# Mechanism via FindLIB.cmake
# ==============================
# Boost:
# -------
# Windows: Download the pre-built binaries from http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/ for VS2013 (msvc-12 64bit).
# Set the windows PATH variable to "<YOUR_BOOST_DIRECTORY>\lib64-msvc-12.0" and CMake will find it.
# Linux: Boost can usually be installed via a package manager (e.g. apt-get install boost-all-dev) and this variable can be left uncommented.
#set(BOOST_ROOT     "/home/user/boost/install"    CACHE STRING "Boost search location" FORCE)

# Mechanism via ConfigLIB.cmake in 3rd party library directory
# ==============================
# OpenCV:
# -------
# Windows: Download the package from opencv.org, use or never. It includes binaries for VS2013. Set this path accordingly.
#set(OpenCV_DIR   "C:\\opencv\\install"   CACHE STRING "OpenCV config dir, where OpenCVConfig.cmake can be found" FORCE)
# Linux: Usually can be left blank but it can be used if OpenCV is not found.
#set(OpenCV_DIR   "/home/user/opencv/install/share/OpenCV"   CACHE STRING "OpenCV config dir, where OpenCVConfig.cmake can be found" FORCE)

# Configuration options
# ==============================
set(BUILD_EXAMPLES ON CACHE BOOL "Build the example applications." FORCE)
set(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION ON CACHE BOOL "Build the library documentation." FORCE)