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Game 'Kamertje Verhuren' based on JavaScript and web sockets.
Extendable PHP utility framework
A multiplexed web socket library, based on twspy.
Bitcoin ticker visualization
Mathematical term rewriting system.
Python module for generating text-based graphs of tree-like objects.
ASCII art to UTF-8 converter for the command line.
A Brainfuck to binary compiler using LLVM, written in OCaml.
Archery Scorekeeper mobile website at archery.tkroes.nl
Telegram bot that turns text into sound using http://www.r2d2translator.com.
mftsf: Move Files to Separate Folders
Flood Simulation Browser
New version of open source CMS Tcms using pQuery
Modified python unit test runner.
Python-based parsing at the speed of C using Bison and Flex.
Second attempt at a dotfiles repo.
A browser app to view face reconstruction by py-3d-face-reconstruction
A python tool to do face reconstruction