.colskip[s.exa]
assert row < s.nrows
i = row * COLUMNS + s.exa
#assert i not in unmoveable
s.held = s.blocks[i]
s.blocks[i] = NOBLOCK
s.grabbed[i] = s.held
s.colskip[s.exa] += 1
elif move == DROP:
assert s.held != NOBLOCK
row = s.colskip(s.exa)
row = s.colskip[s.exa]
assert row > 0
i = row * COLUMNS + s.exa
s.blocks[i - COLUMNS] = s.held
i = (row - 1) * COLUMNS + s.exa
s.blocks[i] = s.held
s.held = NOBLOCK
#points += s.remove_blocks()
s.colskip[s.exa] -= 1
elif move == SWAP:
row = s.colskip(s.exa)
assert row < s.nrows() - 2
row = s.colskip[s.exa]
i = row * COLUMNS + s.exa
j = i + COLUMNS
assert j < len(s.blocks)
#assert i not in unmoveable
#assert j not in unmoveable
s.blocks[i], s.blocks[j] = s.blocks[j], s.blocks[i]
#points += s.remove_blocks()
bi = s.blocks[i]
bj = s.blocks[j]
if bi != bj:
s.blocks[i] = bj
s.blocks[j] = bi
s.grabbed[i] = bi
s.grabbed[j] = bj
if moves and self.max_colsize() < COLSIZE_MAX:
assert s.max_colsize() <= COLSIZE_MAX
points = s.remove_blocks()
return points, s
return s
def find_groups(self, depth=POINTS_DEPTH, minsize=2):
def follow_group(i, block, group):
......@@ -221,7 +231,7 @@ class State:
yield i + 1
if row > 0 and self.blocks[i - COLUMNS] != NOBLOCK:
yield i - COLUMNS
if row < self.nrows() - 1 and self.blocks[i + COLUMNS] != NOBLOCK:
if row < self.nrows - 1 and self.blocks[i + COLUMNS] != NOBLOCK:
yield i + COLUMNS
def fragmentation(self, depth=FRAG_DEPTH):
......@@ -250,47 +260,46 @@ class State:
groups[i] = groupid
groupsizes[i] = len(group)
return sum(dist(i, j) # * (1 + 2 * is_bomb(block))
return sum(dist(i, j)
for block, color in colors.items()
for i, j in combinations(color, 2))
def remove_blocks(self):
removed = 0
for block, group in self.find_groups():
if is_basic(block) and len(group) >= MIN_BASIC_GROUP_SIZE:
removed += len(group)
elif is_bomb(block) and len(group) >= MIN_BOMB_GROUP_SIZE:
removed += BOMB_POINTS
return removed
#def remove_blocks(self):
# remove = []
# for block, group in self.find_groups():
# if is_basic(block) and len(group) >= MIN_BASIC_GROUP_SIZE:
# remove.extend(group)
# elif is_bomb(block) and len(group) >= MIN_BOMB_GROUP_SIZE:
# remove.extend(group)
# remove.extend(i for i, other in enumerate(self.blocks)
# if other == bomb_to_basic(block))
def points(self):
def group_size(start):
work = [start]
size = 0
block = self.blocks[start]
while work:
i = work.pop()
# avoid giving points to moving a block within the same group
if self.grabbed.get(i, None) == block:
return 0
if self.blocks[i] == block:
size += 1
for nb in self.neighbors(i):
if nb not in visited:
return size
points = 0
visited = set()
# remove.sort()
# removed = 0
# prev = None
# for i in remove:
# if i != prev:
# while self.blocks[i] != NOBLOCK:
# self.blocks[i] = self.blocks[i - COLUMNS]
# i -= COLUMNS
# removed += 1
# prev = i
for i in self.placed:
if i not in visited:
block = self.blocks[i]
size = group_size(i)
# if removed:
# removed += self.remove_blocks()
if is_basic(block) and size >= MIN_BASIC_GROUP_SIZE:
points += size
elif is_bomb(block) and size >= MIN_BOMB_GROUP_SIZE:
points += BOMB_POINTS
# return removed
return -points
def has_explosion(self):
return any(is_bomb(block) and
......@@ -300,39 +309,78 @@ class State:
def gen_moves(self):
yield ()
def make_move(diff):
def shift_exa(diff):
direction = RIGHT if diff > 0 else LEFT
return abs(diff) * (direction,)
ignore_exa_column = self.grabbing_or_dropping()
for src in range(COLUMNS):
mov1 = make_move(src - self.exa)
mov1 = shift_exa(src - self.exa)
if mov1 or not ignore_exa_column:
yield mov1 + (SWAP,)
yield mov1 + (GRAB, SWAP, DROP)
yield mov1 + (SWAP, GRAB, SWAP, DROP)
yield mov1 + (GRAB, SWAP, DROP, SWAP)
yield mov1 + (SWAP, GRAB, SWAP, DROP, SWAP)
for dst in range(COLUMNS):
if dst != src:
mov2 = make_move(dst - src)
mov2 = shift_exa(dst - src)
for get in GET:
for put in PUT:
yield mov1 + get + mov2 + put
def gen_valid_moves(self):
for moves in self.gen_moves():
yield self.move(moves)
except AssertionError:
def solve(self):
assert self.exa is not None
if self.held != NOBLOCK:
return Solution(self, (DROP,))
return self.move((DROP,))
valid = deque(self.gen_valid_moves())
if len(valid) == 0:
return self.move(())
best_score = ()
for key in self.score_keys():
if len(valid) == 1:
for state in valid:
state.score = key(state)
if self.nrows() < MIN_ROWS:
return Solution(self, ())
best = min(state.score for state in valid)
best_score += (best,)
if self.has_explosion():
return Solution(self, ())
for i in range(len(valid)):
state = valid.popleft()
if state.score == best:
return min(
best = valid.popleft()
best.score = best_score
return best
def score_keys(self):
cls = self.__class__
colsize = self.nrows - 2
if colsize >= COLSIZE_PANIC:
return cls.holes, cls.nmoves, cls.points, cls.fragmentation
if colsize >= COLSIZE_PRIO:
return cls.causes_panic, cls.points, cls.holes, cls.fragmentation, cls.nmoves
return cls.points, cls.fragmentation, cls.holes, cls.nmoves
def print(self):
print_board(self.blocks, self.exa, self.held)
......@@ -343,28 +391,11 @@ class State:
return stream.getvalue()
def nrows(self):
return len(self.blocks) // COLUMNS
def has_same_exa(self, state):
return self.exa == state.exa and self.held == state.held
class Solution:
def __init__(self, state, moves):
self.state = state
self.moves = moves
points, self.newstate = state.simulate(moves)
self.score = self.newstate.score(points, moves, state)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.score < other.score
def loops(self, prev_prev):
return self.moves and \
self.state.exa == prev_prev.state.exa and \
self.moves == prev_prev.moves and \
self.score == prev_prev.score
def nmoves(self):
return len(self.moves)
def delay(self):
return moves_delay(self.moves)
......@@ -372,6 +403,15 @@ class Solution:
def keys(self):
return moves_to_keys(self.moves)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.score < other.score
def loops(self, prev):
return self.moves and \
self.exa == prev.exa and \
self.moves == prev.moves and \
self.score == prev.score
def move_to_key(move):
return 'jjkadl'[move]
......@@ -397,15 +437,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
start = time.time()
solution = state.solve()
newstate = state.solve()
end = time.time()
print('best moves:', solution.keys())
print('best move:', newstate.keys())
print('score:', newstate.score)
print('elapsed:', round((end - start) * 1000, 1), 'ms')
print('target after moves:')
print('target after move:')
for solution in sorted(
print('move %18s:' % solution.keys(), solution.score)
#for solution in sorted(
# print('move %18s:' % solution.keys(), solution.score)
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