Commit 3c259c3a authored by Patrik Huber's avatar Patrik Huber

Added some notes and const's to texture extraction

parent 3fdfba2d
......@@ -54,7 +54,15 @@ inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, cv::Mat
* Extracts the texture of the face from the given image
* and stores it as isomap (a rectangular texture map).
* Note/#Todo: Only use TextureInterpolation::NearestNeighbour
* for the moment, the other methods don't have correct handling of
* the alpha channel (and will most likely throw an exception).
* Todo: These should be renamed to extract_texture_affine? Can we combine both cases somehow?
* Or an overload with RenderingParameters?
* For TextureInterpolation::NearestNeighbour, returns a 4-channel isomap
* with the visibility in the 4th channel (0=invis, 255=visible).
* @param[in] mesh A mesh with texture coordinates.
* @param[in] affine_camera_matrix An estimated 3x4 affine camera matrix.
......@@ -112,7 +120,7 @@ inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, cv::Mat
affine_camera_matrix = detail::calculate_affine_z_direction(affine_camera_matrix);
Mat isomap = Mat::zeros(isomap_resolution, isomap_resolution, CV_8UC4); // #Todo: We do want an alpha channel. Will be added soon-ish.
Mat isomap = Mat::zeros(isomap_resolution, isomap_resolution, CV_8UC4);
// #Todo: We should handle gray images, but output a 4-channel isomap nevertheless I think.
std::vector<std::future<void>> results;
......@@ -132,9 +140,9 @@ inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, cv::Mat
// - We transform them later (below) a second time. Only do it once.
// Project the triangle vertices to screen coordinates, and use the depthbuffer to check whether the triangle is visible:
Vec4f v0 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[0]]));
Vec4f v1 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[1]]));
Vec4f v2 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[2]]));
const Vec4f v0 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[0]]));
const Vec4f v1 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[1]]));
const Vec4f v2 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[2]]));
if (!detail::is_triangle_visible(v0, v1, v2, depthbuffer))
......@@ -147,7 +155,7 @@ inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, cv::Mat
// Calculate how well visible the current triangle is:
// (in essence, the dot product of the viewing direction (0, 0, 1) and the face normal)
Vec3f face_normal = calculate_face_normal(Vec3f(Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[0]]).rowRange(0, 3)), Vec3f(Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[1]]).rowRange(0, 3)), Vec3f(Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[2]]).rowRange(0, 3)));
const Vec3f face_normal = calculate_face_normal(Vec3f(Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[0]]).rowRange(0, 3)), Vec3f(Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[1]]).rowRange(0, 3)), Vec3f(Mat(mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[2]]).rowRange(0, 3)));
// Transform the normal to "screen" (kind of "eye") space using the upper 3x3 part of the affine camera matrix (=the translation can be ignored):
Vec3f face_normal_transformed = Mat(affine_camera_matrix.rowRange(0, 3).colRange(0, 3) * Mat(face_normal));
face_normal_transformed /= cv::norm(face_normal_transformed, cv::NORM_L2); // normalise to unit length
......@@ -158,7 +166,7 @@ inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, cv::Mat
// * viewing_direction(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) is correct if affine_camera_matrix were only a model_view matrix
// * affine_camera_matrix includes glm::ortho, which flips z, so we flip the sign of viewing_direction.
// We don't need the dot product since viewing_direction.xy are 0 and .z is 1:
float angle = -face_normal_transformed[2]; // flip sign, see above
const float angle = -face_normal_transformed[2]; // flip sign, see above
assert(angle >= -1.f && angle <= 1.f);
// angle is [-1, 1].
// * +1 means 0° (same direction)
......@@ -285,8 +293,8 @@ inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, cv::Mat
else if (mapping_type == TextureInterpolation::NearestNeighbour) {
// calculate corresponding position of dst_coord pixel center in image (src)
Vec3f homogenous_dst_coord = Vec3f(x, y, 1.0f);
Vec2f src_texel = Mat(warp_mat_org_inv * Mat(homogenous_dst_coord));
const Mat homogenous_dst_coord(Vec3f(x, y, 1.0f));
const Vec2f src_texel = Mat(warp_mat_org_inv * homogenous_dst_coord);
if ((cvRound(src_texel[1]) < image.rows) && (cvRound(src_texel[0]) < image.cols) && cvRound(src_texel[0]) > 0 && cvRound(src_texel[1]) > 0)
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