Commit 0fdd8a12 authored by Patrik Huber's avatar Patrik Huber

Changed "unnormalised" basis to "orthonormal", and "normalised" to "rescaled"

This should clear up confusion and make the descriptions good and unambiguous.

- orthonormal = the old "unnormalised"
- rescaled = the old "normalised".

Also changed PcaModel's getter for the basis accordingly, and updated the documentation.
parent fd088862
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ std::array<T, 3> get_shape_point(const morphablemodel::PcaModel& shape_model, co
int num_coeffs_fitting = 10; // Todo: Should be inferred or a function parameter!
auto mean = shape_model.get_mean_at_point(vertex_id);
auto basis = shape_model.get_normalised_pca_basis(vertex_id);
auto basis = shape_model.get_rescaled_pca_basis(vertex_id);
// Computing Shape = mean + basis * coeffs:
// Note: Could use an Eigen matrix with type T to see if it gives a speedup.
std::array<T, 3> point{ T(mean[0]), T(mean[1]), T(mean[2]) };
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ std::array<T, 3> get_vertex_colour(const morphablemodel::PcaModel& color_model,
int num_coeffs_fitting = 10; // Todo: Should be inferred or a function parameter!
auto mean = color_model.get_mean_at_point(vertex_id);
auto basis = color_model.get_normalised_pca_basis(vertex_id);
auto basis = color_model.get_rescaled_pca_basis(vertex_id);
// Computing Colour = mean + basis * coeffs
// Note: Could use an Eigen matrix with type T to see if it gives a speedup.
std::array<T, 3> point{ T(mean[0]), T(mean[1]), T(mean[2]) };
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ inline std::vector<float> fit_shape_to_landmarks_linear(const morphablemodel::Mo
Mat V_hat_h = Mat::zeros(4 * num_landmarks, num_coeffs_to_fit, CV_32FC1);
int row_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks; ++i) {
auto basis_rows_ = morphable_model.get_shape_model().get_normalised_pca_basis(vertex_ids[i]); // In the paper, the not-normalised basis might be used? I'm not sure, check it. It's even a mess in the paper. PH 26.5.2014: I think the normalised basis is fine/better.
auto basis_rows_ = morphable_model.get_shape_model().get_rescaled_pca_basis(vertex_ids[i]); // In the paper, the orthonormal basis might be used? I'm not sure, check it. It's even a mess in the paper. PH 26.5.2014: I think the rescaled basis is fine/better.
Mat basis_rows = Mat(basis_rows_.rows(), basis_rows_.cols(), CV_32FC1,;
//basisRows.copyTo(V_hat_h.rowRange(rowIndex, rowIndex + 3));
basis_rows.colRange(0, num_coeffs_to_fit).copyTo(V_hat_h.rowRange(row_index, row_index + 3));
......@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ namespace eos {
namespace morphablemodel {
// Forward declarations of free functions:
Eigen::MatrixXf normalise_pca_basis(const Eigen::MatrixXf& unnormalised_basis, const Eigen::VectorXf& eigenvalues);
Eigen::MatrixXf unnormalise_pca_basis(const Eigen::MatrixXf& normalised_basis, const Eigen::VectorXf& eigenvalues);
Eigen::MatrixXf rescale_pca_basis(const Eigen::MatrixXf& orthonormal_basis, const Eigen::VectorXf& eigenvalues);
Eigen::MatrixXf normalise_pca_basis(const Eigen::MatrixXf& rescaled_basis, const Eigen::VectorXf& eigenvalues);
* @brief This class represents a PCA-model that consists of:
* - a mean vector (y x z)
* - a PCA basis matrix (unnormalised and normalised)
* - a PCA basis matrix (orthonormal and rescaled)
* - a PCA variance vector.
* It also contains a list of triangles to built a mesh as well as a mapping
......@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ public:
* @param[in] eigenvalues The eigenvalues used to build the PCA model.
* @param[in] triangle_list An index list of how to assemble the mesh.
PcaModel(Eigen::VectorXf mean, Eigen::MatrixXf pca_basis, Eigen::VectorXf eigenvalues, std::vector<std::array<int, 3>> triangle_list) : mean(mean), normalised_pca_basis(pca_basis), eigenvalues(eigenvalues), triangle_list(triangle_list)
PcaModel(Eigen::VectorXf mean, Eigen::MatrixXf pca_basis, Eigen::VectorXf eigenvalues, std::vector<std::array<int, 3>> triangle_list) : mean(mean), rescaled_pca_basis(pca_basis), eigenvalues(eigenvalues), triangle_list(triangle_list)
unnormalised_pca_basis = unnormalise_pca_basis(normalised_pca_basis, eigenvalues);
orthonormal_pca_basis = normalise_pca_basis(rescaled_pca_basis, eigenvalues);
......@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ public:
int get_num_principal_components() const
// Note: we could assert(normalised_pca_basis.cols==unnormalised_pca_basis.cols)
return normalised_pca_basis.cols();
// Note: we could assert(rescaled_pca_basis.cols==orthonormal_pca_basis.cols)
return rescaled_pca_basis.cols();
......@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ public:
int get_data_dimension() const
// Note: we could assert(normalised_pca_basis.rows==unnormalised_pca_basis.rows)
return normalised_pca_basis.rows();
// Note: we could assert(rescaled_pca_basis.rows==orthonormal_pca_basis.rows)
return rescaled_pca_basis.rows();
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ public:
Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf> alphas(, coefficients.size());
Eigen::VectorXf model_sample = mean + normalised_pca_basis * alphas;
Eigen::VectorXf model_sample = mean + rescaled_pca_basis * alphas;
return model_sample;
......@@ -193,63 +193,61 @@ public:
* Returns the PCA basis matrix, i.e. the eigenvectors.
* Each column of the matrix is an eigenvector.
* The returned basis is normalised, i.e. every eigenvector
* is normalised by multiplying it with the square root of its eigenvalue.
* The returned basis is rescaled, i.e. every eigenvector
* is rescaled by multiplying it with the square root of its eigenvalue.
* Returns a copy of the matrix so that the original cannot
* be modified. TODO: No, don't return a clone.
* @return Returns the normalised PCA basis matrix.
* @return Returns the rescaled PCA basis matrix.
Eigen::MatrixXf get_normalised_pca_basis() const
Eigen::MatrixXf get_rescaled_pca_basis() const
return normalised_pca_basis;
return rescaled_pca_basis;
* Returns the PCA basis for a particular vertex.
* The returned basis is normalised, i.e. every eigenvector
* is normalised by multiplying it with the square root of its eigenvalue.
* Returns the PCA basis for a particular vertex, from the rescaled basis.
* Todo: Can we return a const & view that points into the original data?
* @param[in] vertex_id A vertex index. Make sure it is valid.
* @return A 1x3? 3x1? matrix that points to the rows in the original basis.
Eigen::MatrixXf get_normalised_pca_basis(int vertex_id) const
Eigen::MatrixXf get_rescaled_pca_basis(int vertex_id) const
vertex_id *= 3; // the basis is stored in the format [x y z x y z ...]
assert(vertex_id < get_data_dimension()); // Make sure the given vertex index isn't larger than the number of model vertices.
return normalised_pca_basis.block(vertex_id, 0, 3, normalised_pca_basis.cols());
return rescaled_pca_basis.block(vertex_id, 0, 3, rescaled_pca_basis.cols());
* Returns the PCA basis matrix, i.e. the eigenvectors.
* Each column of the matrix is an eigenvector.
* The returned basis is unnormalised, i.e. not scaled by their eigenvalues.
* The returned basis is orthonormal, i.e. the eigenvectors
* are not scaled by their respective eigenvalues.
* Returns a clone of the matrix so that the original cannot
* be modified. TODO: No, don't return a clone.
* @return Returns the unnormalised PCA basis matrix.
* @return Returns the orthonormal PCA basis matrix.
Eigen::MatrixXf get_unnormalised_pca_basis() const
Eigen::MatrixXf get_orthonormal_pca_basis() const
return unnormalised_pca_basis;
return orthonormal_pca_basis;
* Returns the PCA basis for a particular vertex.
* The returned basis is unnormalised, i.e. not scaled by their eigenvalues.
* Returns the PCA basis for a particular vertex, from the orthonormal basis.
* @param[in] vertex_id A vertex index. Make sure it is valid.
* @return A Mat that points to the rows in the original basis.
* @return A matrix that points to the rows in the original basis.
Eigen::MatrixXf get_unnormalised_pca_basis(int vertex_id) const
Eigen::MatrixXf get_orthonormal_pca_basis(int vertex_id) const
vertex_id *= 3; // the basis is stored in the format [x y z x y z ...]
assert(vertex_id < get_data_dimension()); // Make sure the given vertex index isn't larger than the number of model vertices.
return unnormalised_pca_basis.block(vertex_id, 0, 3, unnormalised_pca_basis.cols());
return orthonormal_pca_basis.block(vertex_id, 0, 3, orthonormal_pca_basis.cols());
......@@ -276,8 +274,8 @@ public:
Eigen::VectorXf mean; ///< A 3m x 1 col-vector (xyzxyz...)', where m is the number of model-vertices.
Eigen::MatrixXf normalised_pca_basis; ///< The normalised PCA basis matrix. m x n (rows x cols) = numShapeDims x numShapePcaCoeffs, (=eigenvector matrix V). Each column is an eigenvector.
Eigen::MatrixXf unnormalised_pca_basis; ///< The unnormalised PCA basis matrix. m x n (rows x cols) = numShapeDims x numShapePcaCoeffs, (=eigenvector matrix V). Each column is an eigenvector.
Eigen::MatrixXf rescaled_pca_basis; ///< m x n (rows x cols) = numShapeDims x numShapePcaCoeffs, (=eigenvector matrix V). Each column is an eigenvector.
Eigen::MatrixXf orthonormal_pca_basis; ///< m x n (rows x cols) = numShapeDims x numShapePcaCoeffs, (=eigenvector matrix V). Each column is an eigenvector.
Eigen::VectorXf eigenvalues; ///< A col-vector of the eigenvalues (variances in the PCA space).
std::vector<std::array<int, 3>> triangle_list; ///< List of triangles that make up the mesh of the model.
......@@ -291,7 +289,7 @@ private:
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& archive)
archive(CEREAL_NVP(mean), CEREAL_NVP(normalised_pca_basis), CEREAL_NVP(unnormalised_pca_basis), CEREAL_NVP(eigenvalues), CEREAL_NVP(triangle_list));
archive(CEREAL_NVP(mean), CEREAL_NVP(rescaled_pca_basis), CEREAL_NVP(orthonormal_pca_basis), CEREAL_NVP(eigenvalues), CEREAL_NVP(triangle_list));
// Note: If the files are too big, We could split this in save/load, only
// store one of the bases, and calculate the other one when loading.
......@@ -299,49 +297,48 @@ private:
* Takes an unnormalised PCA basis matrix (a matrix consisting
* of the eigenvectors and normalises it, i.e. multiplies each
* Takes an orthonormal PCA basis matrix (a matrix consisting
* of the eigenvectors) and rescales it, i.e. multiplies each
* eigenvector by the square root of its corresponding
* eigenvalue.
* @param[in] unnormalised_basis An unnormalised PCA basis matrix.
* @param[in] orthonormal_basis An orthonormal_basis PCA basis matrix.
* @param[in] eigenvalues A row or column vector of eigenvalues.
* @return The normalised PCA basis matrix.
* @return The rescaled PCA basis matrix.
inline Eigen::MatrixXf normalise_pca_basis(const Eigen::MatrixXf& unnormalised_basis, const Eigen::VectorXf& eigenvalues)
inline Eigen::MatrixXf rescale_pca_basis(const Eigen::MatrixXf& orthonormal_basis, const Eigen::VectorXf& eigenvalues)
using Eigen::MatrixXf;
MatrixXf normalised_basis(unnormalised_basis.rows(), unnormalised_basis.cols()); // empty matrix with the same dimensions
MatrixXf rescaled_basis(orthonormal_basis.rows(), orthonormal_basis.cols()); // empty matrix with the same dimensions
MatrixXf sqrt_of_eigenvalues = eigenvalues.array().sqrt(); // using eigenvalues.sqrt() directly gives a compile error. These are all Eigen::Array functions? I don't think we copy here, do we?
// Normalise the basis: We multiply each eigenvector (i.e. each column) with the square root of its corresponding eigenvalue
for (int basis = 0; basis < unnormalised_basis.cols(); ++basis) {
normalised_basis.col(basis) = unnormalised_basis.col(basis) * sqrt_of_eigenvalues(basis);
// Rescale the basis: We multiply each eigenvector (i.e. each column) with the square root of its corresponding eigenvalue
for (int basis = 0; basis < orthonormal_basis.cols(); ++basis) {
rescaled_basis.col(basis) = orthonormal_basis.col(basis) * sqrt_of_eigenvalues(basis);
return normalised_basis;
return rescaled_basis;
* Takes a normalised PCA basis matrix (a matrix consisting
* of the eigenvectors and denormalises it, i.e. multiplies each
* eigenvector by 1 over the square root of its corresponding
* eigenvalue.
* Takes a rescaled PCA basis matrix and scales it back to
* an orthonormal basis matrix by multiplying each eigenvector
* by 1 over the square root of its corresponding eigenvalue.
* @param[in] normalised_basis A normalised PCA basis matrix.
* @param[in] rescaled_basis A rescaled PCA basis matrix.
* @param[in] eigenvalues A row or column vector of eigenvalues.
* @return The unnormalised PCA basis matrix.
* @return The orthonormal PCA basis matrix.
inline Eigen::MatrixXf unnormalise_pca_basis(const Eigen::MatrixXf& normalised_basis, const Eigen::VectorXf& eigenvalues)
inline Eigen::MatrixXf normalise_pca_basis(const Eigen::MatrixXf& rescaled_basis, const Eigen::VectorXf& eigenvalues)
using Eigen::MatrixXf;
MatrixXf unnormalised_basis(normalised_basis.rows(), normalised_basis.cols()); // empty matrix with the same dimensions
MatrixXf orthonormal_basis(rescaled_basis.rows(), rescaled_basis.cols()); // empty matrix with the same dimensions
Eigen::VectorXf one_over_sqrt_of_eigenvalues = eigenvalues.array().sqrt().inverse(); // Eigen added Array::rsqrt() in 3.3, switch back to that eventually
// De-normalise the basis: We multiply each eigenvector (i.e. each column) with 1 over the square root of its corresponding eigenvalue
for (int basis = 0; basis < normalised_basis.cols(); ++basis) {
unnormalised_basis.col(basis) = normalised_basis.col(basis) * one_over_sqrt_of_eigenvalues(basis);
for (int basis = 0; basis < rescaled_basis.cols(); ++basis) {
orthonormal_basis.col(basis) = rescaled_basis.col(basis) * one_over_sqrt_of_eigenvalues(basis);
return unnormalised_basis;
return orthonormal_basis;
} /* namespace morphablemodel */
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ inline MorphableModel load_scm_model(boost::filesystem::path model_filename, boo
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> unnormalisedPcaBasisShape_(unnormalisedPcaBasisShape.ptr<float>(), unnormalisedPcaBasisShape.rows, unnormalisedPcaBasisShape.cols);
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> eigenvaluesShape_(eigenvaluesShape.ptr<float>(), eigenvaluesShape.rows, eigenvaluesShape.cols);
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> meanShape_(meanShape.ptr<float>(), meanShape.rows, meanShape.cols);
Eigen::MatrixXf normalisedPcaBasisShape_ = normalise_pca_basis(unnormalisedPcaBasisShape_, eigenvaluesShape_);
Eigen::MatrixXf normalisedPcaBasisShape_ = rescale_pca_basis(unnormalisedPcaBasisShape_, eigenvaluesShape_);
PcaModel shapeModel(meanShape_, normalisedPcaBasisShape_, eigenvaluesShape_, triangleList);
// Reading the color model
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ inline MorphableModel load_scm_model(boost::filesystem::path model_filename, boo
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> unnormalisedPcaBasisColor_(unnormalisedPcaBasisColor.ptr<float>(), unnormalisedPcaBasisColor.rows, unnormalisedPcaBasisColor.cols);
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> eigenvaluesColor_(eigenvaluesColor.ptr<float>(), eigenvaluesColor.rows, eigenvaluesColor.cols);
Eigen::Map<RowMajorMatrixXf> meanColor_(meanColor.ptr<float>(), meanColor.rows, meanColor.cols);
Eigen::MatrixXf normalisedPcaBasisColor_ = normalise_pca_basis(unnormalisedPcaBasisColor_, eigenvaluesColor_);
Eigen::MatrixXf normalisedPcaBasisColor_ = rescale_pca_basis(unnormalisedPcaBasisColor_, eigenvaluesColor_);
PcaModel colorModel(meanColor_, normalisedPcaBasisColor_, eigenvaluesColor_, triangleList);
......@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(eos) {
.def("get_triangle_list", &morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_triangle_list, "Returns a list of triangles on how to assemble the vertices into a mesh.")
.def("get_mean", &morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_mean, "Returns the mean of the model.")
.def("get_mean_at_point", &morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_mean_at_point, "Return the value of the mean at a given vertex index.", py::arg("vertex_index"))
.def("get_normalised_pca_basis", [](const morphablemodel::PcaModel& m) { return m.get_normalised_pca_basis(); }, "Returns the PCA basis matrix, i.e. the eigenvectors. Each column of the matrix is an eigenvector.") // use py::overload in VS2017
.def("get_orthonormal_pca_basis", [](const morphablemodel::PcaModel& m) { return m.get_orthonormal_pca_basis(); }, "Returns the orthonormal PCA basis matrix, i.e. the eigenvectors. Each column of the matrix is an eigenvector.") // use py::overload in VS2017
.def("get_rescaled_pca_basis", [](const morphablemodel::PcaModel& m) { return m.get_rescaled_pca_basis(); }, "Returns the rescaled PCA basis matrix, i.e. the eigenvectors. Each column of the matrix is an eigenvector, and each eigenvector has been rescaled by multiplying it with the square root of its eigenvalue.") // use py::overload in VS2017
.def("get_eigenvalues", &morphablemodel::PcaModel::get_eigenvalues, "Returns the models eigenvalues.")
.def("draw_sample", (Eigen::VectorXf(morphablemodel::PcaModel::*)(std::vector<float>) const)&morphablemodel::PcaModel::draw_sample, "Returns a sample from the model with the given PCA coefficients. The given coefficients should follow a standard normal distribution, i.e. not be scaled with their eigenvalues/variances.", py::arg("coefficients"))
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
% Developer notes:
% - The BFM data type is single, SFM is double
% - The BFM Matlab file contains the "unnormalised", orthonormal basis
% - The BFM Matlab file contains the orthonormal basis
% (as do the Surrey .scm files).
% - Domains:
% Colour: BFM: [0, 255], SFM: [0, 1].
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// We read the orthonormal basis from the file. Now let's rescale it and store the rescaled basis separately.
const auto rescaled_pca_basis_shape = morphablemodel::normalise_pca_basis(orthonormal_pca_basis_shape, eigenvalues_shape);
const auto rescaled_pca_basis_shape = morphablemodel::rescale_pca_basis(orthonormal_pca_basis_shape, eigenvalues_shape);
morphablemodel::PcaModel shape_model(mean_shape, rescaled_pca_basis_shape, eigenvalues_shape, triangle_list);
// Reading the colour (albedo) model:
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// We read the orthonormal basis from the file. Now let's rescale it and store the rescaled basis separately.
const auto rescaled_pca_basis_color = morphablemodel::normalise_pca_basis(orthonormal_pca_basis_color, eigenvalues_color);
const auto rescaled_pca_basis_color = morphablemodel::rescale_pca_basis(orthonormal_pca_basis_color, eigenvalues_color);
morphablemodel::PcaModel color_model(mean_color, rescaled_pca_basis_color, eigenvalues_color, triangle_list);
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