* @brief Represents a set of estimated model parameters (rotation, translation) and
* camera parameters (viewing frustum).
* The estimated rotation and translation transform the model from model-space to camera-space,
* and, if one wishes to use OpenGL, can be used to build the model-view matrix.
* The parameters are the inverse of the camera position in 3D space.
* The camera frustum describes the size of the viewing plane of the camera, and
* can be used to build an OpenGL-conformant orthographic projection matrix.
* Together, these parameters fully describe the imaging process of a given model instance
* (under an orthographic projection).
* The rotation values are given in radians and estimated using the RPY convention.
* Yaw is applied first to the model, then pitch, then roll (R * P * Y * vertex).
* In general, the convention is as follows:
* r_x = Pitch
* r_y = Yaw. Positive means subject is looking left (we see her right cheek).
* r_z = Roll. Positive means the subject's right eye is further down than the other one (he tilts his head to the right).
* However, we're using a quaternion now to represent the rotation, and glm::eulerAngles() will give
* slightly different angles (according to a different (undocumented)) convention. However, the
* rotation is exactly the same! (i.e. they are represented by the same quaternion / rotation matrix).
* This should always represent all parameters necessary to render the model to an image, and be completely OpenGL compliant.
// Creates with default frustum...
// Initialisation for Eigen::LevMarq
// This creates the correct rotation quaternion in the case the angles were estimated/given by R*P*Y*v.
// Angles given in radian.
// Note: If you subsequently use RP::get_rotation() and glm::eulerAngles() on it, the angles you get out will be slightly different from the ones you put in here.
// But they will describe the same rotation! Just in a different order. (i.e. the rotation matrix or quaternion for both of these two sets of angles is identical.)