Commit 58b54cf1 authored by Philipp Kopp's avatar Philipp Kopp

Merge branch 'devel' into multi_image_fit_devel

parents d34e1793 a143f1d7
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.3)
set(eos_VERSION_MAJOR 0)
set(eos_VERSION_MINOR 11)
set(eos_VERSION_PATCH 0)
set(eos_VERSION_MINOR 12)
set(eos_VERSION_PATCH 1)
include LICENSE
global-include CMakeLists.txt *.cmake
recursive-include 3rdparty/cereal-1.1.1/include *
recursive-include 3rdparty/cereal/include *
recursive-include 3rdparty/eigen/Eigen *
recursive-include 3rdparty/eigen3-nnls/src *.h
recursive-include 3rdparty/glm/glm *
recursive-include 3rdparty/nanoflann/include *
recursive-include 3rdparty/pybind11 *
recursive-include cmake *
recursive-include include *
recursive-include python *
......@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ At the moment, it mainly provides the following functionality:
To use the library in your own project, just add the following directories to your include path:
* `eos/include`
* `eos/3rdparty/cereal-1.1.1/include`
* `eos/3rdparty/cereal/include`
* `eos/3rdparty/glm`
* `eos/3rdparty/nanoflann/include`
* `eos/3rdparty/eigen/Eigen`
* `eos/3rdparty/eigen3-nnls/src`
**Make sure to clone with `--recursive` to download the required submodules!**
......@@ -84,9 +85,10 @@ The full model is available at [](http://www.cvssp
## Python bindings
eos includes python bindings for some of its functionality (and more can be added!). Set `-DEOS_GENERATE_PYTHON_BINDINGS=on` when running `cmake` to build them (and optionally set `PYTHON_EXECUTABLE` to point to your python interpreter if it's not found automatically).
eos includes python bindings for some of its functionality (and more can be added!). An experimental package is on PyPI: Try `pip install eos-py`. You will still need the data files from this repository.
In case of issues, build the bindings manually: Clone the repository and set `-DEOS_GENERATE_PYTHON_BINDINGS=on` when running `cmake` (and optionally set `PYTHON_EXECUTABLE` to point to your python interpreter if it's not found automatically).
After building the bindings, they can be used like any python module:
After having obtained the bindings, they can be used like any python module:
import eos
......@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Colour model fitting (this needs a Morphable Model with colour (albedo) model, see note above main()):
if (!morphable_model.has_color_model())
cout << "The MorphableModel used does not contain a colour (albedo) model. ImageCost requires a model that contains a colour PCA model. You may want to use the full Surrey Face Model or remove this section.";
cout << "Error: The MorphableModel used does not contain a colour (albedo) model. ImageCost requires a model that contains a colour PCA model. You may want to use the full Surrey Face Model or remove this section.";
std::vector<double> colour_coefficients;
......@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
#include "eos/morphablemodel/Blendshape.hpp"
#include "Eigen/Core" // for nnls.h
#include "Eigen/Core"
#include "Eigen/QR"
#include "nnls.h"
#include "Eigen/Core"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include <vector>
......@@ -61,62 +61,56 @@ inline std::vector<float> fit_blendshapes_to_landmarks_linear(const std::vector<
assert(landmarks.size() == vertex_ids.size());
using cv::Mat;
using Eigen::VectorXf;
using Eigen::MatrixXf;
const int num_blendshapes = blendshapes.size();
const int num_landmarks = static_cast<int>(landmarks.size());
// Copy all blendshapes into a "basis" matrix with each blendshape being a column:
Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> blendshapes_as_basis = morphablemodel::to_matrix(blendshapes);
// Above converts to a RowMajor matrix on return - for now, since the core algorithm still uses cv::Mat (and OpenCV stores data in row-major memory order).
Mat blendshapes_basis_as_mat = Mat(blendshapes_as_basis.rows(), blendshapes_as_basis.cols(), CV_32FC1,;
MatrixXf blendshapes_as_basis = morphablemodel::to_matrix(blendshapes);
// $\hat{V} \in R^{3N\times m-1}$, subselect the rows of the eigenvector matrix $V$ associated with the $N$ feature points
// And we insert a row of zeros after every third row, resulting in matrix $\hat{V}_h \in R^{4N\times m-1}$:
Mat V_hat_h = Mat::zeros(4 * num_landmarks, num_blendshapes, CV_32FC1);
MatrixXf V_hat_h = MatrixXf::Zero(4 * num_landmarks, num_blendshapes);
int row_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
Mat basis_rows = blendshapes_basis_as_mat.rowRange(vertex_ids[i] * 3, (vertex_ids[i] * 3) + 3);
basis_rows.copyTo(V_hat_h.rowRange(row_index, row_index + 3));
V_hat_h.block(row_index, 0, 3, V_hat_h.cols()) = blendshapes_as_basis.block(vertex_ids[i] * 3, 0, 3, blendshapes_as_basis.cols());
row_index += 4; // replace 3 rows and skip the 4th one, it has all zeros
// Form a block diagonal matrix $P \in R^{3N\times 4N}$ in which the camera matrix C (P_Affine, affine_camera_matrix) is placed on the diagonal:
Mat P = Mat::zeros(3 * num_landmarks, 4 * num_landmarks, CV_32FC1);
MatrixXf P = MatrixXf::Zero(3 * num_landmarks, 4 * num_landmarks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
Mat submatrix_to_replace = P.colRange(4 * i, (4 * i) + 4).rowRange(3 * i, (3 * i) + 3);
using RowMajorMatrixXf = Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
P.block(3 * i, 4 * i, 3, 4) = Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf>(affine_camera_matrix.ptr<float>(), affine_camera_matrix.rows, affine_camera_matrix.cols);
// The landmarks in matrix notation (in homogeneous coordinates), $3N\times 1$
Mat y = Mat::ones(3 * num_landmarks, 1, CV_32FC1);
VectorXf y = VectorXf::Ones(3 * num_landmarks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {<float>(3 * i, 0) = landmarks[i][0];<float>((3 * i) + 1, 0) = landmarks[i][1];
//<float>((3 * i) + 2, 0) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
y(3 * i) = landmarks[i][0];
y((3 * i) + 1) = landmarks[i][1];
//y((3 * i) + 2) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
// The mean, with an added homogeneous coordinate (x_1, y_1, z_1, 1, x_2, ...)^t
Mat v_bar = Mat::ones(4 * num_landmarks, 1, CV_32FC1);
VectorXf v_bar = VectorXf::Ones(4 * num_landmarks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
//cv::Vec4f model_mean = morphable_model.get_shape_model().get_mean_at_point(vertex_ids[i]);
cv::Vec4f model_mean(face_instance(vertex_ids[i]*3), face_instance(vertex_ids[i]*3 + 1), face_instance(vertex_ids[i]*3 + 2), 1.0f);<float>(4 * i, 0) = model_mean[0];<float>((4 * i) + 1, 0) = model_mean[1];<float>((4 * i) + 2, 0) = model_mean[2];
//<float>((4 * i) + 3, 0) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
// note: now that a Vec4f is returned, we could use copyTo?
v_bar(4 * i) = face_instance(vertex_ids[i] * 3);
v_bar((4 * i) + 1) = face_instance(vertex_ids[i] * 3 + 1);
v_bar((4 * i) + 2) = face_instance(vertex_ids[i] * 3 + 2);
//v_bar((4 * i) + 3) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
// Bring into standard regularised quadratic form:
Mat A = P * V_hat_h; // camera matrix times the basis
Mat b = P * v_bar - y; // camera matrix times the mean, minus the landmarks.
const MatrixXf A = P * V_hat_h; // camera matrix times the basis
const MatrixXf b = P * v_bar - y; // camera matrix times the mean, minus the landmarks
Mat AtAReg = A.t() * A + lambda * Mat::eye(num_blendshapes, num_blendshapes, CV_32FC1);
// Solve using OpenCV:
Mat c_s;
bool non_singular = cv::solve(AtAReg, -A.t() * b, c_s, cv::DECOMP_SVD); // DECOMP_SVD calculates the pseudo-inverse if the matrix is not invertible.
// Because we're using SVD, non_singular will always be true. If we were to use e.g. Cholesky, we could return an expected<T>.
const MatrixXf AtAReg = A.transpose() * A + lambda * Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(num_blendshapes, num_blendshapes);
const MatrixXf rhs = -A.transpose() * b;
return std::vector<float>(c_s);
const VectorXf coefficients = AtAReg.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(rhs);
return std::vector<float>(, + coefficients.size());
......@@ -139,65 +133,53 @@ inline std::vector<float> fit_blendshapes_to_landmarks_nnls(const std::vector<eo
assert(landmarks.size() == vertex_ids.size());
using cv::Mat;
using Eigen::VectorXf;
using Eigen::MatrixXf;
const int num_blendshapes = blendshapes.size();
const int num_landmarks = static_cast<int>(landmarks.size());
// Copy all blendshapes into a "basis" matrix with each blendshape being a column:
Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> blendshapes_as_basis = morphablemodel::to_matrix(blendshapes);
// Above converts to a RowMajor matrix on return - for now, since the core algorithm still uses cv::Mat (and OpenCV stores data in row-major memory order).
Mat blendshapes_basis_as_mat = Mat(blendshapes_as_basis.rows(), blendshapes_as_basis.cols(), CV_32FC1,;
MatrixXf blendshapes_as_basis = morphablemodel::to_matrix(blendshapes);
// $\hat{V} \in R^{3N\times m-1}$, subselect the rows of the eigenvector matrix $V$ associated with the $N$ feature points
// And we insert a row of zeros after every third row, resulting in matrix $\hat{V}_h \in R^{4N\times m-1}$:
Mat V_hat_h = Mat::zeros(4 * num_landmarks, num_blendshapes, CV_32FC1);
MatrixXf V_hat_h = MatrixXf::Zero(4 * num_landmarks, num_blendshapes);
int row_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
Mat basis_rows = blendshapes_basis_as_mat.rowRange(vertex_ids[i] * 3, (vertex_ids[i] * 3) + 3);
basis_rows.copyTo(V_hat_h.rowRange(row_index, row_index + 3));
V_hat_h.block(row_index, 0, 3, V_hat_h.cols()) = blendshapes_as_basis.block(vertex_ids[i] * 3, 0, 3, blendshapes_as_basis.cols());
row_index += 4; // replace 3 rows and skip the 4th one, it has all zeros
// Form a block diagonal matrix $P \in R^{3N\times 4N}$ in which the camera matrix C (P_Affine, affine_camera_matrix) is placed on the diagonal:
Mat P = Mat::zeros(3 * num_landmarks, 4 * num_landmarks, CV_32FC1);
MatrixXf P = MatrixXf::Zero(3 * num_landmarks, 4 * num_landmarks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
Mat submatrix_to_replace = P.colRange(4 * i, (4 * i) + 4).rowRange(3 * i, (3 * i) + 3);
using RowMajorMatrixXf = Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
P.block(3 * i, 4 * i, 3, 4) = Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf>(affine_camera_matrix.ptr<float>(), affine_camera_matrix.rows, affine_camera_matrix.cols);
// The landmarks in matrix notation (in homogeneous coordinates), $3N\times 1$
Mat y = Mat::ones(3 * num_landmarks, 1, CV_32FC1);
VectorXf y = VectorXf::Ones(3 * num_landmarks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {<float>(3 * i, 0) = landmarks[i][0];<float>((3 * i) + 1, 0) = landmarks[i][1];
//<float>((3 * i) + 2, 0) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
y(3 * i) = landmarks[i][0];
y((3 * i) + 1) = landmarks[i][1];
//y_((3 * i) + 2) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
// The mean, with an added homogeneous coordinate (x_1, y_1, z_1, 1, x_2, ...)^t
Mat v_bar = Mat::ones(4 * num_landmarks, 1, CV_32FC1);
VectorXf v_bar = VectorXf::Ones(4 * num_landmarks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
cv::Vec4f model_mean(face_instance(vertex_ids[i]*3), face_instance(vertex_ids[i]*3 + 1), face_instance(vertex_ids[i]*3 + 2), 1.0f);<float>(4 * i, 0) = model_mean[0];<float>((4 * i) + 1, 0) = model_mean[1];<float>((4 * i) + 2, 0) = model_mean[2];
//<float>((4 * i) + 3, 0) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
// note: now that a Vec4f is returned, we could use copyTo?
v_bar(4 * i) = face_instance(vertex_ids[i] * 3);
v_bar((4 * i) + 1) = face_instance(vertex_ids[i] * 3 + 1);
v_bar((4 * i) + 2) = face_instance(vertex_ids[i] * 3 + 2);
//v_bar((4 * i) + 3) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
// Bring into standard regularised quadratic form:
Mat A = P * V_hat_h; // camera matrix times the basis
Mat b = P * v_bar - y; // camera matrix times the mean, minus the landmarks.
// Bring into standard least squares form:
const MatrixXf A = P * V_hat_h; // camera matrix times the basis
const MatrixXf b = P * v_bar - y; // camera matrix times the mean, minus the landmarks
// Solve using NNLS:
using RowMajorMatrixXf = Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> A_Eigen(A.ptr<float>(), A.rows, A.cols);
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> b_Eigen(b.ptr<float>(), b.rows, b.cols);
Eigen::VectorXf x;
bool non_singular = Eigen::NNLS<Eigen::MatrixXf>::solve(A_Eigen, -b_Eigen, x);
Mat c_s(x.rows(), x.cols(), CV_32FC1,; // create an OpenCV Mat header for the Eigen data
VectorXf coefficients;
bool non_singular = Eigen::NNLS<MatrixXf>::solve(A, -b, coefficients);
return std::vector<float>(c_s);
return std::vector<float>(, + coefficients.size());
} /* namespace fitting */
......@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ inline std::pair<core::Mesh, fitting::RenderingParameters> fit_shape_and_pose(co
* @param[in] lambda Regularisation parameter of the PCA shape fitting.
* @return The fitted model shape instance and the final pose.
inline std::pair<core::Mesh, fitting::RenderingParameters> fit_shape_and_pose(const morphablemodel::MorphableModel& morphable_model, const std::vector<morphablemodel::Blendshape>& blendshapes, const core::LandmarkCollection<cv::Vec2f>& landmarks, const core::LandmarkMapper& landmark_mapper, int image_width, int image_height, const morphablemodel::EdgeTopology& edge_topology, const fitting::ContourLandmarks& contour_landmarks, const fitting::ModelContour& model_contour, int num_iterations = 5, boost::optional<int> num_shape_coefficients_to_fit = boost::none, float lambda = 30.0f)
inline std::pair<core::Mesh, fitting::RenderingParameters> fit_shape_and_pose(const morphablemodel::MorphableModel& morphable_model, const std::vector<morphablemodel::Blendshape>& blendshapes, const core::LandmarkCollection<cv::Vec2f>& landmarks, const core::LandmarkMapper& landmark_mapper, int image_width, int image_height, const morphablemodel::EdgeTopology& edge_topology, const fitting::ContourLandmarks& contour_landmarks, const fitting::ModelContour& model_contour, int num_iterations = 5, boost::optional<int> num_shape_coefficients_to_fit = boost::none, float lambda = 50.0f)
std::vector<float> pca_coeffs;
std::vector<float> blendshape_coeffs;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include "eos/morphablemodel/MorphableModel.hpp"
//#include "Eigen/LU"
#include "Eigen/QR"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
......@@ -57,10 +57,14 @@ namespace eos {
* @param[in] model_standard_deviation The standard deviation of the 3D vertex points in the 3D model, projected to 2D (so the value is in pixels).
* @return The estimated shape-coefficients (alphas).
inline std::vector<float> fit_shape_to_landmarks_linear_multi(morphablemodel::MorphableModel morphable_model, std::vector<cv::Mat> affine_camera_matrix, std::vector<std::vector<cv::Vec2f>>& landmarks, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& vertex_ids, std::vector<Eigen::VectorXf> base_face=std::vector<Eigen::VectorXf>(), float lambda=3.0f, boost::optional<int> num_coefficients_to_fit=boost::optional<int>(), boost::optional<float> detector_standard_deviation=boost::optional<float>(), boost::optional<float> model_standard_deviation=boost::optional<float>())
inline std::vector<float> fit_shape_to_landmarks_linear_multi(const morphablemodel::MorphableModel& morphable_model, std::vector<cv::Mat> affine_camera_matrix, std::vector<std::vector<cv::Vec2f>>& landmarks, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& vertex_ids, std::vector<Eigen::VectorXf> base_face=std::vector<Eigen::VectorXf>(), float lambda=3.0f, boost::optional<int> num_coefficients_to_fit=boost::optional<int>(), boost::optional<float> detector_standard_deviation=boost::optional<float>(), boost::optional<float> model_standard_deviation=boost::optional<float>())
using cv::Mat;
assert(affine_camera_matrix.size() == landmarks.size() && landmarks.size() == vertex_ids.size()); // same number of instances (i.e. images/frames) for each of them
assert(landmarks.size() == vertex_ids.size());
using Eigen::VectorXf;
using Eigen::MatrixXf;
int num_coeffs_to_fit = num_coefficients_to_fit.get_value_or(morphable_model.get_shape_model().get_num_principal_components());
int num_images = affine_camera_matrix.size();
......@@ -72,20 +76,27 @@ inline std::vector<float> fit_shape_to_landmarks_linear_multi(morphablemodel::Mo
for (auto&& l : landmarks) {
total_num_landmarks_dimension += l.size();
// $\hat{V} \in R^{3N\times m-1}$, subselect the rows of the eigenvector matrix $V$ associated with the $N$ feature points
// And we insert a row of zeros after every third row, resulting in matrix $\hat{V}_h \in R^{4N\times m-1}$:
Mat V_hat_h = Mat::zeros(4 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, num_coeffs_to_fit, CV_32FC1);
MatrixXf V_hat_h = MatrixXf::Zero(4 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, num_coeffs_to_fit);
int V_hat_h_row_index = 0;
// Form a block diagonal matrix $P \in R^{3N\times 4N}$ in which the camera matrix C (P_Affine, affine_camera_matrix) is placed on the diagonal:
Mat P = Mat::zeros(3 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, 4 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, CV_32FC1);
MatrixXf P = MatrixXf::Zero(3 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, 4 * total_num_landmarks_dimension);
int P_index = 0;
Mat Omega = Mat::zeros(3 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, 3 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, CV_32FC1);
int Omega_index = 0; // this runs the same as P_index
// The variances: Add the 2D and 3D standard deviations.
// If the user doesn't provide them, we choose the following:
// 2D (detector) standard deviation: In pixel, we follow [1] and choose sqrt(3) as the default value.
// 3D (model) variance: 0.0f. It only makes sense to set it to something when we have a different variance for different vertices.
// The 3D variance has to be projected to 2D (for details, see paper [1]) so the units do match up.
float sigma_squared_2D = std::pow(detector_standard_deviation.get_value_or(std::sqrt(3.0f)), 2) + std::pow(model_standard_deviation.get_value_or(0.0f), 2);
// We use a VectorXf, and later use .asDiagonal():
VectorXf Omega = VectorXf::Constant(3 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, 1.0f / sigma_squared_2D);
// The landmarks in matrix notation (in homogeneous coordinates), $3N\times 1$
Mat y = Mat::ones(3 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, 1, CV_32FC1);
VectorXf y = VectorXf::Ones(3 * total_num_landmarks_dimension);
int y_index = 0; // also runs the same as P_index. Should rename to "running_index"?
// The mean, with an added homogeneous coordinate (x_1, y_1, z_1, 1, x_2, ...)^t
Mat v_bar = Mat::ones(4 * total_num_landmarks_dimension, 1, CV_32FC1);
VectorXf v_bar = VectorXf::Ones(4 * total_num_landmarks_dimension);
int v_bar_index = 0; // also runs the same as P_index. But be careful, if I change it to be only 1 variable, only increment it once! :-)
// Well I think that would make it a bit messy since we need to increment inside the for (landmarks...) loop. Try to refactor some other way.
......@@ -105,82 +116,50 @@ inline std::vector<float> fit_shape_to_landmarks_linear_multi(morphablemodel::Mo
// And we insert a row of zeros after every third row, resulting in matrix $\hat{V}_h \in R^{4N\times m-1}$:
//Mat V_hat_h = Mat::zeros(4 * num_landmarks, num_coeffs_to_fit, CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> basis_rows_ = morphable_model.get_shape_model().get_rescaled_pca_basis_at_point(vertex_ids[k][i]); // In the paper, the orthonormal basis might be used? I'm not sure, check it. It's even a mess in the paper. PH 26.5.2014: I think the rescaled basis is fine/better.
// Above converts to a RowMajor matrix on return - for now, since the core algorithm still uses cv::Mat (and OpenCV stores data in row-major memory order).
Mat basis_rows = Mat(basis_rows_.rows(), basis_rows_.cols(), CV_32FC1,;
//basisRows.copyTo(V_hat_h.rowRange(rowIndex, rowIndex + 3));
basis_rows.colRange(0, num_coeffs_to_fit).copyTo(V_hat_h.rowRange(V_hat_h_row_index, V_hat_h_row_index + 3));
MatrixXf basis_rows_ = morphable_model.get_shape_model().get_rescaled_pca_basis_at_point(vertex_ids[k][i]); // In the paper, the orthonormal basis might be used? I'm not sure, check it. It's even a mess in the paper. PH 26.5.2014: I think the rescaled basis is fine/better.
V_hat_h.block(V_hat_h_row_index, 0, 3, V_hat_h.cols()) = basis_rows_.block(0, 0, basis_rows_.rows(), num_coeffs_to_fit);
V_hat_h_row_index += 4; // replace 3 rows and skip the 4th one, it has all zeros
// Form a block diagonal matrix $P \in R^{3N\times 4N}$ in which the camera matrix C (P_Affine, affine_camera_matrix) is placed on the diagonal:
//Mat P = Mat::zeros(3 * num_landmarks, 4 * num_landmarks, CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
Mat submatrix_to_replace = P.colRange(4 * P_index, (4 * P_index) + 4).rowRange(3 * P_index, (3 * P_index) + 3);
using RowMajorMatrixXf = Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
P.block(3 * P_index, 4 * P_index, 3, 4) = Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf>(affine_camera_matrix[k].ptr<float>(), affine_camera_matrix[k].rows, affine_camera_matrix[k].cols);
// The variances: Add the 2D and 3D standard deviations.
// If the user doesn't provide them, we choose the following:
// 2D (detector) standard deviation: In pixel, we follow [1] and choose sqrt(3) as the default value.
// 3D (model) variance: 0.0f. It only makes sense to set it to something when we have a different variance for different vertices.
// The 3D variance has to be projected to 2D (for details, see paper [1]) so the units do match up.
float sigma_squared_2D = std::pow(detector_standard_deviation.get_value_or(std::sqrt(3.0f)), 2) + std::pow(model_standard_deviation.get_value_or(0.0f), 2);
//Mat Sigma = Mat::zeros(3 * num_landmarks, 3 * num_landmarks, CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i < 3 * num_landmarks; ++i) {
// Sigma(i, i) = sqrt(sigma_squared_2D), but then Omega is Sigma.t() * Sigma (squares the diagonal) - so we just assign 1/sigma_squared_2D to Omega here:<float>(Omega_index, Omega_index) = 1.0f / sigma_squared_2D; // the higher the sigma_squared_2D, the smaller the diagonal entries of Sigma will be
// The landmarks in matrix notation (in homogeneous coordinates), $3N\times 1$
//Mat y = Mat::ones(3 * num_landmarks, 1, CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {<float>(3 * y_index, 0) = landmarks[k][i][0];<float>((3 * y_index) + 1, 0) = landmarks[k][i][1];
//<float>((3 * i) + 2, 0) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
y(3 * y_index) = landmarks[k][i][0];
y((3 * y_index) + 1) = landmarks[k][i][1];
//y((3 * i) + 2) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
// The mean, with an added homogeneous coordinate (x_1, y_1, z_1, 1, x_2, ...)^t
//Mat v_bar = Mat::ones(4 * num_landmarks, 1, CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
//cv::Vec4f model_mean = morphable_model.get_shape_model().get_mean_at_point(vertex_ids[i]);
cv::Vec4f model_mean(base_face[k](vertex_ids[k][i] * 3), base_face[k](vertex_ids[k][i] * 3 + 1), base_face[k](vertex_ids[k][i] * 3 + 2), 1.0f);<float>(4 * v_bar_index, 0) = model_mean[0];<float>((4 * v_bar_index) + 1, 0) = model_mean[1];<float>((4 * v_bar_index) + 2, 0) = model_mean[2];
//<float>((4 * i) + 3, 0) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
v_bar(4 * v_bar_index) = base_face[k](vertex_ids[k][i] * 3);
v_bar((4 * v_bar_index) + 1) = base_face[k](vertex_ids[k][i] * 3 + 1);
v_bar((4 * v_bar_index) + 2) = base_face[k](vertex_ids[k][i] * 3 + 2);
//<float>((4 * i) + 3) = 1; // already 1, stays (homogeneous coordinate)
// note: now that a Vec4f is returned, we could use copyTo?
// Bring into standard regularised quadratic form with diagonal distance matrix Omega
Mat A = P * V_hat_h; // camera matrix times the basis
Mat b = P * v_bar - y; // camera matrix times the mean, minus the landmarks.
//Mat c_s; // The x, we solve for this! (the variance-normalised shape parameter vector, $c_s = [a_1/sigma_{s,1} , ..., a_m-1/sigma_{s,m-1}]^t$
//int numShapePc = morphableModel.getShapeModel().getNumberOfPrincipalComponents();
const int num_shape_pc = num_coeffs_to_fit;
Mat AtOmegaA = A.t() * Omega * A;
Mat AtOmegaAReg = AtOmegaA + lambda * Mat::eye(num_shape_pc, num_shape_pc, CV_32FC1);
// Invert (and perform some sanity checks) using Eigen:
/* using RowMajorMatrixXf = Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> AtOmegaAReg_Eigen(AtOmegaAReg.ptr<float>(), AtOmegaAReg.rows, AtOmegaAReg.cols);
Eigen::FullPivLU<RowMajorMatrixXf> luOfAtOmegaAReg(AtOmegaAReg_Eigen); // Calculate the full-pivoting LU decomposition of the regularized AtA. Note: We could also try FullPivHouseholderQR if our system is non-minimal (i.e. there are more constraints than unknowns).
auto rankOfAtOmegaAReg = luOfAtOmegaAReg.rank();
bool isAtOmegaARegInvertible = luOfAtOmegaAReg.isInvertible();
float threshold = std::abs(luOfAtOmegaAReg.maxPivot()) * luOfAtOmegaAReg.threshold(); // originaly "2 * ..." but I commented it out
RowMajorMatrixXf AtARegInv_EigenFullLU = luOfAtOmegaAReg.inverse(); // Note: We should use ::solve() instead
Mat AtOmegaARegInvFullLU(AtARegInv_EigenFullLU.rows(), AtARegInv_EigenFullLU.cols(), CV_32FC1,; // create an OpenCV Mat header for the Eigen data
// Solve using OpenCV:
Mat c_s; // Note/Todo: We get coefficients ~ N(0, sigma) I think. They are not multiplied with the eigenvalues.
bool non_singular = cv::solve(AtOmegaAReg, -A.t() * Omega.t() * b, c_s, cv::DECOMP_SVD); // DECOMP_SVD calculates the pseudo-inverse if the matrix is not invertible.
// Because we're using SVD, non_singular will always be true. If we were to use e.g. Cholesky, we could return an expected<T>.
return std::vector<float>(c_s);
// Bring into standard regularised quadratic form with diagonal distance matrix Omega:
const MatrixXf A = P * V_hat_h; // camera matrix times the basis
const MatrixXf b = P * v_bar - y; // camera matrix times the mean, minus the landmarks
const MatrixXf AtOmegaAReg = A.transpose() * Omega.asDiagonal() * A + lambda * Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(num_coeffs_to_fit, num_coeffs_to_fit);
const MatrixXf rhs = -A.transpose() * Omega.asDiagonal() * b; // It's -A^t*Omega^t*b, but we don't need to transpose Omega, since it's a diagonal matrix, and Omega^t = Omega.
// c_s: The 'x' that we solve for. (The variance-normalised shape parameter vector, $c_s = [a_1/sigma_{s,1} , ..., a_m-1/sigma_{s,m-1}]^t$.)
// We get coefficients ~ N(0, 1), because we're fitting with the rescaled basis. The coefficients are not multiplied with their eigenvalues.
const VectorXf c_s = AtOmegaAReg.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(rhs);
return std::vector<float>(, + c_s.size());
* Fits the shape of a Morphable Model to given 2D landmarks (i.e. estimates the maximum likelihood solution of the shape coefficients) as proposed in [1].
* It's a linear, closed-form solution fitting of the shape, with regularisation (prior towards the mean).
......@@ -209,7 +188,6 @@ inline std::vector<float> fit_shape_to_landmarks_linear(const morphablemodel::Mo
return fit_shape_to_landmarks_linear_multi(morphable_model, { affine_camera_matrix }, all_landmarks, all_vertex_ids, { base_face }, lambda, num_coefficients_to_fit, detector_standard_deviation, model_standard_deviation );
} /* namespace fitting */
} /* namespace eos */
......@@ -102,6 +102,20 @@ inline Eigen::MatrixXf to_matrix(const std::vector<Blendshape>& blendshapes)
return blendshapes_as_basis;
* @brief Maps an std::vector of coefficients with Eigen::Map, so it can be multiplied
* with a blendshapes matrix.
* Note that the resulting Eigen::Map only lives as long as the data given lives and is in scope.
* @param[in] coefficients Vector of blendshape coefficients.
* @return An Eigen::Map pointing to the given coefficients data.
inline Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXf> to_vector(const std::vector<float>& coefficients)
return Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXf>(, coefficients.size());
} /* namespace morphablemodel */
} /* namespace eos */
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ end
% We'll use default values to the following arguments, if they're not
% provided:
if (~exist('edge_topology', 'var')), edge_topology = '../share/sfm_3448_edge_topology.json'; end
if (~exist('contour_landmarks', 'var')), contour_landmarks = '../share/ibug2did.txt'; end
if (~exist('contour_landmarks', 'var')), contour_landmarks = '../share/ibug_to_sfm.txt'; end
if (~exist('model_contour', 'var')), model_contour = '../share/model_contours.json'; end
if (~exist('num_iterations', 'var')), num_iterations = 5; end
if (~exist('num_shape_coefficients_to_fit', 'var')), num_shape_coefficients_to_fit = -1; end
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
%% Set up some required paths to files:
model_file = '../share/sfm_shape_3448.bin';
blendshapes_file = '../share/expression_blendshapes_3448.bin';
landmark_mappings = '../share/ibug2did.txt';
landmark_mappings = '../share/ibug_to_sfm.txt';
%% Load an image and its landmarks in ibug format:
image = imread('../bin/data/image_0010.png');
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ def main():
model = eos.morphablemodel.load_model("../share/sfm_shape_3448.bin")
blendshapes = eos.morphablemodel.load_blendshapes("../share/expression_blendshapes_3448.bin")
landmark_mapper = eos.core.LandmarkMapper('../share/ibug2did.txt')
landmark_mapper = eos.core.LandmarkMapper('../share/ibug_to_sfm.txt')
edge_topology = eos.morphablemodel.load_edge_topology('../share/sfm_3448_edge_topology.json')
contour_landmarks = eos.fitting.ContourLandmarks.load('../share/ibug2did.txt')
contour_landmarks = eos.fitting.ContourLandmarks.load('../share/ibug_to_sfm.txt')
model_contour = eos.fitting.ModelContour.load('../share/model_contours.json')
(mesh, pose, shape_coeffs, blendshape_coeffs) = eos.fitting.fit_shape_and_pose(model, blendshapes,
......@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(eos) {
.def("get_shape_model", [](const morphablemodel::MorphableModel& m) { return m.get_shape_model(); }, "Returns the PCA shape model of this Morphable Model.") // Not sure if that'll really be const in Python? I think Python does a copy each time this gets called?
.def("get_color_model", [](const morphablemodel::MorphableModel& m) { return m.get_color_model(); }, "Returns the PCA colour (albedo) model of this Morphable Model.") // (continued from above:) We may want to use py::overload, but in any case, we need to tell pybind11 if it should use the const or non-const overload.
.def("get_mean", &morphablemodel::MorphableModel::get_mean, "Returns the mean of the shape- and colour model as a Mesh.")
.def("draw_sample", (core::Mesh(morphablemodel::MorphableModel::*)(std::vector<float>, std::vector<float>) const)&morphablemodel::MorphableModel::draw_sample, "Returns a sample from the model with the given shape- and colour PCA coefficients.", py::arg("shape_coefficients"), py::arg("color_coefficients"))
.def("has_color_model", &morphablemodel::MorphableModel::has_color_model, "Returns true if this Morphable Model contains a colour model, and false if it is a shape-only model.")
morphablemodel_module.def("load_model", &morphablemodel::load_model, "Load a Morphable Model from a cereal::BinaryInputArchive (.bin) from the harddisk.", py::arg("filename"));
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CMakeBuild(build_ext):
author='Patrik Huber',
description='Python bindings for eos - A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model fitting library in modern C++11/14',
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Files in this directory:
- sfm_shape_3448.bin:
The public shape-only Surrey 3D Morphable Face Model.
To obtain a full 3DMM and higher resolution levels, follow the instructions
at <todo: add link to the page of the Uni>.
Details about the different models can be found in:
"A Multiresolution 3D Morphable Face Model and Fitting Framework",
P. Huber, G. Hu, R. Tena, P. Mortazavian, W. Koppen, W. Christmas, M. Rätsch, J. Kittler,
......@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ Files in this directory:
- sfm_3448_edge_topology.json:
Contains a precomputed list of the model's edges, and the two faces and vertices that are
adjacent to each edge. Used in the edge-fitting.
adjacent to each edge. Uses 1-based indexing ("0" has a special meaning of "no adjacent
vertex/edge") - this may change to 0-based in the future to be consistent with the rest of
the library. The file is used in the edge-fitting.
- model_contours.json:
Definition of the model's contour vertices of the right and left side of the face.
......@@ -28,13 +28,11 @@ target_link_libraries(scm-to-cereal eos ${OpenCV_LIBS} ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
add_executable(bfm-binary-to-cereal bfm-binary-to-cereal.cpp)
target_link_libraries(bfm-binary-to-cereal eos ${OpenCV_LIBS} ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
# Reads an edgestruct CSV file created from Matlab, and converts it to json:
add_executable(edgestruct-csv-to-json edgestruct-csv-to-json.cpp)
target_link_libraries(edgestruct-csv-to-json eos ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
# install target:
# Install targets:
install(TARGETS scm-to-cereal DESTINATION bin)
install(TARGETS bfm-binary-to-cereal DESTINATION bin)
install(TARGETS edgestruct-csv-to-json DESTINATION bin)
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