* Generate python bindings for the eos library using pybind11.
py::moduleeos_module("eos","Python bindings for the eos 3D Morphable Face Model fitting library.\n\nFor an overview of the functionality, see the documentation of the submodules. For the full documentation, see the C++ doxygen documentation.");
* General bindings, for OpenCV vector types and cv::Mat:
* - cv::Vec2f
* - cv::Vec4f
* - cv::Mat (only 1-channel matrices and only conversion of CV_32F C++ matrices to Python, and conversion of CV_32FC1 and CV_64FC1 matrices from Python to C++)
py::class_<cv::Vec2f>(eos_module,"Vec2f","Wrapper for OpenCV's cv::Vec2f type.")
throwstd::runtime_error("Buffer ndim is "+std::to_string(info.ndim)+", please hand a buffer with dimension == 1 to create a Vec2f.");
throwstd::runtime_error("strides.size() is "+std::to_string(info.strides.size())+", please hand a buffer with strides.size() == 1 to create a Vec2f.");
// Todo: Should add a check that checks for default stride sizes, everything else would not work yet I think.
throwstd::runtime_error("shape.size() is "+std::to_string(info.shape.size())+", please hand a buffer with shape dimension == 1 to create a Vec2f.");
throwstd::runtime_error("shape[0] is "+std::to_string(info.shape[0])+", please hand a buffer with 2 entries to create a Vec2f.");
throwstd::runtime_error("Not given a buffer of type float - please hand a buffer of type float to create a Vec2f.");
&vec.val,/* Pointer to buffer */
sizeof(float),/* Size of one scalar */
py::format_descriptor<float>::format(),/* Python struct-style format descriptor */
2,/* Number of dimensions */
{vec.rows,vec.cols},/* Buffer dimensions */
{sizeof(float),/* Strides (in bytes) for each index */
sizeof(float)}/* => both sizeof(float), since the data is hold in an array, i.e. contiguous memory */
py::class_<cv::Vec4f>(eos_module,"Vec4f","Wrapper for OpenCV's cv::Vec4f type.")
throwstd::runtime_error("Buffer ndim is "+std::to_string(info.ndim)+", please hand a buffer with dimension == 1 to create a Vec4f.");
throwstd::runtime_error("strides.size() is "+std::to_string(info.strides.size())+", please hand a buffer with strides.size() == 1 to create a Vec4f.");
// Todo: Should add a check that checks for default stride sizes, everything else would not work yet I think.
throwstd::runtime_error("shape.size() is "+std::to_string(info.shape.size())+", please hand a buffer with shape dimension == 1 to create a Vec4f.");
throwstd::runtime_error("shape[0] is "+std::to_string(info.shape[0])+", please hand a buffer with 4 entries to create a Vec4f.");
throwstd::runtime_error("Not given a buffer of type float - please hand a buffer of type float to create a Vec4f.");
&vec.val,/* Pointer to buffer */
sizeof(float),/* Size of one scalar */
py::format_descriptor<float>::format(),/* Python struct-style format descriptor */
2,/* Number of dimensions */
{vec.rows,vec.cols},/* Buffer dimensions */
{sizeof(float),/* Strides (in bytes) for each index */
sizeof(float)}/* => both sizeof(float), since the data is hold in an array, i.e. contiguous memory */
py::class_<cv::Mat>(eos_module,"Mat","Wrapper for OpenCV's cv::Mat type (currently only 1-channel matrices are supported and only conversion of CV_32F C++ matrices to Python, and conversion of CV_32FC1 and CV_64FC1 matrices from Python to C++).")
// This adds support for creating eos.Mat objects in Python from buffers like NumPy arrays:
throwstd::runtime_error("Buffer ndim is "+std::to_string(info.ndim)+", only buffer dimension == 2 is currently supported.");
throwstd::runtime_error("strides.size() is "+std::to_string(info.strides.size())+", only strides.size() == 2 is currently supported.");
// Todo: Should add a check that checks for default stride sizes, everything else would not work yet I think.
throwstd::runtime_error("shape.size() is "+std::to_string(info.shape.size())+", only shape dimensions of == 2 are currently supported - i.e. only 2-dimensional matrices with rows and colums.");
throwstd::runtime_error("Only the cv::Mat types CV_32FC1 and CV_64FC1 are currently supported. If needed, it should not be too hard to add other types.");
// This gives cv::Mat a Python buffer interface, so the data can be used as NumPy array in Python:
// Note: Exceptions within def_buffer don't seem to be shown in Python, use cout for now.
std::stringerror_msg("Only continuous (contiguous) cv::Mat objects are currently supported.");
// Note: Also stride/step should be 1 too, but I think this is covered by isContinuous().
std::stringerror_msg("Only cv::Mat objects with dims == 2 are currently supported.");
std::stringerror_msg("Only cv::Mat objects with channels() == 1 are currently supported.");
mat.data,/* Pointer to buffer */
sizeof(float),/* Size of one scalar */
py::format_descriptor<float>::format(),/* Python struct-style format descriptor */
dimensions,/* Number of dimensions */
{rows,cols},/* Buffer dimensions */
{sizeof(float)*cols,/* Strides (in bytes) for each index */
sizeof(float)}// this way is correct for row-major memory layout (OpenCV)
std::stringerror_msg("Only the cv::Mat type CV_32F is currently supported. If needed, it would be easy to add CV_8U and CV_64F.");
// Will never reach here.
* Bindings for the eos::morphablemodel namespace:
* - PcaModel
* - MorphableModel
* - load_model()
py::modulemorphablemodel_module=eos_module.def_submodule("morphablemodel","Functionality to represent a Morphable Model, its PCA models, and functions to load models and blendshapes.");
py::class_<morphablemodel::PcaModel>(morphablemodel_module,"PcaModel","Class representing a PcaModel with a mean, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, as well as a list of triangles to build a mesh.")
.def("get_num_principal_components",&morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_num_principal_components,"Returns the number of principal components in the model.")
.def("get_data_dimension",&morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_data_dimension,"Returns the dimension of the data, i.e. the number of shape dimensions.")
.def("get_triangle_list",&morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_triangle_list,"Returns a list of triangles on how to assemble the vertices into a mesh.")
.def("get_mean",&morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_mean,"Returns the mean of the model.")
.def("get_mean_at_point",&morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_mean_at_point,"Return the value of the mean at a given vertex index.")
.def("draw_sample",(cv::Mat(morphablemodel::PcaModel::*)(std::vector<float>)const)&morphablemodel::PcaModel::draw_sample,"Returns a sample from the model with the given PCA coefficients. The given coefficients should follow a standard normal distribution, i.e. not be \"normalised\" with their eigenvalues/variances.")
py::class_<morphablemodel::MorphableModel>(morphablemodel_module,"MorphableModel","A class representing a 3D Morphable Model, consisting of a shape- and colour (albedo) PCA model, as well as texture (uv) coordinates.")
.def("get_shape_model",[](constmorphablemodel::MorphableModel&m){returnm.get_shape_model();},"Returns the PCA shape model of this Morphable Model.")// Not sure if that'll really be const in Python? I think Python does a copy each time this gets called?
.def("get_color_model",[](constmorphablemodel::MorphableModel&m){returnm.get_color_model();},"Returns the PCA colour (albedo) model of this Morphable Model.")
morphablemodel_module.def("load_model",&morphablemodel::load_model,"Load a Morphable Model from a cereal::BinaryInputArchive (.bin) from the harddisk.");
* - Blendshape
* - load_blendshapes()
py::class_<morphablemodel::Blendshape>(morphablemodel_module,"Blendshape","A class representing a 3D blendshape.")
.def_readwrite("name",&morphablemodel::Blendshape::name,"Name of the blendshape.")
.def_readwrite("deformation",&morphablemodel::Blendshape::deformation,"A 3m x 1 col-vector (xyzxyz...)', where m is the number of model-vertices. Has the same format as PcaModel::mean.")
morphablemodel_module.def("load_blendshapes",&morphablemodel::load_blendshapes,"Load a file with blendshapes from a cereal::BinaryInputArchive (.bin) from the harddisk.");
* Bindings for the eos::fitting namespace:
* - ScaledOrthoProjectionParameters
* - RenderingParameters
* - estimate_orthographic_projection_linear()
py::modulefitting_module=eos_module.def_submodule("fitting","Pose and shape fitting of a 3D Morphable Model.");
py::class_<fitting::ScaledOrthoProjectionParameters>(fitting_module,"ScaledOrthoProjectionParameters","Parameters of an estimated scaled orthographic projection.")
py::class_<fitting::RenderingParameters>(fitting_module,"RenderingParameters","Represents a set of estimated model parameters (rotation, translation) and camera parameters (viewing frustum).")
.def(py::init<fitting::ScaledOrthoProjectionParameters,int,int>(),"Create a RenderingParameters object from an instance of estimated ScaledOrthoProjectionParameters.")
.def("get_rotation",[](constfitting::RenderingParameters&p){returnglm::vec4(p.get_rotation().w,p.get_rotation().x,p.get_rotation().y,p.get_rotation().z);},"Returns the rotation quaternion [w x y z].")
.def("get_rotation_euler_angles",[](constfitting::RenderingParameters&p){returnglm::eulerAngles(p.get_rotation());},"Returns the rotation's Euler angles (in radians) as [pitch, yaw, roll].")
.def("get_modelview",&fitting::RenderingParameters::get_modelview,"Returns the 4x4 model-view matrix.")
.def("get_projection",&fitting::RenderingParameters::get_projection,"Returns the 4x4 projection matrix.")
},"This algorithm estimates the parameters of a scaled orthographic projection, given a set of corresponding 2D-3D points.",py::arg("image_points"),py::arg("model_points"),py::arg("is_viewport_upsidedown"),py::arg("viewport_height")=0)