Commit 1ed8d805 authored by patrikhuber's avatar patrikhuber

Moved the triangle visibility check of the texture extraction to a separate function

This increases the readability of extract_texture a lot.
parent b058a65e
......@@ -77,66 +77,32 @@ enum class TextureInterpolation {
* Extracts the texture of the face from the given image
* and stores it as isomap (a rectangular texture map).
* Checks whether all pixels in the given triangle are visible and
* returns true if and only if the whole triangle is visible.
* The vertices should be given in screen coordinates, but with their
* z-values preserved, so they can be compared against the depthbuffer.
* @param[in] mesh A mesh with texture coordinates.
* @param[in] affine_camera_matrix An estimated 3x4 affine camera matrix.
* @param[in] viewport_width Screen width.
* @param[in] viewport_height Screen height.
* @param[in] image The image to extract the texture from.
* @param[in] depthbuffer A precalculated depthbuffer image.
* @param[in] mapping_type The interpolation type to be used for the extraction.
* @param[in] isomap_resolution The resolution of the generated isomap. Defaults to 512x512.
* @return The extracted texture as isomap (texture map).
* #Todo: Move to detail namespace
* @param[in] v0 First vertex, in screen coordinates (but still with their z-value).
* @param[in] v1 Second vertex.
* @param[in] v2 Third vertex.
* @param[in] depthbuffer Pre-calculated depthbuffer.
* @return True if the whole triangle is visible in the image.
inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, int viewport_width, int viewport_height, cv::Mat image, cv::Mat depthbuffer, TextureInterpolation mapping_type, int isomap_resolution = 512)
bool is_triangle_visible(const cv::Vec4f& v0, const cv::Vec4f& v1, const cv::Vec4f& v2, cv::Mat depthbuffer)
assert(mesh.vertices.size() == mesh.texcoords.size());
using cv::Mat;
using cv::Vec2f;
using cv::Vec3f;
using cv::Vec4f;
using std::min;
using std::max;
using std::floor;
using std::ceil;
affine_camera_matrix = detail::calculate_affine_z_direction(affine_camera_matrix);
Mat texture_map = Mat::zeros(isomap_resolution, isomap_resolution, CV_8UC3); // #Todo: We do want an alpha channel. Will be added soon-ish.
// #Todo: We should handle gray images, but output a 3-channel isomap nevertheless I think.
for (const auto& triangle_indices : mesh.tvi) {
// Find out if the current triangle is visible:
// We do a second rendering-pass here. We use the depth-buffer of the final image, and then, here,
// check if each pixel in a triangle is visible. If the whole triangle is visible, we use it to extract
// the texture.
// Possible improvement: - If only part of the triangle is visible, split it
// - Share more code with the renderer?
Vec4f v0_3d = mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[0]];
Vec4f v1_3d = mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[1]];
Vec4f v2_3d = mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[2]];
// #Todo: Actually, only check the 3 vertex points, don't loop over the pixels - this should be enough.
Vec4f v0, v1, v2; // we don't copy the color and texcoords, we only do the visibility check here.
// This could be optimized in 2 ways though:
// - Use render(), or as in render(...), transfer the vertices once, not in a loop over all triangles (vertices are getting transformed multiple times)
// - We transform them later (below) a second time. Only do it once.
v0 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(v0_3d));
v1 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(v1_3d));
v2 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(v2_3d));
auto viewport_width = depthbuffer.cols;
auto viewport_height = depthbuffer.rows;
// Well, in in principle, we'd have to do the whole stuff as in render(), like
// clipping against the frustums etc.
// But as long as our model is fully on the screen, we're fine.
// But as long as our model is fully on the screen, we're fine. Todo: Doublecheck that.
// Todo: This is all very similar to processProspectiveTri(...), except the other function does texturing stuff as well. Remove code duplication!
//if (doBackfaceCulling) {
if (!detail::are_vertices_ccw_in_screen_space(v0, v1, v2))
return false;
cv::Rect bbox = detail::calculate_clipped_bounding_box(v0, v1, v2, viewport_width, viewport_height);
int minX = bbox.x;
......@@ -145,7 +111,7 @@ inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, int view
int maxY = bbox.y + bbox.height;
//if (t.maxX <= t.minX || t.maxY <= t.minY) // Note: Can the width/height of the bbox be negative? Maybe we only need to check for equality here?
// continue;
// continue; // Also, I'm not entirely sure why I commented this out
bool whole_triangle_is_visible = true;
for (int yi = minY; yi <= maxY; yi++)
......@@ -180,6 +146,64 @@ inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, int view
if (!whole_triangle_is_visible) {
return false;
return true;
* Extracts the texture of the face from the given image
* and stores it as isomap (a rectangular texture map).
* @param[in] mesh A mesh with texture coordinates.
* @param[in] affine_camera_matrix An estimated 3x4 affine camera matrix.
* @param[in] viewport_width Screen width.
* @param[in] viewport_height Screen height.
* @param[in] image The image to extract the texture from.
* @param[in] depthbuffer A precalculated depthbuffer image.
* @param[in] mapping_type The interpolation type to be used for the extraction.
* @param[in] isomap_resolution The resolution of the generated isomap. Defaults to 512x512.
* @return The extracted texture as isomap (texture map).
inline cv::Mat extract_texture(Mesh mesh, cv::Mat affine_camera_matrix, int viewport_width, int viewport_height, cv::Mat image, cv::Mat depthbuffer, TextureInterpolation mapping_type, int isomap_resolution = 512)
assert(mesh.vertices.size() == mesh.texcoords.size());
using cv::Mat;
using cv::Vec2f;
using cv::Vec3f;
using cv::Vec4f;
using std::min;
using std::max;
using std::floor;
using std::ceil;
affine_camera_matrix = detail::calculate_affine_z_direction(affine_camera_matrix);
Mat texture_map = Mat::zeros(isomap_resolution, isomap_resolution, CV_8UC3); // #Todo: We do want an alpha channel. Will be added soon-ish.
// #Todo: We should handle gray images, but output a 3-channel isomap nevertheless I think.
for (const auto& triangle_indices : mesh.tvi) {
// Find out if the current triangle is visible:
// We do a second rendering-pass here. We use the depth-buffer of the final image, and then, here,
// check if each pixel in a triangle is visible. If the whole triangle is visible, we use it to extract
// the texture.
// Possible improvement: - If only part of the triangle is visible, split it
// - Share more code with the renderer?
Vec4f v0_3d = mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[0]];
Vec4f v1_3d = mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[1]];
Vec4f v2_3d = mesh.vertices[triangle_indices[2]];
Vec4f v0, v1, v2; // we don't copy the color and texcoords, we only do the visibility check here.
// This could be optimized in 2 ways though:
// - Use render(), or as in render(...), transfer the vertices once, not in a loop over all triangles (vertices are getting transformed multiple times)
// - We transform them later (below) a second time. Only do it once.
v0 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(v0_3d));
v1 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(v1_3d));
v2 = Mat(affine_camera_matrix * Mat(v2_3d));
if (!is_triangle_visible(v0, v1, v2, depthbuffer))
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